Chapter 25

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For the rest of this story, I am going to have Slendy be the one who narrates, with a few exceptional spots that require a different person's P.O.V.


Slenderman's P.O.V.


My brothers and I looked all over the house, with no sign of Kiba anywhere. We all grouped back together in the living room; me pacing back and forth in front of the fire place. I was worried sick, and I'm sure my brothers knew this. "Don't worry Slender, we'll find her." Offender said, putting his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him and nodded, then looked at the clock. It was almost midnight! I remembered that the woman said the battle would take place on the eve of Kiba's birthday, and the moon would be a blood red. I rushed to the window, looking out to the dark sky. "Slendy what is it?" Splendor asked. I looked back at my brothers, worry and for the first time, fear, in my heart for the safety of them and the rest of the pasta house. "The moon is turning red, and we need to head down to the lake for the battle." I said strongly to them. I would not let anything happen to my younger brothers, even if it meant sacrificing myself to ensure their safety. They all looked at one another for a few seconds, before turning back to me. "What do we do?" Trender asked. "We all head to the pasta house, and get everyone ready for the battle of their lives." I ordered. They nodded and left me alone; but Splendor stayed behind. "Slendy...?" He said. I turned to face him and he hugged me tight, like I would leave him right away if he let go. The memories that I had of all three of them helping me to raise Kiba, where some of the happiest moments of my life with her. I hugged him back, not wanting to go to war with one of the strongest creatures I knew, and not leading my family to their deaths.

Splendor let go of me then turned back to the door and leaving to join my brothers to get the pastas ready.

I reached the house, staying in my human form for now, seeing everyone in fixed armor of Kevlar and other strong materials that would not tear easily with the claws of wolves or, Zalgo. Trenderman walked up to me with Sally and EJ by his side. "We will go to Dr. Smiley and tell him to get ready." He said to me. I nodded and looked at Sally and Jack; both looking determined to help however they can in the fight, while it is happening, and when it's over. I nodded to the two, and they nodded back, following Trenderman into the woods, to the direction of the doctor's house. I looked over at everyone else, seeing them grab their weapons, and even practicing slicing open, or stabbing one of the followers that Zalgo has.

I noticed Offenderman talking with my niece, his daughter, Owa. Seeing her again, and remembering all the times she would visit to help with Kiba's teenage development state. The father and daughter hugged one another, like how Splendor did with me - fearing the other's loss of company in the battle. The two walked over to me, and gave a silent agreement to all of the members in our family, that we would stand together. I changed back into my pasta form, as did Offender and Splendor, and we all started on our way to the lake.

While we where walking, the memories that I had with Kiba, from the moment I first saw her getting bullied by those girls to now, flooded into my mind. I took a deep breath and continued walking to the lake. The wind was picking up speed, the land around us was laced with red, and looking up at the night sky, seeing no stars, and the moon being the blood red it was; I knew that it was time. We reached the lake, and I saw at least forty-three people with wolf ears and tails; all different colors and sizes do to ages, I'm sure.

The male, with the black ears and tail, stepped up to the clearing, as a black mist surrounded him; changing him into the black beast with the red eyes I knew as, Zalgo! He looked up to the moon and bathed in the red light, as did most of the other wolves in his pack of followers. But I noticed that a small group did not move; why?


Owa's P.O.V.


I stood ready to fight, with everyone hiding in the bushes. We all looked ready to kill if we needed to, but I kept looking and I couldn't see Kiba anywhere. Where could she be? I decided to sneak off from the group, before we gave away our position to the group of wolves, to find her.

I ran into the trees, past the houses, and even looking at the edge of the nearby town, but no sign of her anywhere. I then was running by a cave, when I saw an old woman bringing out a set of armor. A shining armor that was for a warrior of the female gender. The woman seemed to rush in getting it out, as well as the sword with it. I jogged over to help her. "We need to find Kiba and give this to her." She said, almost as an order to me. Wait, how did she know about Kiba? "How do you know about my cousin?" I asked alarmed. "No time for that now." She said. Then, shedding her cloak, I saw she had ash gray ears and tail of a wolf, like how Kiba has her black tail and white ears. The woman changed herself into a large gray wolf. She was almost to the height of my waist; and with me being half slender, that was pretty large. She bent down slightly, and I got on her back, grabbing the armor as well as her fur to hang on as she ran through the forest.

While we where running, she stopped. I looked down at her, seeing she was sniffing the air for, Kiba. I looked around and I saw Kiba talking with the boy with black ears and tail. I got off her back, and ran to the two.

"Kiba!" I called.

"Owa?! What are you--"

"You need to come to the lake now!"

"Why should I?" Kiba asked, almost demanding me to say why. Was she not wanting to fight for her home and family? "Kiba... Everyone is waiting for you at the lake for the battle. Don't you see the moon!?" I yelled pointing at the blood red moon in the sky. They both looked up and I noticed both sets of ears for them went down. "The battle is about to begin, and if we don't have you everyone will die!" I told her.


Kiba's P.O.V.


Everyone would die if I wasn't there?! I couldn't let my family die if I wasn't there, but I also wanted to stay with Shadow, what do I do?!

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