Chapter 3

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It's been 5 years since Father's 'training' started. I am now ten and standing in a room full of tools and blood splatter. I can tell my emotions has dulled by a long shot. I can smile but it's way too obvious it's fake.

Looking around the room, I was no longer alone. Father came in with a weird smile. Suddenly, I felt a surge of excruciating pain in my left eye. I hear screaming. It was only a few seconds before I realize it is myself who was screaming. Pain not dimming a bit, I took a deep breath and opened my right eye which I closed. Father loomed over me. It seems I have fallen down during my shock.

Father took my left hand that that is holding the left side of my face away and I watched as he activated his Ability and open his mouth to talk.

"Little Sai, your power grows while not even being used. It will ruin your body the longer you hold back the desire for destruction. Let me help you, my daughter, to hold back the power that can destroy the world. Let me seal that power and become a weapon for our goals. Ability: The Demised Seal!"

As I listen to his rambling, I couldn't help but feel anger swell inside me. 'My daughter'? Don't make me laugh. You just want me as your weapon! You even said it yourself. I watched as a maroon aura surrounded Father. I felt chains wrapping around me and the last thing I saw before I blacked out was Father's bloodshot crazed eyes in my red vision.


I wake up to a white ceiling. I can feel a bit of some weight on the left side, on my left arm. I turn my head and see my little brother sleeping there. I look the other way to see Mori reading a book. He looks up and greets me.

"Ah, Saika-chan, you're awake. Mr Akatsuki came in 6 hours ago with you unconscious. You are feeling better?"

"Hn. Yes."


I feel some movement near my left arm. Look to see my brother awake. He looks up and blinks. I blink back and at that moment I realize something is wrong with my left eye. I touched it and felt the bandages wrapped around it.

I focused back onto my brother. It's been 9 months since I saw him last. He grew a bit since then. I envy the light that is still in Osamu's eyes. He still holds innocence a child should have. I know for certain that Father will take that innocence away from him, just like he did to me. But I have a feeling it won't be the feeling the same reason he did for me. Father may seem like he loves me and I'm sure somewhere in his heart he has love for me but his goal with all my training is to make me into a human weapon. Osamu is the only person in the family now that holds Mother's name, I'm sure Father realizes that. I believe his 'training' for Osamu will be because he 'loves' him. In my opinion, It's disgusting.


Osamu has left the room an hour ago. Father was at the doorway. He ordered Mori to take off the bandages on my left eye. Mori complies. When he took the bandages off, I try to open my eye. It was abnormally heavy. After a few minutes of trying, I opened it and Mori hands me a mirror. With the mirror, I could see my left eye has turned into a darker brown, almost red but that was not the most weirdest thing. My eye held this complicated magic circle you would find in anime. It was complex and had scripture I couldn't quite make out. Then Father spoke.

"The seal worked. This is my Ability. Saika, your Ability, Devil's Calamity, will be sealed by my Ability. There are rules you must follow that I set with your seal. Listen carefully, you too Mori. The rules you must follow are:

Rule 1. You, yourself, cannot and will not be able to remove the seal. The seal is not able lock up every bit of your Ability so you will contain a little bit of your true power. The seal will do it's thing and control how much you can let out.

Rule 2. There will be keys to unlock and lock that Ability of yours. The condition it that all Key holders as well as yourself must agree to give or take that key to or from a person. So far Mori and I are the only Key holders.

Rule 3. That seal is your chain to the Boss of the Port Mafia. You are obligated to forever follow the commands of who the Boss is of the Port Mafia. This connects to Rule 4.

Rule 4. Whoever becomes Boss of the Port Mafia will automatically receive a Key. You are obligated to tell them the Rules of the Seal.

Don't even think killing me will negate my Ability. It will continue to work even if I'm dead. "

And with that, Father turns around and leaves, leaving Mori and I struggling a bit with the sudden information. Mori turns from the door and to me, then speaks.

"This will be kept a secret between us. No one else should know. It's best if we keep that eye of yours covered."


As Mori re-bandaged my eye, I was struggling a bit in my mind to process such troublesome information I was exposed to. Seals...Keys...Keyholders...must be covered...Boss commands...HE BASICALLY MADE ME INTO THE MAFIA'S PET! How could I have not realize this sooner?! He chained my life to the Mafia! Anger grew and grew. Annoyance spurt out of me like an aura.

I will kill him when it is time. He will pay for this.

The Black Cat: Saika ~ [BSD Fanfic] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now