Chapter 6

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Elmer has been in the guest room for an hour when he heard a soft knock. Jack entered the room and knelt down before Elmer.
"Hey bud. We've got some of your things. Want me to unpack or are you going to do it yourself?" Jack's voice sounded soft. He was only three years older than himself, but he sounded so much wiser. Maybe it was because he felt like he is his big brother or maybe it wasn't. Elmer wanted to take the suitcase and wrap himself in the familiar smell of his own home, yet he didn't dare to touch it. He hated wearing these clothes, because they reminded him from the place that he wanted to call home. But it wasn't his home anymore.
You hurt the people you love. How can you live with them. You are just a burden. A failu-. He looked up when he felt an hand on his shoulder. He wrapped Jack in a thought hug without any thinking. Tears were falling from his face, but his face was expressionless at the same time. Jack didn't pull away. He wouldn't as long as Elmer needed him.
"Can you take my stuff away, please?" Elmer said with a soft cracking voice, but didn't pull away from the hug so Jack didn't either.
"El, you need your clothes." Elmer just shook his head.
"How about you borrow some of my clothes for a while." Elmer approved and released Jack from the hug. Jack grabbed the suitcase and headed out of the room.
"For sure?" He asked while looking around one more time. Elmer nodded.

Jack came back five minutes later with a t-shirt, some jogging pants and a towel.
"Take a shower." He commanded. Elmer stood up and walked over to the bathroom. There was no lock on the door. Jack had probably removed it.
They don't even trust you. Elmer shook of the thoughts and took a shower. The water brushed over his skin and he loved it. It was like all his worries fell of his shoulders. He put on the clothes Jack had given him when he was done. The blue shirt was to big, but the pants were the right size. He went back to his room and just sat there again. He didn't bother to move and he was happy that he didn't have his phone. That way he wouldn't be tempted to text one of the boys.
You don't deserve them. You are just a burden, even to Jack and Katherine. Elmer didn't take the energy to disagree with his mind. He didn't notice Jack standing in the doorway.
"Wanna play cards?" He asked him. Elmer was shaken out of his thoughts and nodded. The least he could do was playing a game with Jack. Jack sat down on the other side of the bed and shuffled the cards.

They played a few hours. They laughed a bit, but it wasn't as much as they used to. Jack got frustrated when he lost, which made Elmer smile a little.
"Dinner!" Katherine yelled at them from the kitchen. Jack stood up and reached out to Elmer with his hand. Elmer took it, but knew he wasn't going to eat. He couldn't eat. There were three plates full with potatoes with salad and sausages on the table. The three sat down and Katherine and Jack began eating. Elmer however didn't. Jack noticed when he was halfway through his own.
"You should eat." He said to Elmer with a soft voice. Elmer just shook his head.
"Eat at least the sausages." Katherine told him. Elmer looked at the faces of the people on the table en sighed. He ate the sausages and then put his fork back down on the table.
"Hey bud, can you try to eat the salad too?" Jack asked. Elmer just shook his head.
You don't deserve to eat their food. He let his mind talk, but just ignored it. It took Jack and Katherine linger to eat the second half of their plate, because they still tried to make Elmer eat.
"I'm going to bed." Elmer stated when Jack and Katherine were done eating. He stood up and walked away without waiting for an answer.

He never left his room the next four days, only to go to the bathroom, but he never took a shower. He felt like he didn't deserve it. That why he wore the same clothes every day, even if Jack had given him new clothes. There was someone with him everyday, just as Jack had said. Davey was there on Monday, katherine on Tuesday, Crutchie was there on Wednesday and Jack was there that day,Thursday. Elmer wasn't talking so they sat in silence in the guest bedroom. He hadn't slept that much either and Jack was worried. There was a plate of food on the nightstand, but it was untouched.
"Okay I'm done with it." Jack sighed. "You're either eating the food or I'll call Spot, Albert and Race." Elmer didn't respond. Jack grabbed his phone after a few seconds and called Race. He didn't even bother to leave the room.
"Hey Race. Are you all home?"
"No. I'm home on my own. Spot an Albert are at work."
"Okay. I need you to come over. Elmer won't eat or talk and I can't do anything about it."
"I'm on my way." He heard Race say before the call ended. Jack sent a quick text to Albert and Spot.
"You know that we all want the best for you, right?" Elmer didn't answer. He didn't even hear Jack talk. He was in his own world of blackness. His eyes were glassy and held nothing but empty ness. Jack stood up and sighed, which he seemed to do a lot lately. He looked one last time at the boy before walking out of the room. Elmer was pale, his hair was messy and he had lost weight. Jack walked out and closed the door. He was turning on the radio when there was a knock on the door.

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