Chapter 8

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It's been a month since everything that had happened and they were all happy. Spot was making breakfast in the kitchen when Elmer came down.
"What are you making?" Elmer asked as he wrapped his arms around the shorter boys waist from the back.
"Pancakes." Was the answer.
"With bacon?" They heard Race from the stairs.
"Yes, there is a full plate of pancakes with bacon for you." Spot said with a grin. Race stood next to the boys and kissed both of them before heading to set the table.
"You should wear that for the rest of the day." Race smirked as Albert came in with only a towel wrapped around his middle. Albert kisses Race before heading over to Spot and Elmer.
"Was thinking about going to the park today. What do you think?" He asked after planting a kiss on Elmer's lips and Spot's hair, because he was to busy baking the pancakes.
"Sounds nice." Elmer said. "Though you might want to wear a little more than that."
"Please don't!" Race yelled at him.
"Of course." Albert grinned before heading back upstairs.

The park was just as buzzy as normal, but non of the boys noticed. They were happy. They had taken a blanket with them and a picnic basket filled with all kinds of snacks. Race had also brought a frisbee, which somehow let to them tackling each other to the ground laughing. It was mostly because they laughed at the fact that Elmer could catch it most of the time.

They laid down on the blanket after an hour of intensive frisbee. Race laid on Spot on one side of basket and Albert laid on Elmer on the other side. Both Spot and Elmer played with the hair of the boyfriend on top of them. They were all tired, but enjoyed the peace and silence. Albert felt the hand in his hair stop after ten minutes. He saw Elmer sleeping peacefully when he looked up to see why the hand had stopped.
"Can someone take a picture?" Albert grinned from his position as he looked over to Spot and Race. Race grabbed his phone with a grin and took a picture.
"Who wants a snack?" Spot whispered while his hand hovered above the picnic basket.
"Give me one of those brownies." Albert said while he reached out with his hand to get it from Spot.
"Mhm?" They heard Elmer.
"Morning sleeping beauty." Albert said with a small grin and sat up so he could get into another position and kissed Elmer.
"What'd I miss?" He asked sleepily.
"Not much. We were just eating snacks and laughing at the picture I took of you." Race stated with a grin.
"Well, someone has to look good while sleeping and you certainly don't." Elmer said with a grin, which transformed into a full laugh when he got shocked faces from his boyfriends. "But you are the most beautiful human beings when you are awake." He said to make it up to them.
"I'm willing to live with that." Spot said with a grin. "As long as we agree on the fact that I'm the most beautiful while asleep, from us three then." They all laughed and muttered a 'sure'.

Elmer and Albert began cooking diner as soon as they got home. It was home made pizza. They were in a fight about wether or not pineapple should be on the pizza's so they decided to do half with and half without. There was lots of flour around the kitchen, but they had it cleaned quickly with a little help from a few kisses to get their motivation back.

They ate the pizza in front of the tv.
"What are we going to watch?" Spot asked while grabbing the remote control.
"PRINCES DIARIES!" Race yelled.
"No way! How about Avengers?" Albert suggested.
"How about Star Wars?" Spot added to the list of options.
"Why don't we watch Gifted. The one with Chris Evans? It's not that romantic, but not sci-fi. A compromise we can all live with." Elmer said. There were nods and Spot stood up from his place on the couch and grabbed the DVD.

They were at the half of the movie when Race fell asleep. They were all laid down on the couch by then. Spot at the end with Albert leaning in to him, Elmer was laying with his had on Albert's lap and Race was laying with Elmer's arms wrapped around him. Elmer chuckled when he heard a soft snoring sound coming from the boy in his arms, but couldn't stop himself from drifting of to sleep only minutes later. Albert was playing with Elmer's hair, but stopped when he noticed the sleeping boy.
"I think we're stuck here for the night." He chuckled and leaned in to give Spot a soft kiss. Spot quickly grabbed a few blankets from a chair near him and put one over the sleeping boys and one over Albert and himself. By the time the credits rolled, they were all fast asleep. All of them were happy and they would always be happy.

Heya guys. I just wanted to write a happy ending to the story. It is shorter than other chapters, but I didn't really want a book with only sad chapters.
Hope you enjoyed. ;)


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