Chapter 3

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He woke up confused, but he knew what had happened after a minute of thinking.
Shit. Was all he could think. When he saw how late it was he walked up the stairs and into the bedroom.
Elmer laid down next to his boyfriends.
"I'm sorry for yesterday." He said just loud enough for them to hear.
"It's okay." Spot whispered and kissed his brows.
"I love you, you know that right?" Elmer whispered as he climbed over Spot and laid on top of them.
"And you just remember that we love you." Race kissed Elmer and the four of them just laid there.


"You should go to work." Elmer said while standing up. It was now 10:00 am and the three boys had indeed work to do. They had insist that Elmer stayed home for the day, but Elmer wouldn't let them stay home because of him.

It took the three boys half an hour to get out of the house, but now Elmer was alone.

10:30 am
He put on some music and started singing along with it.

12:30 pm

13:00 pm
More singing and dancing.

14:30 pm
He took a shower.

15:00 pm
He did some of his work at home. His boyfriends couldn't keep him from doing that.

The three of his boyfriends should be home every minute so he started cooking. His favorite meal to prepare: spaghetti.

They should be home, but they weren't. Elmer looked at his phone. There were not texts or calls. He picked it up to text them, but his hands were slippery which let to him dropping his phone.
"Damnit!" He screamed as he knelt down beside his phone and looked at the cracked screen. He had managed to break it.
"Stay calm. Breath in and out slowly." He whispered to himself when he felt his breath getting quicker every time that his lungs pumped air into his body.

They were an hour to late. Maybe something happened to them.
Car crash. His mind already went for one of the worst scenarios. But they can't be. Elmer failed to notice his own panic attack and walked out of the door without even thinking. There were sirens all around the city. That was normal, but he kept the feeling that something was wrong. He walked into the park. He didn't even notice when he did it and he still didn't notice where he was. He walked mindlessly searching for his boyfriends. When his mind had cleared a little he regretted going there right away. There were to many people and to much noise. His eyes looked everywhere, but nowhere at the same time. He couldn't see through the blur that now covered his vision. There was a hand on his shoulder and he flinched away walking backwards till his back hit a tree.
"Elmer. Are you alright?" A voice asked him. It was familiar, but he couldn't quite place it.


Spot had picked up Albert and Race from work and were on their way home.
"Damn this traffic jam." Spot murmured under his breath. They were already an hour late and they really wanted to check on Elmer.
"Elmer doesn't respond to his texts." Race pointed out while staring at his phone.
"I'll call him." Albert said while pushing some buttons.
"This is Elmer's voicemail. Say something after the beep." Beep
"Hey babe. We're stuck in a traffic jam, but will be home soon. Please answer your text. Bye." Albert said quickly. Race's phone began ringing before anyone could say anything.
"Hey Jack. You're on speaker." Race said while putting him on speaker.
"Hey. You need to come to the park. Like right now." Jack sounded stressed.
"What happened?" Albert asked from behind Race.
"I found Elmer, but his eyes are all glassy and when I touched him he flinched. I don't know what's wrong."
"Damn it." Spot cursed under his breath. "Okay, Albert, Race, you two walk there, it's faster, and I'll drive there. We're still stuk in the jam." Race and Albert jumped out of the car without saying anything else. Race left his phone in the car so he could talk to Elmer somehow.
"Jack put me on speaker." He commanded.
"You are now on speaker." Jack answered. Spot could hear Elmer breathing uneven better when Jack places his phone next to the panicking boy.
"Elmer I need you to talk to me. What happened?" He didn't get an answer, just an more uneven breathing pattern.
"Elmer, breath." Still no change.
"I need you to take his hand and place it on your chest. He may try to pull away, but you need to keep it there so he can breath with you. When he's pulling hard you might as well just pull him in a hug." Spot rambled. He didn't actually know what they needed to do, but he knew that this had helped the other day.
"Breath with me okay?" He heard Jack from the other side. His tone was soft and comforting.
"Just breath." There were some other sounds from the other side of the call, but Spot couldn't hear what it was.
"Spot?" Spot heard the quiet voice of Elmer.
"I'm here." He said relieved.
"Where were you?"
"Traffic jam." Was all Spot said.
"ELMER!" Spot heard from the other side. Race and Albert had finally arrived.


Race and Spot ran as fast as they could. The park was buzzy and noisy. They saw two figures sitting under a tree.
"ELMER!" Race knelt down beside his boyfriend and hugged him. Albert was on his other side in no time.
"We were so worried." Albert said softly while placing a soft kiss on the boy's cheek.
"What happened?" Jack asked. Race and Albert had forgotten about their friend.
"I- I dropped my phone and they were an hour late and-" Elmer began. A tear slipped down his cheek again, but he swept it away forcefully.
You're just a crybaby. His mind mocked him.
"It's alright. We're here now." Race whispered softly.
"Can you walk him home?" Spot. They had totally forgotten about him.
"Yeah. You just drive home save. We'll meet you there." There came a sound of approval before the call disconnected.
"Come on baby. Let's go." Albert said while helping Elmer up.
"I'm gonna head home. Kath will be wondering where I am." Jack said not wanting to do anything to disturb or upset the boys. "Are you going to be there for Crutchie's birthday next week?"
"Yeah. We'll be there." Elmer said softly before one of the other boys could answer.

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