Chapter Nine

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"How's it coming?" I asked scooter.
"It's coming along well" scooter said.
We were preparing for the gender reveal of the baby. This time it wasn't a gender reveal/ baby shower, so we only had our direct family coming and a few friends. We were doing a more traditional, simple way of revealing the gender. The classic, open a big box and balloons come out. It was raining outside and it was just really a depressing day outside.
I walked upstairs to where Austin was. He was laying in bed watching tv.
"Are you excited?" I asked and walked over to his side of the bed.
He smiled and pulled my waist. He pulled me into the bed and rolled me on to the other side of him.
"Of course I'm excited" he said. He lifted up my shirt. I actually had a bump this time, it was so cute. I was still small but I actually looked pregnant.
"What do you think it is?" He asked.
I shrugged my shoulders.
"I've only ever had a boy so I don't know what a girl feels like yet" I chuckled.
"So what your saying is we're having another one after this just so we can have this conversation again?" He said. I laughed.
"You're hilarious, I think this will be it for me" I chuckled.
"Yeah, Avon is already a handful, now we're going to have two handfuls" he said rolled onto his stomach and placed his hands on my stomach. He switched the positions a few times.
"How do you feel kicking" he asked, genuinely confused. I chuckled. I placed my hands on my stomach and tried to find the feet. Once I did I took his hands and moved them to where the feet here and gently pushed them down.
"It would be right here if anywhere" I said. He held his hands there a moment. After a few minutes, he quickly pulled his hands back and looked at my stomach.
"It scared me" he chuckled. I couldn't even help but to laugh. He slid his hands underneath my back and planted a kiss on my stomach.
"I really hope it's a girl" he said.
"Why?" I chuckled.
"Because the world needs another you" he said.
"You know Avon said he wanted a sister, cause he wants to make sure people treat her right" I told him.
"Oh really?" He said. I nodded.
"He said he's going to make sure people treat her like you treat me" I chuckled. Austin laughed.
"Yeah, but without the baby making, I'll be dammed" he said.
"You're already over protective the baby isn't even here yet, we don't even know the gender yet" I chuckled.
"If it's a girl I'm going to be the most over protective, annoying dad in the world" he said.
"Why?" I asked. He sighed.
"Because I would hate for her to end up with someone like how I used to be, and if I'm strict about the men she's with, I can prevent that" he said.
"Well, I got with the guy you used to be and look at us now" I said
"Yeah, but I'm only lucky to still have you, you shouldn't have had to go through as much as you did with me" he said. I ran my fingers through his hair.
"But it was all worth it" I said quietly. He sighed, and leaned up towards me.
"I am so blessed to have you" he said and planted a kiss on my lips.
Scooter called for us, so we made our way downstairs. Avon was running around with our nieces and nephews. Austin and I walked around and greeted family. We don't see them very often anymore but it is kind of nice to have space.
Scooter gathered everyone up and had everyone sit down except Austin and I who were standing behind the box.
"I'm nervous" Austin said to me. Everyone laughed and I looked over at him.
"Me too" I said.
"I think you will both be very happy" scooter said. My mom and Austin's mom was already crying. They had become really good friends since Austin and I left, and they were both always so emotional.
Scooter handed Austin a knife and he cut the seal from the box. Once the tape was cut we both held a flap of the box.
"Are you ready?" I chuckled.
"Yeah, are you?" He asked.
"Yeah" I smiled. Everyone counted down from 5 and once it hit one we opened the flaps.
Pink balloons rose up and hit the ceiling. Austin ran over to me and picked me up and spun me around. He was so excited, and I loved it. It was so cute how happy he was. Avon was jumping around, clapping.

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