Chapter Three

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I had just finished buying my dress, scooter gave us a date for the wedding. He sent out all the invitations and everything was falling into place. I took my dress home and hung it in the closet. I hung it towards the back so Austin couldn't see it.
"Hey Avery" I heard Austin call. I quickly closed the closet and he walked in.
He held my birth control in his hand.
"What's in the closet?" He asked confused.
"Nothin, you can't see it, it's my dress" I said, standing in front of the closet. He nodded.
He held my birth control up and I looked at it, then back at him.
"What about it?" I asked. He looked at it again and raised an eyebrow.
"You haven't taken it in 3 weeks?" He asked. I slowly shook my head.
"So does that mean?" He asked. I nodded slowly. He smiled and ran over to me. He lifted me off my feet and spun me around.
"Thank you thank you thank you" he said excitedly. He landed us on the bed and he was kissing all over my face.
"Okay but listen" I said. He stopped and looked me directly in the eyes.
"Not until after the wedding" I told him sternly.
"The wedding is only a month away, I can definitely wait" he chuckled. I gave him and small smile and he once again pulled me into a tight hug and squeezed hard. I let out a groan from all of the pressure he was putting into me. He laughed and let me go. I lied on his chest and he just held me comfortably.
"You have an interview today don't you?" I asked. He nodded.
"I'd rather just stay here with you and Avon" he groaned.
"What if we came with?" I asked.
"Avery I don't know, are you ready to go out with all the cameras again?" He asked. I nodded.
"Might as well get some good pictures of me before I get fat again" I chuckled. He rolled his eyes.
"You were never fat" he groaned.
"A little" I said
"No, only beautiful" he said and kissed my forehead.

"So Post, you're here, and we see Avery back there, she hasn't been out since the baby was born, how is everything going with the new lifestyle?" The interviewer asked.
"It's been really great, Avery and I couldn't be happier, Avon is a really great kid and he has a very loud personality" Austin said, earning laughs from the crowd.
"Could Avery come out?" She asked. Austin and the woman looked over at me. Austin motioned for me to come over. I handed Avon over to scooter and I walked out. Everyone applauded. Austin stood up and grabbed another chair and set it down for me. I took a seat and he took his seat.
"Wow Avery, you really look amazing for a woman with a child" the woman said.
"Thank you so much" I smiled. The people were attaching the mic to my clothing.
"So usually kids will choose a parent who they are just so attached to, has Avon done that yet?" The woman asked. I looked over at Austin who was already pointing at me.
"He's a mom guy" Austin said and everyone laughed.
"Aren't you also a mom guy?" The woman asked. Austin smiled and nodded.
"Moms love me" he said and a few of the older woman in the crowd screamed.
"What's Avon like? What's his personality?" The woman asked.
"Avon his just like his dad" I said quickly.
"Like for example, Austin does this thing, when he's trying to convince me to do something, he'll set his arm down on me like this and then look at me like this" I said, and doing the motions.
"And Avon did the same exact thing to me just the other week" I said, everyone laughed. Once it got quiet Avon yelled, causing everyone to look over.
"Mama" he said. He quickly came running out. Scooter tried to grab him but has already on the stage before he could get him. Everyone awed and he crawled onto my lap.
"Well aren't you just the cutest" the woman said.
"Thank you" he said but it sounded more like 'fank you'.
"So Avon, your birthday is coming up isn't it?" She asked. He nodded excitedly.
"June 26th" he said confidently.
"And what did you ask for?" She said.
"Well" he started. I took a sip of my water.
"I told mommy I want a sister and-" he started. I nearly choked on my water and everyone laughed.
"Are you okay?" He said turning towards me. I swallowed my water and nodded.
"Do you think you'll get a sister?" The woman asked, she was laughing also. Avon nodded.
"Well, daddy said I will be getting one-" Avon started. I brought my hand up to his mouth and covered it. Austin was laughing, I just smiled and covered his mouth. Everyone was laughing, including the interviewer. Avon shook his head from my hand and looked at me.
"Why did you do that" he whispered. I laughed and so did everyone else.
"Was that a ring I saw?" The interviewer said. Avon grabbed my finger and pulled it towards the woman.
"I helped daddy pick it" Avon said proudly.
"It's very pretty" the woman said.
"Daddy said it's for mommy cause he wants to be with her, forever" Avon said. He couldn't pronounce his words entirely correct. The crowd awed and I just punched the bridge of my nose between my fingers. The interviewer looked at Austin.
"Is that true?" She cooed. Austin shyly nodded.
"I mean yeah" he chuckled.
"What more could I possibly want? She's beautiful, smart, the mother of my child, she's got a great personality, and she's my number one supporter, always" Austin said. The crowd awed again and I looked over it him. He leaned in and kissed me quickly.
"Ew" Avon said. I rolled my eyes and looked at him.
"And you want a sister?" I asked, and the crowd laughed.
I set Avon down and he ran over to scooter.
"So what are you most nervous for with Avon growing up?" The interviewer asked.
We thought for a moment.
"Well right now, dads the cool one cause dad plays guitar, but no doubt when Avon gets older he's going to realize that mom is actually the talented one and not dad" Austin said. Everyone laughed, including me.
"No you are talented" the interviewer cooed. Austin chuckled.
"No, auto tune is talented" he said, earning more laughs from everyone.
"I'm not really worried about anything yet, I think as long as he has a good structure and home to grow in, then he should be set on the right path, and as long as he has good role models" I said.
"Aren't you worried that he's going to listen to the music that either of you have or even watch a performance and he might think a type of way about it, because Avery you do perform with very little clothing and Austin your music is very derogatory and lots of profanity, and talks about drugs and alcohol" the interviewer said. I shook my head.
"The first major life lesson my son is going to learn is that women can wear whatever the hell they want and show whatever they want, and that it doesn't make them a whore, or whatever people call them nowadays, he's going to know about equality and that men are not better than women, he's going to learn that as soon as he's able to comprehend" I said sternly.
"Besides, I don't think there was anything wrong with what I wore on stage, did I show off skin? Of course. But at the end of the day it's my body and it's not affecting anyone" I said. The interviewer agreed.
"And he already listens to our music, the non explicit versions obviously but I want to put him on many different genres of music at a young age like my dad did" Austin said.

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