Chapter Ten

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I was sitting at home, trying to put together a crib. Austin went back his late nights working and the nights that we wasn't working he was going to the bar or parties with his friends. Avon was sick so he was home from school.
"Momma" I heard Avon yell and he shortly after ran into the room that I was in, setting up a crib.
"What's wrong Avon?" I asked.
"I got sick" he said. I sighed.
"Where?" I asked.
"My room" he said. He had his blanket in his hand, dragging behind him.
"Okay, go sit in the living room, I'll be down soon" I said. He ran downstairs and lied on the couch. I frustratedly threw down the pieces I was holding and made my way to Avon's room, where there sat a huge mess to clean. I quickly grabbed everything to clean it and then put baking soda down on the carpet so it'd absorb the smell. I made my way down to the living room where Avon was. He was watching his cartoons on tv. I poured a glass of ginger ale and gave it to him.
I made my way back upstairs and looked at the crib. I sighed and walked into my room. I looked at the mess Austin had left. His clothes scattered all over the floor, his side of the bed not made, and 3 beer bottles sitting on the table. I threw all of the clothes in the hamper, made the bed and threw away the bottle. I gathered all of the trash bags and drug all of the trash outside to the garbage can. I made my way back inside. I looked over at the pile of dishes that had been thrown into the sink, and not put in the dishwasher. I opened the dishwasher and saw, it was full, just never ran. Why wouldn't Austin just run the dishwasher after putting his dishes in it. I started the dishwasher and hand washed the pile in the sink.
I pulled out my phone, to call Austin, to find out when he would be coming home. No answer. I threw my phone onto the counter and walked over to Avon. He was asleep, thank god. I pressed my hand against his forehead, he was burning hot.
I looked around at our house. A complete mess. Austin's guitars were scattered all around, and none of them were put on their stand. Beer bottles where on every table, and the counter.
Needless to say, I was extremely frustrated with the lack of help I was getting from Austin and all the work he was adding. He should be here putting this damn crib together. He should be doing the construction. I'm 8 months pregnant. I sure as hell shouldn't be.
Lights flashed through the window. 3 am. Avon was upstairs sleeping, but I stayed awake and sat downstairs. Fighting my tiredness.
Austin stumbled through the door and immediately grabbed a beer from the fridge. I stood up and he walked over to me.
"Why are you up?" He asked. I crossed my arms.
"Where have you been" I said sternly.
"Working" he yelled.
"You're drunk" I mumbled.
"Damn right" he chuckled.
"So you drink at work?" I asked.
"I'm stressed. I go to work, then after a long shitty day, I go to the bar, is that a problem?" He yelled.
"You know, it is a problem, especially when you trash the house, and you're not around to help with anything. I'm 8 months pregnant, Avon is sick, and there's a crib upstairs that needs put together" I yelled. He rolled his eyes and sat on the couch.
"I need you to be around Austin" I mumbled.
"Okay well sometimes I want time to myself" he mumbled.
"This isn't a sometimes thing Austin. This is everyday" I said.
"Because I just need to be alone" he said
"I guess you shouldn't have decided to have a family" I said. He sighed.
"I didn't really decide it, it just happened" he mumbled.
"You can sleep on the couch" I mumbled and walked away. I heard him groan, but I didn't care. I made my way upstairs, into my room, and locked the door.
I walked downstairs, and Austin was passed out on the couch. It was noon, and Avon was sitting at the bottom of the couch watching tv, since Austin was laying on the couch.
"Come on Avon, you have a doctors appointment" I said quietly and reached my hand down for him to grab. He gladly grabbed it and wrapped his hand around my fingers. We made our way out to the car and drove to his doctors appointment.
"Where were you?" Austin said, spitting pure attitude. I sighed, set my purse down on the counter and dropped all of the groceries to the floor.
"Avon go to your room" I said. He ran upstairs and once I heard his door closed I looked at Austin. I ran my hand through my messy hair and let out a loud sigh. The look on my face was clearly letting Austin know how unhappy I was.
"I was taking Avon to the doctors appointment, that you were supposed to take him too, then I went to the grocery store" I said.
"Well why didn't you wake me up" he said, grabbing a beer out of the fridge.
"Because Austin, it's not my job to make sure you act like an adult and take your son to the doctors" I yelled. I was livid.
"You're trippin" he mumbled and took a seat at a chair in front of the counter. I started putting the groceries away, and he just sat there and watched.
"I'm so fucking tired of you not doing anything Austin" I said.
"What do you mean? I work, almost everyday" he said.
"No, you are off on the weekends and when you're done work you don't even come home, you go out" I said.
"I'm a grown ass man, I can go out without permission" he yelled.
"Austin I'm due in 2 weeks and you have me doing heavy lifting and everything on my own" I yelled.
"You're making a big deal out of nothing" he mumbled. I sighed.
"Put the groceries away" I spat. I walked out of the kitchen and made my way upstairs. I went into my room and started the shower. I quickly jumped in, because I knew I wouldn't have much time to shower, since no one in this house is capable of doing anything themselves.
I got out of the shower, quickly got dressed and wrapped a towel around my hair. I made my way downstairs and saw Austin and Avon playing video games in the living room. I looked over to the kitchen, where still, groceries sat on the floor.
"So why didn't you put the groceries away?" I asked.
"Cause I'm spending time with Avon" Austin said, not even looking my way. His eyes were glued to the tv. I sighed and started putting the groceries away.
"I asked you to do one thing" I mumbled.
"Yeah, well" Austin said. After a few seconds, Avon got up.
"I'll help" he said.
"It's fine bud she's got it" Austin said and pulled him back on to the couch. I scoffed. So now he was trying to teach my son to act like him. I finished putting the groceries away, put my towel in the laundry. I slipped on a pair of shoes, grabbed my purse and walked out of the house. I needed to go vent, I needed to go off, so I decided to go to the only person that would someone understand. Scooter.

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