Chapter 4

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It's been a week and everything had gone great. Elmer was happy all the time and he had gone back to work. They were all in bed on a Saturday morning.

"Morning." Spot whispered with a soft smile as he saw that Elmer had woken up.
"Morning." Elmer closed his eyes again and curled into Spot's side. He pulled the blanket over his head. He heard a soft chuckle from his behind him and felt an arm wrap around him.
"Hidin' are we?" Race's soft voice sounded above the blanket. A cold hand ran it's fingers down his back which made him move closer to Spot.
"It's Crutchie's birthday. We need to get out of bed." Albert stated before rolling out of said bed. There was an arm wrapped around Spot's stomach before he could even move. He chuckled softly before trying to unwrap the arm, but failed.
"Al, Race. A little help here please." The two boys came over with big smiles. Race wrapped an arm around Elmer and Albert helped Spot pry of Elmer's arms. This all led to Elmer wrapping his arms around Race and pulling him down with a laugh.
"Come on hon. We don't wanna be late." Race carried Elmer out of the bed and set him down on the desk in the corner of the room. They kissed before Race pulled away and threw Elmer some clothes and a towel.
"You smell like Spot's armpits." Race whispered and Elmer laughed.


They went over to Crutchie's after dinner. It was just a few blocks away so they had decided to walk. Also because they were certain that there would be some alcohol. When they knocked on the door Crutchie was fast to open it.
"Hey guys!" He said with his usual smile on his face.
"Congrats!" They all said at the same time. They each hug him and walk inside.
"A little present from us four." Elmer said with a small smile on his face as he handed it over to Crutchie. Crutchie opened it and saw a photo album inside it. He opened it and a tear of happiness fell down his cheek.
"It's beautiful." He said softly. "Don't tell Jack, but this present is even better than his."
"I HEARD THAT!" Jack yelled from the couch. "Let me see!"
The boys walked into the living room and saw that all of their friends were already there. Jack, Katherine and Finch were sitting on the couch. Romeo was sitting on Specs lap in a chair, while Jojo, Mush, Mike, Ike and Davey were sitting on the ground.
Crutchie handed the album to Jack who immediately opened it. Katherine rested her head on his shoulder and other boys gathered around them.
"Romeo, you flirt!" Finch screeched as the looked at a picture of him flirting with Specs, while Crutchie was watching.
"You can't say it didn't work." Romeo answered with a grin before kissing Specs.
"Jack where did your abs go?" Katherine asked as they watched at a picture from the day they spend in a water park.
"HEY!" was his only reaction. The others couldn't contain there laughter, so the whole room was filled with the sound of joy.
"So now that we're all here, can we start on the liqueur?" Jack asked to change the subject. Crutchie walked away into the kitchen.
"I'll help him." Davey said just before disappearing in the kitchen. They came back seconds later with a few bottles of beer, a bottle of whiskey, a bottle of red wine and a can full of water and soda for those who were the designated drivers or just wanted to stay sober.

They played games the whole night. It was around midnight that Elmer began growing tired and began to feel the pressure of all the people around him. He was leaning on Spot's shoulder and held his hand in his own.
"Can we go home?" Elmer asked Spot softly.
"Sure." Spot answered as he looked into the tired eyes of his boyfriend. He whispered in Albert's ear, who was sitting next to him, and headed over to Race, who was downing his sixth glass of whiskey. It took him some time to get him going, but was finally able to convince him.
"Bye guys. We're going home." Albert said with a small wave.
"Wait! Can someone take me home?" asked Jojo. He lived in the opposite direction, but he didn't want to go there on his own.
"Sure. Why don't I walk you home. Al, Race and Elm, you go ahead. I won't be more than half an hour." Spot said. Albert and Elmer nodded, but Race was to drunk to even notice what he had said.

Albert was walking in the middle of the three. His hand intertwined with Elmer's and his other arm linked in Race's so he wouldn't wander of. Elmer leaned into Albert a bit as they crossed the silent street.
"Are you okay?" He asked before placing a soft kiss on the slightly younger boy's hair.
"Just a little overstimulated." He whispered. They were ignoring Race completely. He wasn't even able to walk in a straight line.
"Why don't you lay down and I'll take a shower and come lie down next to you." Albert said as he opened the door. Elmer took Race's arm and led them to their bedroom. Race crashed down on the bed. Elmer chuckled softly and pulled off Race's shoes. After pulling of his own he laid down next to the drunk boy. Race sat up and climbed on top of Elmer and started kissing him. One of his hands wandered to Elmer's shirt, but Elmer stopped him.
"Race I'm not in the mood right now." He said.
"And I don't care." Race said before placing his lips down on his boyfriends lips. Elmer tried to push Race away, but the other boy was stronger. Race's hands were pulling on Elmer's shirt. Elmer turned his head away, so Race was kissing his cheek.
"Please stop." A tear slipped down his cheek.
"Ya ain't fun." Race muttered, but kept kissing him. He kissed down the throat and down the chest. With a swift movement he unbuttoned Elmer's pants.
"Race stop!" Elmer sobbed loud.
"RACE!" Albert came in running. He pushed Race of Elmer, who curled up on his side with tears still streaming down his face.
"You are no fun." Race muttered, but was by miracle fast asleep after a few seconds.
"Elmer, what happened?" Albert asked while wrapping his arms around the crying boy.
"H-he began kissing me an- and I didn't want to, but he kept going." Elmer said softly.
The don't want anything from you but you kisses and body. They don't want you for you. His mind was talking to him again. Elmer unfold himself and started to stand up.
"Hey, where are you going?" Albert asked while still holding him in his arms.
"I- I can't sleep in bed with h-him. I love him, b-but I can't." Elmer said softly in Albert's shoulder.
"Why don't you just lay here and I'll take Race downstairs. I don't want you to be alone." Elmer nodded and Albert laid him down on the bed. He walked to the other side of the bed and carried Race bridal style down the stairs. When he had laid him down on the couch and had put a blanket over him, Spot came home.
"What happened?" He asked while looking at his sleeping boyfriend.
"Race is drunk and he was kissing Elmer, but Elmer didn't want to. Race wouldn't stop and went to far. Elmer wanted to sleep on the couch, but I said that he should stay in bed and that Race would sleep here. We should probably get over there. He needs us right now." Albert explained while looking down at Race. Spot's eyes were wide open, but he walked up the stairs right away.

Elmer was laying in a little ball on the bed. He had already changed into his pyjamas, but Spot and Albert didn't bother to change. They laid down on either side of the little ball and wrapped their arms around him. He was already sleeping, but was really tense.

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