Chapter 2

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It has almost been a year since I've started this 'training' as Father would call it. It is July and Mother is pregnant with a baby. Father and I are now in a car to the hospital.

Father says 'training' has been going well. My hunger doesn't wither me with pain and I've started getting use to the heat. For the past months, Father chains me to the ground while using a blow torch and pokers on me. I still haven't stopped screaming.

A few months ago, I met a person. Probably the only person I get to talk with now. His name is Mori Ougai and he is a doctor. A weird doctor. For the first few weeks I met him, he talks to me but I never talked to him. One week, he gave me something, a book with a pen. It was full of puzzles and riddles. After a few more days, I started to talk to him, not much though, my voice was still hoarse from screaming.

We arrived at the hospital and taken to the waiting room while Mother delivers. I could hear her screaming. It was weird hearing another person scream other than me. Suddenly there was crying. Wailing. I guess my new sibling has arrived. Father gets up and walks to the door and the doctor invites him in. I get up and stand a few feet behind him. I looked at Mother and for some reason, I could tell Mother was dying. She looked absolutely pale and breathed harshly. It seems my Father noticed this as well. I walked up to Mother and asked her a very simple question.

"What is his name?"

She looks at me then looks at Father.

"His name...his name...his name is Dazai Osamu..." and Mother closed her eyes and breathed out her last breath. On 19 June, Dazai Kouriko died, giving birth to her newborn baby.


After Mother's death, something has either awakened or died in Father. Father grown more busy with his work so I had to look after my little brother. When it was time for 'training', an old man, Hirotsu Ryūrō, would look after him. Either that or Father would hire a maid to look after him.

This week would be finishing up with fire. I know why Father has started to finish up this part of 'training'. It was because I've started to stop screaming whenever I would got burned. I stopped crying and struggling against the chains and started to be able to answer questions while using my brain. Whenever Father brought the poker down, he would ask me a question and I have to answer it correctly. If I scream, cry, struggle or incorrectly answer a question, 'training' hours would lengthen by another hour. That's the rules.


'Training' has ended and now I'm with Mori to get patched up. I honestly look like an Egyptian mummy with all the bandages I got. Mori got this Ability call Vita Sexualis, he materialise a young girl with it, he calls her Elise.

Mori and Elise are honestly a very weird duo. Mori has this passion for young girls like Elise and wants her in dresses while Elise loves cake and sweets. I know that both are very terrifying, I've seen them kill a patient before. That is obviously and most definitely breaking the Oath of Hippocrates I've read somewhere.

Mori doesn't go paedo on me though. He knows the consequences with Father. I view Mori as my uncle, he gotten quite close to me for the past months. Much better than my Father. Father always says that this 'training' is good for me.


It's been four months since Osamu was born and three months and 2 weeks since Father started training me in torture. I've been screaming more and more as 'training' hours increased. It has also been 1 month since I awakened my Ability. It is an Ability that can replicate another Ability into a stronger version.

(AN: Think of John's ability in Unordinary. Practically that.)

Father named it Devil's Calamity. He ordered me not to ever use it or tell anyone about it. Only Mori knows about it. After a few weeks into torture 'training', I visited my little brother. During that visit, he tried to say his first word. He is very cute but I can tell another genius has been born into the family. His first word was 'Saika'. My name, but after that, he changed and nicknamed me 'Sai'. The visit was only for a day then I have to go back to Father. I hated him.


I have missed my birthday again. It has been a year since Osamu was born and he is a year old. I am seven and not much has changed from Father's 'training'. Today I felt something wrong. I felt a bit empty. I asked Mori why I was feeling a bit empty and he told me it was probably from the loneliness I'm exposed to.

After that day, the emptiness started to grow.

The Black Cat: Saika ~ [BSD Fanfic] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now