28. Talking -1

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"So Dhaarya" Duryodhand paused and then with a sly grin, "Dear."

Dhaarya clutched at the armrest, let her hand should find its way where it ought not to especially at the arrogant face seated in front of her.

"We are supposed to discuss the work we have at hand, Rajkumar Duryodhan" she hissed, trying hard not to grit her teeth as well.

"Excuse me. I was talking business" Duryodhan retorted "You were the one who got all worked up and delighted and amazed by these account sheets...Dear Dhaarya"

The next moment found itself witnessing the slim curly headed girl standing at her place, her eyes glinting with raging zeal, her hand first reaching for the sheets and then choosing to brandish instead a crystal paper weight at the prince of Hastinapur who looked on with stunned amazement before his senses alerted to this new, unforeseen threat.

"What are you doing!" Duryodhan exclaimed, cautiously reaching forward to extract the threatening article from her hand, "Why do you have to act like this all the time?"

"Because accountancy and business studies were my favourite subjects in college" she answered back frowning, "And it would be disrespectful to the subject to hit you with the accounts sheets!"

"What? And hitting me with that heavy paper weight is absolutely fine!" Duryodhan replied sarcastically, "You are completely, undoubtedly mad! You hear that? Mad!"

"Shut up!" she shouted "You were talking disrespectful to the account sheets!"

There was a collective gasp from the servants in the room. To thus outrightly insult the prince of Hastinapur was unheard of.

"Seriously?" Durydhan said, giving her an incredulous look, "Now, whatever, I don't waste time in madness like you nor do I like to spread unnecessary gossip about myself."

He smirked at the glare she shot him, infuriating her further. He loved irritating her. The inexplicable satisfaction he derived from it was unmatched even after a good round of mace practice.

"Now sit down we need to discuss further" he said, regaining his serious demenaour, "Finding missing people is no joke."

"You cannot order me around" she shot back, frowning angrily.

"Oh yes I can" Duryodhan replied, exasperation now creeping in his voice, "You work in this palace and I am a prince of this palace. Now sit and talk like a sane person."

"Sane" Dhaarya laughed sarcastically, "Who is talking about being sane."

"Dhaarya, don't try my patience anymore" Duryodhan growled "Take your seat. Or do you want me to seat you down."

"You dare not" she hissed back, sending him a murderous glare, "I will do what I want to. None shall orde—"

She stopped mid sentence as the tall and formidable warrior before her walked menacingly towards her, his mouth set in a thin line, his eyes glinting in a dangerous mirth.



Hello everyone

Let us try and make it to at least 45-50 votes before the next part is updated:)

Finally our Dhaarya and Duryodhan make a come back! I hope you liked their 'conversation'. Please let me know what you liked best from the chapter and what you think will happen next?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter:) Do drop by your votes and comments generously:)❤❤

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