Chapter Seven

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We had just gotten on our flight home. We were in New York for Christmas, to be with family and all that fun stuff. Avon was asleep in the window seat, I was in the middle and Austin was on the end. I had grown to hate plane rides, they just felt so long.
I felt extremely sick the whole plane ride, I wasn't sure if it was because of how long the days have been and lack of sleep or it was because I was on plane. But I had my head on Austin's shoulder and he kept me close.
Once the plain finally landed we got into our car and drive home. We hadn't been home in 3 weeks and it felt absolutely amazing. I was homesick, I missed my own bed.
Austin carried Avon up to his bed and I made my way to our room. I undressed and got into bed. Shortly after Austin walked in, undressed and got into bed also. He pulled me close to him and wrapped his arms around my petite body.
I sat up in my bed and immediately felt light headed. Austin had dropped Avon off at school before going to work.
I grabbed my phone from my table side bed and texted scooter, asking him to pick up a few pregnancy tests for me. He was coming over anyway. I stepped out of bed and my entire body ached. Everything hurt and I was really nauseous. I tried my best to now throw up.
A few moments later, scooter walked in. I met him downstairs and he handed me a bag.
"So you're pregnant again?" He asked.
"I hope so" I sighed and took a seat. Scooter took a seat next to us.
"Does Austin want another kid?" He asked. I chuckled.
"He's the one who put it in my head in the first place" I chuckled.
"Wow, who would have thought Austin would be the one wanting a family" scooter said. I smiled.
"I know, it's crazy" I chuckled.
"Well, go take those tests and find out" scooter said. I nodded and walked upstairs into my bathroom. I pulled out all 3 tests and took them all. I sat on the floor and had the tests lined up in front of me. The 5 minutes you have to wait is the longest 5 minutes anyone will ever experience.
Once my timer went off, I picked up the tests and looked at them. Looking down at them, I wanted to cry, and I did. All three read positive. I picked up at three, set them on the counter and made my way downstairs. Scooter stared at me, waiting for an answer. I walked over to him and he stood up.
"It's positive" I said excitedly. He pulled me in and engulfed me in a tight hug.
"Congratulations" he said.
"How will you tell Austin?" He asked.
"I have no idea, help me" I pleaded.
"You could just wait till he gets home, then tell Avon to tell Austin" he said. I nodded. Scooter and I talked about the excitement for a few hours, until it was time for me to pick up Avon.
So I went and got Avon then brought him back home. Avon watched tv downstairs while I went upstairs, rinsed off the tests and wrapped them in a cute box. I made my way downstairs and started making dinner for Avon.
At around 6:30, Austin walked through the door. I ran over, excited to tell him, but was extremely let down when 4 other guys followed him in. He walked over to me and the guys took a seat.
"I had the longest fucking day" he said and rested his forehead on mine.
"What happened?" I asked.
"There's just so many issues with everything right now" he groaned. I looked over at Austin's friends who were talking to Avon.
"Im sorry, I have a lot more work to do and I couldn't sit in the studio any longer, everyone will be gone be 11" he said.
"It's fine" I said with a smile. He kissed my lips then made his way to the couch and sat with his friends. I called for Avon to come and eat. He sat at the counter and ate his food. I looked over at Austin, his fingers were in his hair and he just looked purely frustrated. They all had papers and laptops out and were busy doing whatever.
I waited awhile for Avon to finish eating and debated on weather or not I should tell Austin now or wait till he wasn't so frustrated. But maybe good news is something that he needs.
"Come on Avon, lets go get dressed for bed" I said. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs. We got to his room and I got his pajamas out of his drawer. I helped him put them on.
"Avon" I said. He looked at me.
"I need you to tell daddy a secret okay?" I said. He nodded excitedly.
"Go whisper to daddy and say mommy's pregnant" I said. He looked at me confused.
"You're having a baby?" He asked. I smiled and nodded.
"Oh wow!" He said excitedly.
"Can you go tell daddy?" I asked. He nodded. He loved any time with Austin he could get since he wasn't home very often. Avon and I walked to my room, I gave him the box to give to Austin.
We walked downstairs and I stood at the counter. I nodded at Avon to let him know to go to Austin.
"Daddy" Avon said and ran over to Austin.
"Not now bud" Austin said, severely focused on his work.
"But daddy, I have to tell you something" he said, crawling into the couch, smushing himself between Austin and his friends.
"What is it?" Austin asked, and finally looked up at him.
"It's a secret" Avon whispered and looked at Austin's friends. Austin smiled.
"Oh okay" Austin whispered. Avon grabbed the side of Austin's head and whispered into Austin's ear.
Austin cocked his head back and looked at Avon confused. He looked over at me then Avon handed Austin the box. He opened the box and looked inside. He looked up at me once again, and he was smiling.
"Are you serious?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. He set the box down on the table in front of him and came over to me.
"It's not a joke?" He said. I shook my head. He pulled me in and hugged my tightly. Austin's friends were kind of confused, but Avon waisted no time.
"Mommy's having a baby" he yelled and jumped around the living room. His friends all clapped for us.
"When did you find out?" Austin asked.
"This morning" I smiled. He leaned in and kissed me. I knew he wouldn't cry since his friends were here but he definitely wanted to.
I took Avon upstairs and answered all of his questions about a new baby. And he had a lot of them. He was so excited too, it was adorable.
"I hope it's a girl" he said. I chuckled.
"Why's that?" I asked, I assumed it's because Austin made such a big deal about wanting a girl.
He sighed.
"So I can make sure people are nice to her, like daddy is to you" he said. My heart melted a little.
"Well, you'll be a good big brother than wouldn't you?" I smiled. He shook his head confidently.
"Alright goodnight Avon" I said and planted a kiss on his forehead.
"Goodnight mommy"

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