Chapter 7

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"Let me fill you in first." Jack said before Race could enter the guest bedroom. "He hasn't eaten, slept or moved in five days. You need to stay calm in there, but there is a chance he won't notice you, even if you talk to him." Race nodded and headed in. He released the breath that he didn't knew he held as soon as he saw the small form on the bed.
"Hey Elmer." Race said softly. Elmer didn't react to his presence. He didn't know if it was a good or bad thing, because he was scared of him the last time they were together.
"Elmer, I need you to know that I'm sorry." Race said as he sat down on the bed in front of his boyfriend.
"Can you talk to me?" There was no reaction. Elmer's eyes didn't move and his mouth didn't open. You would think that he was dead if it wasn't for the small rise and fall of his chest. Race placed Elmer's hands between his own. His boyfriends hands were cold. He placed a soft kiss on his knuckles which led to a small reaction. Elmer's eyes locked for a second with Race's, but then looked away again.

How long has he been here? What day is it? You're an idiot. Elmer's mind was going crazy. He hadn't seen, heard or felt anything in what felt like days. He had been in his own mind for five days.
He's probably here to take you home, because you are a burden to Jack and Katherine.

Race didn't really know what to do. Elmer at least now knew that he was there and didn't move away from him.
"Can you talk to me?" He asked Elmer.
"I- I'm sorry." His voice sounded croaky.
"You have nothing to be sorry about." Race answered him. He meant it. It was his fault that he got drunk and went too far.

Why do you cry so much. You're pathetic. Elmer's minded yelled at him as tears started to form in his eyes. It was like Race could see the pain in his mostly emotionless eyes. Arms wrapped around his body and he returned the hug after a few seconds. His body was shaking.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He rambled om and on.
"Hey it's okay. Ssssh. It's alright." Race whispered. Elmer tightened his grip. Race was his lightning rod. The only way to bring him home and to be happy again with all of his boyfriends. He was still whispering the 'I'm sorry's.
You should be sorry. You are a burden to them. Even to Jack and Katherine. Why take your pathetic problems to them? His mind stopped when he felt soft lips connect with his.

Race was thinking. He had to break through to Elmer. There was one thing that came to his mind. The one thing that always shut the boy's mouth. He connected their lips and kissed him passionately. They pulled away after a few seconds.
"Better." There was a smile on the boy's face for the first time in days.
"That was disgusting." Jack said from his place in the doorway. There was a big grin on his face. "If this was all that needed to happen all this time, I would have called him sooner."
"Shut up." Race said with a small smile.
"Jack, I'm sorry I-" Elmer started.
"Don't. Just don't. You know I love you like a brother and that I would do anything for you. All of you." Elmer smiles gratefully at Jack.
"Thank you." Elmer whispered. Jack winked. There was a knock on the door so he turned around in his heels and opened the door. Spot and Albert raced in without saying another word. They saw Elmer with his hands in Race's when they stormed in to the room.
"Thank God you're okay." Spot said as he run to Elmer and wrapped him in a hug. Albert followed and wrapped all four of them in the hug. They sat there for a minute before they all got out of their tangled hug.
"Are you alright?" Albert asked Elmer.
"It took Race a while, but his sweet kiss got me out of my downwards going spiral." Elmer grinned and leaned in for another short soft kiss. "But I'm really tired and I wanna go home." He leaned his head on Spot's shoulder.
"I'll talk to Jack and then we go. Is that okay?" Albert asked. Elmer nodded. Albert stood up and walked out of the room.

"Thank you for everything." Albert walked over to Jack and wrapped him in a hug which he gladly returned.
"Hey, like I told El and Race before: I love you all like brothers. I do anything for you." Jack said without pulling out of the hug.
"I know, but it feels like we just shoved this on you. It isn't really fair and all."
"It doesn't matter. Though something for next time: Davey is considered the mother hen of the group, which he showed when he came over to watch over El, maybe next time ask him for help too." Albert pulled out of the hug laughing.
"Don't think that you are one to talk." Elmer grinned as he walked into the room. Elmer wrapped Jack in a hug too.
"Thank you, again. I'll wash your clothes before I give them back. It's the least I can do." Elmer said when he pulled away from the hug.
"Keep them. Kath won't let me wear it anyway."
"Don't you shove that on me!" Katherine said sternly, but a small grin betrayed her. No one had noticed her entering. All Jack could do was laugh nervously, but wrapped an arm around her when she stood next to him.
"Thank you, Kath." Elmer said. "I know I haven't been the easiest."
"It's nothing." She said with a soft smile.
"You should head home though. Looks like Elmer could fall asleep every second now." Jack laughed as his friend was leaning full weight against Albert.
"Shut up." Came almost inaudible out of his mouth. It made all of the boys laugh, but they did leave. They were all tired from what had happened.

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