5. Discussing Dharma

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"I am sorry Rajkumar Duryodhan, but Yuvraj Yudhistir is not in his chambers. He has been seen headed towards the forests on his horse"the soldier bowed and took his leave.

Duryodhan scoffed. He had come to talk to him about matters of policing. However much he disliked talking to his cousin, he loved the country as did all the brothers and he would do anything for it.

"Yudhistir is spending too much time in the ashrams(hermitages). Calls himself Yuvraj. He might as well stay there and leave me in peace to rule over Hastinapur" he muttered under his breath.


A circle of rishis and other ascetics and mendicants had formed in the common courtyard of the ashram. They were discussing the nuances of dharma, the essence of life and much more. Yudhistir also sat in this circle, listening and sometimes giving his opinion.

He enjoyed coming here. Far from all the politics and complicacies of royal life, he felt real peace in the simple ashram environment in the laps of Mother Nature. However for the past few days although his visits had increased, his attention and participation in the discussions had been divided.

Now and then from a corner of his eyes he would steal quick glances at the newest and most interesting member of the ashram. He had not been able to deduce her name so far as everyone would just call her 'Putri' or 'Devi' and some shy hesitation always came in the way of him asking for it.

Her short wavy hair flew in the soft breeze. Usually she would listen intently, her beautiful upturned eyes gleaming in curiosity, grasping everything she saw around her, but today she seemed excited, now and then gasping in awe at the subjects they discussed.

"...in all ages, the stability and continuity of order in the mind and the cosmos is maintained by the the entity of dharma."

Everyone nodded in appreciation to the rishi's address murmuring amongst themselves when there was a shrill cry.

"Oooh! Dharma is so sexy!"

Evryone turned to the owner of the voice startled and shocked. Yudhistir stared at her. He had been observing her the whole time and was expecting her to do something, but what did she just say!

"Devi, what do you mean?" an ascetic asked.

"Um...nothing" Preethika replied awkwardly.

"Then why did you exclaim suddenly?" another rishi asked angrily.

"Don't you have any basic decency?" someone else almost yelled.

"This is an insult to the speaker—"another angry voice followed.

"Please let her be, she is naive" one of the female ascetics around her called out softly.

"She is a grown girl. How come she not know about simple decorum?" a mendicant replied crossly.

"Please, wise ones" Yudhistir stood up suddenly. He could see she was scared and her eyes were almost tearing up. Folding his hands, he continued politely, "Wise ones, compassion is the highest dharma. She is so young and from what I have gathered, new to this ashram. Please, excuse her. I ask for forgiveness on her behalf."

"Dharmaraj please don't embarrass us by asking for forgiveness" someone spoke up.

"Yes, Dharmaraj please don't fold your hands in front of us" another voice said in acquiescence.

"Thank you" Yudhistir replied nodding courteously "Let us continue with our discussion."

Preethika sent a tiny smile in his direction. Yudhistir returned it graciously, strangely elated at their first interaction.


The horse ride to the palace was neither pleasant nor unpleasant. Shakthiselvi watched the beautiful sceneries dispersed with hillocks and meadows and agricultural fields pass trying to keep her attention focussed on Karna's small talks. Karna was telling her that the sea coast was not far away, in constant dread of another frightful fit catching hold of his ...co-passenger.

She observed the frequency of people increasing slowly and realized they were heading towards a busy area probably a market or city center.

"All of you proceed to the city" he suddenly commanded to his soldiers "I will take the quieter route.."

She turned to him surprised.

"I don't want you to be exposed to the curious eyes of the people now" he explained calmly.

Ah of course, she thought, she would certainly be a specimen for the people given ragged look.


"Devi" Yudhistir called after her "I am sorry for what happened today."

Preethika was proceeding to nearby groves with three baskets.

"It is fine. I should thank you." She replied, smiling.

"It was my duty. What is your name, Devi?" he asked tenaciously, it had not been easy for him to gather courage to talk to her directly.

"I don't know. Everyone here calls me Prakriti because they found me lying injured in the midst of the forest" she said frankly.

"Oh that's bad" he said,making a mental note to check on the policing system "May I help you?"

"No, it is fine. I have to collect fruit" she protested.

"Does it look like I cannot carry a few fully filled baskets?" he asked teasingly.

She stared at his well built, muscular, warrior- like frame and smirked, much to his surprise.

"Sure you can. Let's go."

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