Chapter 8

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Another year has passed since I've given my brother his present 'The Complete Guide to Suicide'. It's the day after his 9th birthday and since I couldn't get a gift due to training, I told him he can give me on request or favour that I cannot back down from. He used it and told me to never call him 'Osamu' unless it's necessary. Now I call him 'Dazai'.

I'm at Mori's place so he could tend to my injuries. Once he was finished, we have what I would consider, an important conversation.

"Mori, I want to kill Father."

Mori pauses and looks at me with a confused face.

"Is that so? What would happen to the organization then, Saika-chan?"

"I want you to be the Boss. You are clever and manipulative. Easily in control of a situation. To me, you look like you would suit the job."

"Being the Boss is no easy task, Saika-chan. And how'd you come up with such information?" Mori said, his smile close to a smirk.

"I know it isn't. You just seem more suited. Father doesn't particularly care about the Port Mafia. He doesn't care about Yokohama as well. It irks me. I believe he will be killed sooner or later either by you or me."

"If anyone hears this conversation, I'm sure we'll be killed, Saika-chan."

From practicing many times, my work paid off. I gave him an innocent smile.

"Then I will kill them before they kill us, right?"

He smiled in response. Then stated.

"You worked well, Saika-chan"

"Of course, you taught me well!"


It's been five months since Mori and I had that conversation. A month ago, Father had me officially join the Port Mafia. My job is to protect him as his bodyguard, kill as his assassin and gather information as his informant. As weeks go by, I watch him become sicker. That is the minuscule birth of his paranoia.

Since I joined the Port Mafia, Father edited my schedule. He replaced poisons and information gathering with business and languages. He wants me to learn business to help the Port Mafia as well as have me go out of the country for negotiations. He also needs me to learn different languages such as French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and German. But if Father needs me, I am to disregard my schedule and work.

Before Father even gave me a schedule, using my intellect, I already was fluent in Latin due to the many books I read. I also studied different Japanese dialects with Mother when she was alive. So, learning the languages will be easier start for me.


Over 16 years since I was born and a few weeks since rumors started to spread about me. Such as 'the teenage girl who is rumored to be the Port Mafia Boss' daughter' or 'be careful of that black cat you see on the Boss' desk, it's all-watching' and thus, I was named Black Cat of the Port Mafia.

Few weeks after that, I met a teenage boy, about the same age as me. He works as an informant for the Port Mafia, so I get to see him most of the time as 'the Boss' informant'. He has a very peculiar personality that doesn't suit a Mafiosi, almost always bright and cheerful. He's way too enthusiastic. But, he has this way with people and negotiating. It's different from the way Father, Mori and I use words. I wonder if that's because of his 'sunshine' charm.



Toyotomi Hideyoshi, a 16 year old boy with striking dirty blonde hair and green eyes. If were more open, I would think he is a blend of nature. His personality certainly fits the description, energetic and bright as the sun with his serene gentleness like plants and the wind. I will never tell him I think that though. He will never stop pestering me with his animalistic curiosity. or so i thought.

"C'mon Saika! I told you to call me Hide!"

"And I told you to be quiet. You're disturbing others with your noise."

"So mean~"

Hideyoshi somewhat brings out a change in me. I think his sunshine personality is affecting me. The first time we met, he rushed up to me and asked me to be his friend with such brightness, I almost went blind. I could tell the grunts who were watching that they were obviously terrified of what I was going to do, I did think of killing him back then. But I just declined then he declared he won't give up. Those who were brave enough tried to bring him away but he refused to give in.

The next time we met, I asked him why he wanted to be friends with me. He said that I looked lonely and everyone deserves to have a friend. That moment, I felt warmth in my ever cold body. Haaaah, we are total opposites. If Hideyoshi is the bright sun then I'm the dull moon. I once told him this and with his optimism, he told me,

"So what if we're opposites, if I'm the sun and you're the moon then we have a similarity. We both act as a beacon of light. You just need a light to reflect. I will become your light and give you a path!"

The determination moved me. I told him that I am willing to become his friend. But I forgot the consequences of giving a person my trust. Especially when my Father is watching.

The Black Cat: Saika ~ [BSD Fanfic] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now