16. An Outrageous Request?

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"Impossible" Karna said sharply, his voice higher than usual. He was truly taken aback by her sudden request and made no effort to conceal his reactions.

"Why not?" Shakthiselvi asked, unable to understand why he was behaving so unusual "Why are you acting as if I made an outrageous request?"

"What need have you to visit Hastinapur so suddenly?" he questioned back, "What is lacking here?Tell me what you want and I will get it for you right away. But why—"

"Karna" Shakthiselvi exclaimed, gaping in utter disbelief, "What are you associating with what? I need to remain informed of the newest developments in the land, I need to know the people outside, I need to establish connections—"

"And I want to know why?" Karna cut her abruptly.

Shakthiselvi took a deep breath. Her mind began racing through all the possible reasons that could have lead him to react in such an agitated manner to his simple request, but she could pinpoint none.

"Because I know what the future holds" she said finally, looking straight into his deep black eyes.

"And I told you earlier that I want to take my future as it comes and not—" he replied matching her gaze with equal intensity.

"And I am not revealing to you your future" she interrupted "But I know of the catastrophe that will befall Bharatvarsh, the voice of my conscience will not let me sit passive without making an effort to avert the crisis."

"Shakthiselvi, what disaster are you talking about? I don't see anything of such magnitude in Bharatvarsh" he replied, giving her an unbelieving look.

"Karna you don't believe that I am from the future!" she shot back indignantly "You think I am just making stories!"

"No... no... calm down Shakthi"

"So that is what you think of me? I am some lunatic whom you have given asylum, isn't it?"

"Shakthi please listen—"

"What will I listen to? Now I see, the world knows you for your kindness and generosity, and I, I am just an example of it to show to—"


Karna's eyes gleamed, a myriad of emotions coursing through them as he shook her, rather roughly, by her shoulders. He had lost many things in his life and also won many others but this amazing girl before him had become so precious to him so suddenly.

"Shakthiselvi please don't be adamant on this" he said softly, letting go of her shoulders.

"Karna I understand your concern but you have to let me—" Shakthiselvi replied, having calmed down considerably.

"No" Karna stated firmly as he strode out with an air of finality.

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