Chapter 11

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Screams of the pitiful mafia souls filled the night. They haven't done anything offending to the Wardens of the Night but it was Boss' orders to dispose of them, him feeling threatened by these low lives. I rarely take missions like this but because of Father's ever growing paranoia, I became the most trusted active Mafiosi in his book with little less trust in his doctor, Mori and my brother Dazai. Of course, he won't back down on Dazai's training as he believes it is too important for him.

Everything has become dull. While Father keeps up this tirade of insanity, lower ranked Mafiosi has become more rebellious to the Boss as they trust him a minuscule more than a traitor. All are waiting for somebody suitable to kill the current Boss so they take the title. I can't really blame them, 37 mini gangs and 12 mini-mafias has already been eliminated as well as bombing 7 buildings. Father even ordered some raids to random houses and destroy everything. I may not exactly care but this is just going too far.


Today was suppose to be a relaxing day, finally free from Father for sixteen hours. I was walking with Mori and Elise down the river on the way to their underground clinic when we saw a body floating in the river. Mori and I sighed as we had a good inkling and who it was.

The four of us came back to Mori's office later than we planned, me carrying the unconscious body that attempted suicide. Mori and I both kept listening to Elise as she listed all her favourite cakes and why she likes them while Mori carried groceries.

Laying my newly-discovered suicidal brother on the bed, something dropped from the pocket of his jacket. A book. A red book with a white coffin both on the front and back cover. Sighing again, I picked up the book and put it in my coat. Mori came and gave me tea. While going over the plan, I started calling Mori 'Rintarou' since we are now 'close'.

It wasn't long till Dazai woke up, only about an hour after Rintarou and I finished going over the plan. We decided to fill the fourteen year old boy in to the plan. It was about time he knows. He is a smart boy and a great asset in the future. After Akatsuki Kabayashi's 'death by illness' Dazai will be under Rintarou's mentorship since they have a similar mindset and Dazai won't flourish under anyone else. I will stay in the shadows as the Boss' bodyguard and personal assistant.


A week after Dazai was filled in on the death plan, it was time to take action. A part Yokohama has already been razed to the ground on Father's orders and there has been 'minor' complaints down the lower ranks in the Port Mafia. Whispers of the insane boss spread rapidly and more deaths of traitors that I had to sentence. Father is kept bedridden due to his sickness giving the job of overlooking part of the mafia. I have changed minor things in Father's orders to reduce damage without him knowing.

The time is now as Dazai, Rintarou and I stand inside Father's bedroom. We listened to him go on about the 'threats' and orders us to kill. I don't feel pity to Father. He was a paranoid and ruthless old man, it was time for him to retire. Dazai and I watched as Rintarou slit his throat, ending Akatsuki Kabayashi's miserable life.

"The leader unfortunately passed away due to illness. His last testament was to have me assume the position as the mafia's next leader." Mori Ougai – Rintaro – turn his head towards us in a creepy manner with a crazed look.

"You are the witnesses, understand?"


I have to apologise for such a late chapter. This chapter took like 3 months to do and I'm a bit disappointed in myself about that, but I am busy and not much to do about that. :) Also, pls comment, it's nice to know where I can improve on in this story and know what the thoughts of the people who read this story. I may come back to early chapters and edit them, I don't exactly like mistakes.


Welcome to the End of The Black Cat: Saika! Now that shadows reign, we look for the Queen. Please stay in tune as for the next book in this series. ;)

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