Chapter 4

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WARNING!! MAY BE A BIT (maybe not a bit) GORY!!

Another year has passed and now I am eleven while Osamu is five. Father has started to 'train' him a few months ago, we are now in November. It's been a year since Father sealed my Ability and a year since he created the Rules, because of those stupid Rules I can't go against his commands. It's like this is not my body anymore.

I've been feeling numb for the past months now. My facial expression has become dull. I hate looking in the mirror. If I look, I will just see a broken doll. Maybe that's what I am now. A broken doll created be a psychopath, to be used as a weapon. Recently, Father hired someone to look after me while no one else couldn't, mainly because he is busy 'training' Osamu and with work.

His name is Isaka Kotaro. A weird and a bit happy-go-lucky kind of man. He talks way too much but I grown to like him for the two months even if it took me three to open up to him. He is funny and talks a bit nonsense. He greatly effects my mood, maybe that's why I like him.

But I have been secluded from humans for far too long that I forgot how they could be. I forgot to look behind and read between the lines, I loved his company that much. And after that incident, I will never try to trust them again. Not without total confirmation that person can be trusted.

A day before the incident

Mr Isaka is interesting. He is the first human I've talk to in years. I missed normal contact and Mr Isaka helps me with it. He can make me smile. He is funny and talks a lot. I feel like a child again when I'm with him. I'm...kind of...glad Father hired him. As I was thinking, I heard Mr Isaka call me.



"Tomorrow we are going out"


I was finally going out. Father forbid us from leaving the house. It's so boring here with hardly anything to do. All I could do is read but I already read all the books in the family library. Most of the books are strategy or technique books anyway. I'm already about to finish the third riddle book Mori gave me. I wonder where he gets them from.

It was the next day. I was wondering where will Mr Isaka and I will go. I'm just dressed in a black jumper and grey tracksuit pants to hide my bandages. After putting on my sneakers, I run to Mr Isaka who was by the door. I greeted him.

"Hello! Where are we going?"

"That's a surprise!"

A surprise? I look closer at his eyes, his eyes were lying. That planted a seed of doubt into me. Why is Mr Isaka lying? Everything is alright, isn't it? Whatever is going to happen, it's either bad or worse.

Mr Isaka and I got in the car and he drove off. In the distance, I could see the five towers where Father works at. Snapping out of thoughts on where we were going, I realize we were getting closer and closer to Port Mafia headquarters. I look over to Mr Isaka who had his hair covering his eyes. I felt a chill. We arrived. Mr Isaka had got out of the car and walked over to my side, he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the car. We walked closer to the area where my 'training' took place.

"Mr Isaka, let go! It hurts!"

He did not. He just pulled tighter. He stayed quiet. We got closer to the room.

"Let go! It's not time yet! Let go!"

I struggled more. All in vain. Mr Isaka opened the door and through it, I could see Father. Father stood in the corner, near the firepit. I got dragged in and the door shut behind me. I got pulled towards the chains that normally kept me down. I couldn't move, couldn't talk, I was on the verge of crying. Father opened his mouth to talk as Mr Isaka started taking off my jumper and unravel my bandages.

"Isaka-san, choose whatever tool. It's your choice."

I look towards Mr Isaka who when over to the tools and he chose a knife. He came closer.

(The torture has started. If you don't want to read the torture, it finishes when the chapter finishes. It's better to go to the next chapter.)




And I screamed. My screaming filled the room as he slashed my back. I can tell it's not deep, I won't die from blood lose but it hurt like hell. One slash after another. After the fifth slash, he put down the knife and picked up the poker from the firepit. He pressed it along my back, next to the lacerations he done. I screamed louder.

A few minutes passed and my screaming died down. Isaka took the poker away and back to the firepit to bring back a hammer. He lifted the hammer over my leg and brought it down, breaking my left leg. I screamed but suddenly stopped. I couldn't scream anymore. He lifted the hammer again and about to brought it down but before that, Father spoke.


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