Chapter 6

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A month has gone by since Father taken me out of that room. He said I've finished a section of my training and I am to start on a new section. This time, there was no pain involved. Father focuses on my mental skill to solve and strategize ways to that "will help him". After two weeks since Father trained me physically, wounds have all healed, healed and left nothing but emptiness. I went to Father and told him, I believe I went hysterical. He had to slap me in the face to return me to normal. He and I realized that I somehow can't go on without pain... and after that incident, when I glaze over, Father would slap me. It's like pain is the way to keep me grounded. But I hate pain.

A week after, I accidentally activated my Ability. All three of us were shocked to see me with an Ability, he did seal it up a year ago. The best way to describe my new Ability is umbrakinesis, the power to control light, shadow and darkness. Mainly darkness and shadow.

1 week ago...

I am walking to Mori's office. It's been three day since I've seen him. I open the door to be greeted to the faces of Mori and Osamu. It has been a very long time since I've seen Osamu. I think it was since his birthday, so about 26 weeks.

"Ah, welcome Saika-chan"

"Hello sister."

"Hello Mori, Osamu."

I sat next to Osamu who is reading a book. I take out my own book, "Psychology". It is a book that can help on critical thinking skills, Father thought it would be useful. As I engross reading my book, a voice snapped me out. It was Mori.

"Saika-chan, what kind of animal would you want to be? Dazai-kun here wants to be a fox."

"Hn," I never really thought I'll be asked that question. "Either a cat or a crow. Their both beautiful and free animals. A cat doesn't give unbreaking loyalty and some such as black cats are avoided. Crows have the relief of freedom, having wings. They get avoided because of their attachment to death. They are both so similar yet are enemies. Unavoidable really."

"I see."

Noon became sunset and Osamu had to go. We live separately now. Osamu stays living at the house and I mainly stay at the Port Mafia HQ. The only times I get out is when I see Mori or I go to the house.

I sit on the windowsill, looking from the little freedom I have left. Very empty. Cold wind suddenly blew in, the shadows start to grow, the air became darker but for some reason I welcome the cold. Like a cold sting to my boring life. The shadows start to envelope me, covering me whole, last thing I see before the shadows take over my vision is Mori's shocked face.

When the shadows finally unwrap my body, everything looks bigger. The chairs, windows, desk, and a surprised Mori. Everything felt sharper too, I guess that's my senses. I look and my hands and am shocked to find they're no longer hands, but paws, black paws. Mori speaks.



Mori grabs a mirror and I find myself looking at not human but a cat! A black cat! I thought Father sealed my Ability! So why did I turn into a black cat? The cold air and shadows came rushing at me again, turning me into human. I look at Mori. He has recovered from his shock and spoke.

"We'll deal with this tomorrow."

I nod and we both left to go to the HQ.


Tomorrow has come and Mori and I are standing in the Boss's office, my Father's office. We told Father what happened and he ordered me to go cat again. It took at least three minutes before the same aura of shadows and cold air turned me into a cat. From Father's analysis, I could control shadows if I train. They both ask me what my new Ability is called and I replied...

"The Darkness is Me"


Now I am beginning to train this Ability and Father said he has ideas on how it could be beneficial for his work. I still do that mental training but added to my schedule is my Ability training.

For training, Father would take me to a semi-lit room and told me to control the shadows into making objects. Annoying and hard, I can only do two. He would then order me to become faster into shifting into that cat. One time after training, I realized something is different with my visible eye. An effect happened. The pupil is no longer round like a normal human pupil but slitted like snake's and cat's. Father was fascinated on what happened. I had eye sight and sharp hearing before but after a few lessons, all my senses has become sharper. Even though I didn't really need this effect though and I am very good at balancing on things as well as landing, the cat effects made it even more improved.

Now with this Ability, I wonder what is going to happen next. Father looked really disturbing and is totally plotting something and Mori feels a bit troubled as well as looking troubled. My annoying 'survival cat' senses are going wild.

The Black Cat: Saika ~ [BSD Fanfic] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now