2. Strange Dreams?

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"Putri (daughter), tell us your name?"

"I don't know" was all she managed to say clumsily pressing the left side of her head and ear, carefully bandaged.

"Where have you come from?"

"I don't know."

Preethika gazed at them curiously. They were wearing garments draped like sarees or dhotis, simple coarse cotton mostly in hues of orange and brown and occasionally white.

"Why am I dressed like this?" she asked looking down at her own jeans and shirt.

"Oh putrid" said an elderly lady, kindly combing through Preethika's short wavy hair with her fingers "You sustained a severe head injury and lost all your memory but don't worry we will all take good care of you."

With that she tenderly clasped their unusual guest to her bosom as the other ashram dwellers nodded in agreement.


Angraj Karna had never felt more impatient all his life than now as he sat watching the mysterious girl he had rescued today, sleeping on his bed. He couldn't give her to the care of the soldiers and there being no female in his entourage, he had cleaned and tended for her wounds himself with whatever medicinal knowledge he possessed.

After several minute of waiting, his wish finally materialized for she stirred slightly. He immediately rose from his couch and walked to her.

"Devi, are feeling better?"

"Where am I?" she asked looking around. It appeared as though she was in a super- luxurious tent.

"Don't worry, Devi" he replied reassuringly "You are safe here in my tent. I was out on a inspection of my kingdom and I happened to find you in the forest Injured and unconscious and there is no one to be found here for miles. We are currently camping here before we resume our journey tomorrow."

She looked on confused. She observed an extremely fine silk cloth apparently very expensive too wrapped around her shoulders and chest. It definitely was not hers. She began removing it slowly but stopped abruptly. Now she saw its purpose. Her dress was torn badly. She instinctively clutched it tighter to herself.

"I am very sorry Devi. But I had not foreseen such a situation. There are no female servants travelling with us..." he said awkwardly.

"What is your name?" he continued on getting no response from her.

"I am Shakthiselvi Dixit" she replied.

"I have never heard of your family name."

"Who are you?"

"I am Karna, the King of Anga."

Now Shakthiselvi's eyes widened. She was feeling shocked, frightened and confused at the same time. She must be dreaming, right? But everything appeared so real!

"Look here, sir. This is not at all a nice prank. Tell me who you are. Where have you brought me? Where are my friends? Yes... yes... We were involved in a train accident. You must have brought me here from the accident site! Let me go-"

"Devi calm down" he said trying to soothe her.

"No... no..." she nearly screamed, frantically searching for anything which could be of defence "Stay away from me! Go away-"

Black spots began blotting her vision before she knew no more.


"So putri Dhaarya. You say you are from the future" Nandini said serving their new guest more food "And you and your two friends were involved in an accident and you ended up here."

She and her husband, Raman, had heard a most incredible story that afternoon from the young unusual girl. That she had been in an accident they were sure but even surer that she was under trauma and needed to well cared for.

Dhaarya nodded her curly head.

"Here have some more food, dear"

"No, no Kaki. I am really full" Dhaarya replied truthfully. She really couldn't eat anymore.

"It is okay putri(daughter). Don't feel shy" this time her husband spoke up gently.

"But I don't eat more than this."

"Putri it is alright. Your family may have starved or mistreated you. But here you are like my daughter" Nandini said softly caressing her cheeks.

Dhaarya almost spat the food from her mouth.

"No Kaki. My parents loved me a lot and fed me well" she said in great surprise. What must have made them draw such a conclusion?

"As you say" Nandini replied smiling sadly.

'Poor girl' she thought 'She is in denial.'

"But Dhaarya putri, you must eat a little more rice, for my satisfaction."

Dhaarya nodded obediently, seeing no other way out.

"Putri, as much as we would love to keep you here, we can't" Raman spoke up suddenly "You see we are poor people and you are so young. You still have your life to lead..."

"It is alright Kaka" she smiled reassuringly, observing his guilt- ridden face "I completely understand."

'I have to find my friends too' she thought 'Heaven knows where they are or if they are safe.'

Dhaarya still felt it was one strange dream and she would wake up soon from it all to her normal happy life.

But, oh, how wrong she was!

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