Chapter 5

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And before the hammer crashed down, Isaka halted. Isaka Kotaro put down the tool and stood back while Father came forward. He knelt down in front of me and used his hand to stoke away the falling tears on my face. Speaking in a whisper so only I could hear, he said.

"What have I told you about trusting others?" I remember a few months before Isaka was hired, Father told me to never trust others, that Father is the only one I should ever trust. Father continued speaking.

"Others will hurt you just from an order. They will hurt you. Look at him, can you see his eyes? He has been waiting for this for many weeks now. Just to hurt you. Have a look." And I look at the man who betrayed me. He indeed have this cruel look in his eyes. He had a smile. He looked happy. It was true. He looked like he had fun hurting me, cutting me. I should have never forgotten Father's words, if I listened, the pain would be less. I look back at Father. Father stood up and took out his gun and aimed it at Isaka's head. The latter looked surprised and retorted in a panicked voice.

"Sir, what are you doing? I followed your orders! Why?!"

Isaka's expression looked absolutely disgusting. Just from Father pulling a gun on him, he is already a slobbery mess.

"She is still precious to me. You broke her. She is part of my family, you must be punished." And with that, Father shot him in the head. I watched with a wide eye as the now dead man slid onto the floor, adding more blood to the already bloody room. I look back to Father and whispered.

"Father, why did you kill him? He done what you ordered." Father unchained me and picked me up from the ground. As we walk out of the room, he answered my question.

"I'll repeat it again. You are mine. He may have been ordered but he still had no right. He even betrayed you and now you have serious burns. Remember this Saika, you must never trust another. In this world, you can only trust your family. Me and Osamu. In this world, only we love you. Okay?"

"Yes Father"


It's been 2 days since I got stuck here with Mori and my brother. Brother arrived yesterday with some barbed wire around his neck. I remembered when Father did that to me, it was painful.

Osamu and I have just been solving my riddles I have made in my spare time. I try to create riddles and then Osamu has to solve them the next time we meet. We normally meet at Mori's place or the house. It's like we test each other with our skill and improve.

Father came in and Osamu seemed to have unconsciously moved behind my back. It's obvious he is scared of Father. Father said it is my next session of training and picked me up because of my broken leg. We arrived at a room, inside there was a cage and the room was pitch black, you couldn't see a thing. Father taken my shirt and bandages off then placed me inside the cage. I had to shift positions to take most of the pressure off my back and leg. Father closed the cage door and only then I realized how small the cage is. Father told me he to stay here until he comes back.


It's been hours and Father has still not come back. I have started hallucinating things. I've started seeing Isaka Kotaro and his dead body as well as hearing screaming. The pitch hurt my ears, or was it brain? I couldn't tell anymore.

'Your father killed me because he loved you!'

'You're a demon! You didn't even respond to my dead body!'

'You're not human!'

'You don't deserve the love you have!'

'Without him, you're nothing!'



'Others don't experience parents like you do. Some don't have any at all!'

'You must remember not to trust anyone Saika, you only have me'


It's cold. I'm freezing. My leg has become numb, so has my back. I still hear voices. Hear screams. See figures without a face. If I remember properly, I'm without a shirt and only has shorts on. That's why my body temperature has dropped. The scars on me may feel numb but there is also this sharp pain to it.

'remember Saika, without me, you are nothing.'

'you will become a demon.'

'you are not human'

'you are mine'

'you are my weapon'

'in this world, only I love you. No one wants a broken doll.'

'you are nothing'

'you belong to me'

The voices are so loud. I can't think. I can't sleep. The screaming and the yelling. The words the figures.


Father has finally come and unlocked the cage. I don't know what got into me but I dove as well as any injured person could into his arms. His body temperature was tepid but that was enough. I needed him. I even realized it myself. The Stockholm Syndrome.

Father lifted me up and whispered in my ear.

"You understand now, right? You are mine. You won't disobey anymore orders now, will you?"

"No Father. I won't"

"That's a good girl. Lets go to Mori, he will bandage you up."

I felt disgusted at myself but I couldn't help it. I was caught in his trap.

The Black Cat: Saika ~ [BSD Fanfic] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now