Chapter 2

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It had taken Albert a while to clean the mess that Elmer had made. When he finally made it to the bedroom, he saw his boyfriends sleeping. He laid down besides Race with a small smile. He turned a little and wrapped one of his arms around Albert, who placed a small kiss on his brow.


It was around dinner time when they woke up to a soft cry. Elmer was sitting up in the bed with his knees pulled up again.
"Hey... Hey." Spot said while sitting next to Elmer and wrapping an arm around his shoulder. "It's okay." He kissed the crying boy on the cheek. Elmer buried his face in Spot's chest and started to cry harder, but he wanted to stop at the same time. This let to him couching after a minute.
"Hey babe, you need to breath." Albert laid his hand on Elmer's leg. Race took Elmer's hand and repeated what Albert had done the day before by pressing both of Elmer's hands on his chest and breathed with him.
"Nice and slow, Ellie, just follow mine." Elmer began to breath with him and relaxed in their hold, but he wasn't back to his happy self.
"Why don't we talk about it during dinner." Race suggested. "I'll make my famous lasagna." Albert and Spot nodded, but Elmer stayed silent. Race stood up and went down.

Elmer dug his nails in his palm as soon as Race had released his hands.
Pathetic. You made them sad. You can't do anything right. His mind screamed at him and he wanted to scream back, but he didn't.


You hurt the people you love.

He began pushing his nails in his palms harder every time his mind yelled at him. He was pulled out of his thoughts when warm and soft hands pulled his own away from each other.
"Don't." was all that Spot said. Elmer looked up and saw that Albert had left. Probably went to set the table. Elmer looked at their intertwined hands.
" 'm sorry." He mumbled.
"It's okay baby." Spot said. Elmer didn't have the time to argue, because they were called down for dinner. Spot didn't let go of Elmer's hand as they walked down and set at the table. There was a piece of lasagna on each of the plates and there was a candle lit on the middle of the round table. They began to eat in silence. No one wanted to say something to upset the others, but someone had to break through the silence.
"Elmer, what happened?" Albert was the first one to speak.
Why don't you tell them and upset them some more. Elmer's mind mocked him.
"Nothing." He said. His mind had won the war. 
"There is something. You're not just crying on the ground and cutting your arm if there's nothing." Race said a little harsher than meant, which let to a glare from Spot.
"Baby, we need to know what is happening so we can help you." Spot rubbed his hand on Elmer's back. He was still tense.
Why don't you just tell them what's wrong. Let them know you're a failure. A silent tear fell down his face.
"Hey honey, it's okay. We won't judge you." Albert whispered from his other side. Elmer sighed.
"I- I'm-" Elmer couldn't finish his sentence. STUPID. His mind was screaming again.
"You're what?" Race grabbed his hands from the other side of the table.
"I'm a b- burden. A failure. A-" Elmer whispered, but was cut of by Spot.
"No you're not. Why would you think so?"
"I hurt people. I break things."
"Honey everyone breaks things now and then." All Elmer could do was shake his head.
"Can we not talk about this?" he asked softly.
"Elmer, you need to talk about it. Otherwise we can't help." Elmer shook his head. He didn't want to talk. He grabbed his glass of water and took a sip. His hands were sweaty and shaking, which made the glass slip from his hands and crash onto the ground. Shards of glass were everywhere. Elmer stood up and stepped backwards until his back hit the wall.
"Hey, it's okay." Spot said with a soft voice. He reached out, but as soon as his hand touched Elmer, he was pushed back.
"Elmer it's alright." Race said from his spot at the table. He was unable to move from shock.
"N- no." Was all Elmer could bring out.
"Why don't you just go sit down on the couch and we clean up the table." Albert said. Elmer nodded in agreement and went to the couch without coming near any of his boyfriends. He laid down and closed his eyes.
"Hey Ellie, do you want to go to bed?" Race asked after half an hour. The boys were sitting on the chairs around the table. Not wanting to scare Elmer.
"No." It was soft but they were able to hear it. Spot grabbed his phone and started typing.
Spot made a group chat with Albert and Race.
Spot: what do we do?

Race: I don't know, but we can't touch him. Maybe just hug him tomorrow.

Albert: we should at least distract him for now. I can't stand to see him like this.

Spot: I agree. Why don't we just play a movie and leave him. I don't think it will help him if we all crowd around him.

Race: fine by me

Albert: ok

Spot stood up and grabbed one of their favorite movies from the shelf. It took a minute before it started, but when it did they Spot and Albert left.
"You go ahead. I'll watch from here for a while. To see if nothing happens." Race said while kissing his boyfriends goodnight.

Albert came down after an hour.
"Hey babe. Go sleep. I'll watch him for now." Race didn't discuss and headed to bed. Albert dat there for half an hour when he heard a dog snoring coming from the couch. He walked towards the sound and saw Elmer sleeping peacefully. Albert laid a blanket over the sleeping boy without waking him up, turned off the tv and headed upstairs himself.
"He's asleep." He said softly as he laid down in between his two boyfriends. It didn't take them long before they were all asleep.

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