Chapter 9

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It's been two years since I met Hideyoshi and a year since we became best friends. He said that compared to my personality from two years ago, I've become less dull. I still have work to do for Father as well as the schedule but I've spent more time with him during free hour than alone. Father disapproves of my friendship with him and told me to be careful, which I found strange.

Mori has been teaching me how to fake an expression for business, it has gotten easier. I tried to give Hideyoshi a smile once but he just told me that if I can't smile then don't smile at all.

Father's sickness has gotten worse and his paranoia has become stronger. I believe soon he is going to make the rash decisions that will kill him. I've been keeping a closer eye using shadows to see if I need to make any changes to my plans. So far, not. Give it two years till Father will be murdered. Training has gotten harder, if that's even possible and I'm worried about Dazai. It's also been two years since Dazai discovered his Ability, No Longer Human. Now Father gave him cynophobia. Father has another leash on us, using our extreme case of the Stockholm syndrome.


Hideyoshi and I are on a plane to Vladivostok, Russia. Father gave us a mission to check the branch in the port city Nakhodka. Apparently, a terrorist organization, 'The Rats in the House of the Dead' or just the 'Rats', has been interfering with the shipping.

As we wait on the plane, I think back to my conversation with Mori a week ago.

I was laying on the operation table at Mori's underground clinic. Mori has been ordered by Father to torture and teach me the important vitals of the body as it was important for my training so Mori agreed. As he was slicing away, he asked me.

"You want me to be the Boss, tell me the reason. And do continue to speak while I do my job."

"'s because you can use the Port Mafia to it's fullest. You have a dark, black heart. Black blood...Mafia black...Mafia blood. As I mentioned before, you are manipulative. Able to use the weaknesses and strengths with no restraint. More than clever enough to make the right decisions. You are easily in control and has this aura around you that threatens others."

"How flattering. Your use of words has gotten better. Expected of a genius."

"How very smooth. If you do better, you might have me make a habit of carrying small knives such as a scalpel."

"You already carry that small knife with you everywhere. So tell me, how did you come with that information?"

"Why ask me that question? You already know the answer, don't you?"

"Of course. But I want to hear it from your mouth, appreciated if you tell the truth."

"Maybe just this once since it's very obvious. I'm an expert on information gathering. I looked into your background as well as stalk you. Your personality is very easy to put together if someone knows you as long as I have."

Silence envelopes the two of us as Mori fixes my bandages. I broke the silence.

"Mori, out of everyone you know, who do you believe reminds you of yourself the most."

"Hmmm, I'd have to say you and your brother."

I smile.

"My brother reminds me of you the most. I don't think I fit into that category."

"A feeling?"

"A premonition. My intuition tells me I'm gonna meet someone very similar to me very soon, it shall be scary to others. Though at times," I look at Mori in the eye, "I find myself thinking you and I are very alike."

We both smile at each other, if anyone else was there, I'm sure their nerves would have been screaming 'DANGER!'.

After reliving that flashback, the flight has ended and we arrived in Vladivostok, the largest city in the Russian Far East. Once getting out, we get into the car that is going to take us to Nakhodka. On the way there, I listened to Hideyoshi go on about everything he knows about Russia and Nakhodka. When Hideyoshi is excited, he could go on about the same topic for hours.

Once we arrive at the branch and Hideyoshi gone quiet in awe, we both are greeted by the branch head and headed to a private room. At first we talked business, Hideyoshi kept quiet and only intervened at times since I knew how to keep my business act and I knew more about this subject. We then talked about the problem at hand. They've found out that the leader of the 'Rats' is a male called Fyodor Dostoevsky who they made out to be a cunning one. They don't have a photo of him, unfortunately.

Once we are finished, Hideyoshi and I walk out of the branch and head to a close by café. On the way there, Hideyoshi stopped near an alley and he asked me a question.

"Saika, do you trust me?"

I turn to look at him and saw shadowed eyes. I was confused but my intuition screams something was terribly wrong.

"I do. Why?"

The shadows covering his eyes disappears revealing a death glare towards me.

"Then you have made a big mistake, маленький котенок"

And that was the last thing I heard before I passed out.


маленький котенок = Small kitten/little kitten

The Black Cat: Saika ~ [BSD Fanfic] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now