Chapter 7

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Three years have gone by and two years since he gave me a command using the Seal. The command he gave me was to 'Live'. That was a day before he started training my resistance for poisons, including it with torture and mental aptitude. After he got me a basic resistance to poisons, he made a whole weekly schedule that I have been using for the past two years.

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, I learn more about poisons from 6 AM to 9 AM. It's not that different from when Father trained me for resistance to poisons. In this period, I would have to name and make poisons as well as antidotes. My favourite so far is a poisonous flower, aconite. Otherwise known as Wolf's bane, monkhood, devil's helmet and queen of poisons.

From 9 AM to 10 AM, is one hour of free time. Since I stay in the Port Mafia HQ, I normally just spend the hour in Father's office or with a girl I met recently, Kouyou Ozaki. From 10 AM to 1 PM, I learn and master weapons. I have so far mastered the gun, knives, throwing knives and blades. The gun is my favourite. Once again I have an hour free time and have lunch from 1 PM to 2 PM.

From 2 PM to 5 PM, I would practice martial arts, such as karate, jujitsu, aikido and judo. Father said when I dared asked why, "you are a bodyguard for the Boss of the Port Mafia. It is important for you to be strong and powerful. I want you to be the best and nothing can stop you. This benefits you and me, Saika." and left.

5 PM to 6 PM is another free hour along with dinner. I try to spend time with Osamu but he normally is already at the house. 6 PM to 9 PM, the lesson depends on what I need most and the mood my teacher is in. Lessons are either writing, body reading, psychology, mapping or strategy. After this, at nine I sleep.

Tuesday, Thursday and Friday's times are not any different. The free hours are the same but the lessons are swapped with something else. When I have poisons on Monday, I would have gymnastics then. Father told me that it is good to keep my body flexible to be agile in fighting. The acrobatics really help when I need to dodge things like knives. Where I have weaponry, I would learn stealth and where I have martial arts, I would do information gathering. Father, when I officially join the Port Mafia, wants me to be his assassin, informant and bodyguard.

On Sunday, from 6 AM to 9 AM, Father would bring me to the torture chamber and either have me interrogate/torture a person for information or I will be given a piece of information and Father will torture me to get me to talk. With this, it has become practice for breaking out of chains and constraints. After that, an hour of reading ensues from 9 AM to 10 AM. From 10 AM to 5 PM, Father would lock me in the 'Black Room' as I would call it and stay there, making me reminisce my life and Father's words. Most common lines are 'You are my weapon' and 'you belong to me'.

After getting out at 5 PM to have my free hour and dinner, Father would play chess with me while talking in riddles that sometimes don't make sense but makes sense at the same. 6 PM to 9 PM, Father would teach me hacking, making me hack into random civilians' accounts. At nine, I sleep.


It is June and it is a week away from Osamu's 8th birthday. Father actually allowed me to go and buy something for Osamu's birthday. It is the first time in six years since I went somewhere public other then the hospital Mother died at. Mori is coming with me since I can get lost and Elise wants to get cake. We went to the mall and have a look around. Afteran hour of looking, Elise dragged Mori and me to a cake shop. We unfortunately had to buy cake for Elise but at least she stopped complaining about not having cake. When we left, I spotted a small, gloomy bookstore that had little trinkets. The three of us went there and had a look around at the books. Mori was looking at some book about killing and patients while I roamed around.

In a corner, darkest part of the shop, a small book caught my interest. It has a red but not dark red cover with a white coffin like imprint with the title. I looked closer at the book and smiled. Not really smiled though, I haven't actually smiled in 6 years, I more like smirked. A game changer...why is such an important object in this place. No one should know. So I take the book with the last copy behind it and told Mori that I found what my gift. Purchasing it, we left and headed back to Father.

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