14. Unexpected-1

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Dhaarya heaved a sigh of relief as the deafening clank of metals finally subsided. Then arose the buzz of around hundred male voices chattering in the huge training arena until all of them dispersed.

Still she stood in the shaded enclosure until the one person she was waiting for appeared in view. Duryodhan was heaving, sweat covering his body bereft of all jewels, some of his hair sticking around his neck, swinging his mace carelessly.

"Here is your garment Rajkumar" Dhaarya said holding it up to him, her eyes averted from his face.

"Look at me, Dhaarya" Durypdhan said, smirking at the blush creeping up her face.

"I don't need to" she shot back.

"Oh sure you do, if you have to make me wear it" he replied stepping closer to her "Or apologise."

"I will do neither" she growled softly, glaring at him "What can you do?"

"What can I do, you ask me?" he replied slyly, lifting his mace in combat position.

"Try to keep your eyes open and see for yourself" he replied, a smug expression on his face.

And Dhaarya couldn't keep her eyes open as fear bolted through her watching the fearsome warrior before her wielding his mace. She reflexively pressed her eyes shut as Duryodhan swung his mace in her direction.

"Dhaarya open your eyes" he called softly gazing at her trembling form, locked between himself and the rounded mould of his mace stuck to the wall.

Dhaarya peeked open her eyes cautiously, surprised at the unexpected gentleness in his voice- that gentleness which she knew he reserved only for his sister and even his brothers were not recipient of it.

She gasped at the cool iron rod of the mace pressed against her waist in turn pressing her to the wall alongside.

"So Dhaarya does 'neither' still remain your answer?" he asked tauntingly.

"It is not so easy to make me change my mind" she retorted.

Duryodhan took some steps forward. She retreated only to have her back blocked by the bulk end of the mace.

"What... what are you doing?" she asked trying to keep the panic out of her voice.

"What does it look like I am doing?" he answered, sending her his infuriating smirk "I am testing ways to make you obey me."

"No... no... I warn you... The consequences won't be good..." she warned.

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