6. Some Pulling and Testing

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The journey wasn't quick but it was visually pleasant and serene. When they finally reached the palace Shakthiselvi couldn't help but gasp. It was huge and grand to her. It had an aura to itself but then she had never seen a palace in a..."working condition."

"Shakthiselvi you look dumbstruck" he smiled.

"I am Angraj Karna. I have only seen ruined palaces as historic monuments all my life"

"What?" he asked confused.

"Um... never mind" she said embarrassed "My world."

He gave a "never mind" smile and proceeded. She merely followed him. If this was one elaborate plan, she was long trapped and escape was far from sight.

They were passing through breathtakingly ornate and beautiful corridors and passages, designed tastefully laid with interesting and rich artifacts and decorations.

"So Shakthiselvi, this is Pakhi, she will be your head maid" Karna said drawing her attention back to reality, "The Raj Vaid (doctor/physician) will see you soon. Don't worry you will be well taken care of."

She nodded without completely registering whatever he was saying. He was pointing to a young girl, not middle aged, but certainly older than her, but could be an elder sister. She had a kind smile on her face.

"Come Devi. I will take you to your chambers" Pakhi said softly.

"Go with her Shakthiselvi, you are safe here" Karna said smiling reassuringly.

And certainly Karna is a man of his words, Shakthiselvi concludedthat day. Pakhi showed her to a huge magnificently luxurious room where she was greeted by another pantheon of daasis(Female servants) and even before she was done soaking in the beauty of the room, they led her to another huge room although relatively smaller than the earlier one which she concluded to be the bath given the moderately sixed pool and a brass tumbler and the smell of innumerable fragrant oils and pastes wafting through the air. She nearly fell asleep when the maids went about their work.

'If this is one beautiful dream, then let it last' she thought, relaxed and reinvigorated from the long luxurious bath.

The Raj Vaid had come to see her soon after that and after pronouncing her fit but in requirement of rest had left. Several hours lasped.

"I want to go out" she said getting up.

"No,no Kumari. Maharaj has not given permission for that" one of the daasis said hurriedly.

'Now this is suspicious' she thought but said nothing.

"How do you see the time?" She asked, boredom creeping into her.

"Kumari there is this device here" one of the maids replied leading her to a sunny and well lit part of the room. She observed it was a sundial which showed around noon.

'If every room has such a sundial that means all would be sun- facing and the sun dial in each room positioned carefully. That is clever architecture!' she thought admiringly.

"Kumari, lunch will be served in an hour. Mahraj has asked you to join. We have to get you ready" a maid said hurrying in.

"Relax there is an hour left. I am already dressed" Shakthiselvi replied pointing at the cotton dress draped around her.

"Oh no no, this won't do at all" Pakhi intervened laughing softly "Come with us."

She marveled at their skills as varied fabrics covered her in elegant layers. They were luxurious silks- soft and airy. She rather liked them. And then I saw one of the dasis bringing a large tray of jewellery with herself. She raised her eyebrows sharply.

"All those?" I asked.

"Oh no no" she almost laughed "We have to find the right sets for you."

She suddenly felt a heaviness around her neck. She looked down and saw a long intricately carved necklace.

"What are you doing? I can't wear such heavy jewellery. No no..."

"But Kumari. It will look so good on you. And the Maharaj may not be pleased with us if we don't..."

"Okay" she sighed. She let them do what they wanted to.

When she finally saw herself in the mirror she was stunned. She touched her hair made up into a beautiful bun with various little pins and accessories. The lower garment was mustard and the upper chilli red. She was wearing two or three necklaces not to mention the stunning earrings and bangles all pure gold inlaid with numerous diamonds and stones. They were all simple and tasteful. She was certainly looking pretty.

She took a step forward. Something cool around her feet jingled.

"No" she groaned "Not payals(anklets). Pakhi take them off"

They looked at her surprised. She repeated the instruction again.

"But... but Kumari. It is important for women" she fumbled.

"But you are going to listen to me this time. Take off the payals. And don't tell me the Maharaj will be annoyed if I don't wear payals. I don't think he will even notice the absence of something so inconspicuous."

They did as she said although they looked very uncomfortable. But she ignored it, hunger was overcoming her gradually.


"Come take your seat Shakthiselvi" Karna said gently sending her a pleasant smile.

There were no chairs but a low table and luxurious cushions arranged elegantly. Karna was sitting at the head of the table. She nodded and sat down across him.

The servants began pouring in with the food. Shakthiselvi still had a nagging doubt in her mind.

'Perhaps I should take one final try. Something that will—'she thought as her eyes caught sight of the golden uniquekundals(earrings) glinting in Karna's ears 'Okay..I think I know what to do..."

"Aaa" Karna yelped at the sudden pull at his ears. Shakthiselvi pulled at them with all her might.

"Shakthi what are you doing?" he asked more shocked than annoyed as the servants around gaped at them equally surprised.

"You are real!" she exclaimed joyfully "You are really the legendary Karna!"

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