Chapter 10

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The sudden pain in my leg jerked me awake. The jolt made my headache worse as I look carefully around the room hazily. I tried to move my hands they were chained to the chair I'm sitting in.

"You are finally awake. You sleep like a cat."

Finally clearing my head, I look towards the source of the voice. A tale pale teen with inky black hair about the age of Dazai. Maybe a bit older. His Russian accent came out thickly in Japanese. Dim glowing dark purple eyes were not hazed enough unfortunately.

"Would you be the leader of the 'Rats', Fyodor Dostoevsky?"

"You've heard of me? Flattering."

"It would shame me if I haven't heard of you, Dostoevsky. I do hate being handicapped with little information. Hmmm, you seem similar to me, you're aura is similar but you do not surpass me."

"So you knew that Toyotomi Hideyoshi was a spy?"

"Haaaaah, unfortunately. I truly did wish for it to not be true"

"It seems we are not that similar then, маленькая птичка. But tell me, what did you feel about the betrayal?"


The painful silence took over the dully lit room as soon as Fyodor Dostoevsky said that. A cold feeling lingered in the air, shadows began to stir. A cold calm voice, like a sharp knife, cut through the silence.

"You seem to hold this air of superiority to you. But you are still are very lacking as a leader. You think that betrayal of someone I might view as a friend faze me? I would be a damn disappointment if that actually happened. You are right. We are not very similar. You haven't suffered enough to be equal to me. You are just fifteen year old child that is respected as a leader. Now that I think about it, it's not as disappointing as I thought it would be."

Saika's brown eye became glowing red and slitted. Staring into Fyodor's dark purple eyes menacingly. The air became frost and the shadows circled the him like carnivores. Fyodor felt cold sweat drip down his back as a chill rushed down his back.

"Jeez, I am disappointed to myself that I actually lost my cool to you. So congratulations."

The menacing aura let out, leaving the chilled air stay. Saika stood up and crossed her arms, letting the chains fall from her hands and chair. Fyodor wondered when did she remove the chains but put the question to the back of his head as Saika continued.

"I think I'll let you live. I have a feeling you would make the future spicier, so you better evolve. I'll give you a journey along with a free hint to this boring life of yours. There is a person named Dazai Osamu. You will be the equal to him. Once you meet him, you should already know your life goal. Believe me, go against this and I will make your life more sufferable."

With that, Saika disappeared into the dark as the shadows swallowed her up. Leaving Fyodor in thought about what she said.


In the dark world of shadows, I stood. Using a part of my ability, Umbra's Eyes, I can see from the shadows of different perspective. I am looking for a particular moron with dirty blonde hair and green eyes. The target is walking in a hallway of the warehouse that I was held in. He was nearing the main entrance, it was night time. Although I want to absolutely butcher him, but he is a traitor...

I shadow traveled behind Toyotomi and stayed in the shadows, controlling the shadows and air to the point he was shivering.


Toyotomi Hideyoshi was having a particularly good day. He arrived in Nakhodka, his home and kidnapped the infamous Black Cat after all. Walking towards the entrance of this rundown warehouse, the air became chilly. Chilly enough for Toyotomi to shiver like mad. Shadows began creeping up the walls and the small light that gave brightness to see flickered. A cold shudder went down his back as he heard laughter of madness.

A spike of solidified shadow abruptly went through his knee, sending him down, clutching to his broken knee as he screamed in both pain and shock. More shadows covered his wrists like chains to the ground.

"It is honestly sad you had to betray us like that. You were the first person I counted as friend of my age."

Toyotomi looked up and his fear filled eyes met with a single dull blood red and slitted eye that looked as if glowing in the dark, making him once again, shiver. The dark purple glow around Saika was an aura that added to her red bloodlust that dripped and frenzied around her like a blood rain.

The unpitied and stupid traitor was heard all night as he screamed like he experience the worst of Doom's Day. His body was found on a curb nearby the warehouse. Teeth all smashed, a punctured left knee cap and three bullets were found within. One in his right tibia, second on in the right of his pelvis and the last one has been found right through the part of the artery that just leads into the heart. Autopsy and scans found many burst nerve veins around the body.


I shadow travelled in crow form back to Father's office, ready to report. His old age is getting to him, he has become slower and more insane. The sickness doesn't help at all. Mori was in his office but has proceeded to leave, leaving Father and me alone. I really should've heeded Father's warning from when I was younger.


маленький котенок = Small kitten/little kitten

The Black Cat: Saika ~ [BSD Fanfic] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now