18. Nothing-2

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"Dhaarya it is not 'nothing'. Something that can reduce you to tears is definitely grave. Tell me"

"No Rajkumar Duryodhan. It is nothing that concerns you."

"Dhaarya I know we are not exactly on good terms but you can tell me as a subject tells their ruler. It is my duty to help you out."

"I...I..." she began trying to form legible words but more plaintive sobs choked her.

"Hush. Calm down Dhaarya" Duryodhan said gently, bringing his hand towards her shoulder but stopped. Now he regretted having behaved so annoyingly with her earlier.

Dhaarya saw this. A tiny smile appeared on her lips. Her time here had not been entirely boring and it was thanks to this irritating man before her.

"Dhaarya tell me what is it? Please"

She watched him with an unfaltering gaze. Years later she would still be wondering if her subconscious was aware of what the future held that made her trust him for that moment.

Duryodhan heard open mouthed as she narrated a most incredible story. He found it hard to believe her words but for most of it her story answered his many questions about her. Those questions that had lingered on his mind since he first met her.

"You see I needed to survive so I took this job so that I could search for my friends but I got so involved in our silly fights that I forgot all about them until you brought up Karna today" she said sadly.

"Dhaarya there was no way for you to search for your friends before and everything here was so new to you. You needed time for yourself as well" Duryodhan replied calmly.

Dhaarya glared at him, her eyes flashing in anger.

"Dhharya, let's be practical" he continued gently "What is your position here? How would you talk to people? You will tell them you all appeared here after an accident with a vehicle call 'train'? Who will believe that? You don't even know if you friends have also got transported back to this age. You can't do this all alone. You need help and I mean real help."

She nodded in agreement. What he was saying made perfect sense. She had been acting emotional all this while.

"You are right" she uttered in a breaking voice "But something tells me, my two friends are here around me. I just know it. I wouldn't have been able to maintain my sanity otherwise. We have always been together ever since we met in college. We were always happy like sisters. We could not imagine a moment without each other—"

"Dhaarya, Dhaarya, calm down" Duryodhan whispered softly breaking her from her reverie "Tonight you need to rest. I will tell Dushala to ensure that. And tomorrow meet me here in the morning sharp at six. We will think how to sort things out then."

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