9. Late Afternoons

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"Will those be enough Prakriti?" Yudhistir shouted down in her direction.

"We need some three or four more to completely fill the basket" Preethika shouted back at him "Anandi Mata is always happy to see fully filled baskets."

Yudhistir carefully manoeuvred himself to the branches laden with guavas above him. The golden light of the late afternoon sun was streaming through the leaves and branches.

Yudhistir had come out for a solitary ride on his horse and had spotted Preethika headed towards the forests and had joined her in no time. It had been a long time since he climbed trees but the fruits in the upper branches were far healthier and tastier than those fallen on the ground and he wanted her to have nothing but the best.

"There Prakriti, finally it is done" he sent her a triumphant grin.

"Yes, you can come down now. We are done for the day" She grinned back closing the lids of the basket with a satisfied smile.

"So, Prakriti, won't you give me one of them?" he asked pointing at the fruit baskets "After all I helped you pick them."

"Why from my baskets? You could have plucked some fruits for yourself while coming down" she replied frowning "No I won't give you any from my basket.'

Yudhistir chuckled. This was the reason why he enjoyed spending time with her. She never saw him as anyone special just because he was crown prince. She would treat him like an equal, like a friend.

"You know no one has ever denied anything to the Yuvraj (crown prince) of Hastinapur. People are willing to even lay their lives for me" he said, making an unconscious attempt at impressing her.

"Tell me what exactly are you? You are Yuvraj or Dharmaraj or whatever?" she asked incredulously.

"Whatever you want me to be Prakriti" he smiled bringing down two guavas from a low lying branch nearby "Here Prakriti lets eat."

"We have to wash them first" she replied "Let's go to the river."

The perennial sound of the river currents droned on in the silent calm of the afternoon. The large tamarind tree shaded the Yuvraj of Hastinapur and the young Ashram girl as they sat by the riverbank biting on their guavas. It was a most unusual sight but beautiful nonetheless.

"Prakriti the other day you exclaimed about Dharma being 'sek-si'. What did you mean?" Yudhistir asked curiously.

"Why?" she managed ask, nearly choking on her fruit "And it is 'sexy' and 'sek-si'."

"Yes, 'Seexyy'" Yudhistir repeated carefully.

"Well you could consider it as a compliment, it is used to praise something or someone good..." she explained awkwardly.

"Okay, okay" Yudhistir replied before breaking into a pleasant smile "So, Prakriti, you are very 'sexy'."

Preethika pressed her palms to her mouth, stifling her laughs, her eyes glinting in mischief. Yudhistir beamed at her, taking it as a good sign that she had been flattered.

"Just don't use it with anyone else" she finally managed to utter in between her giggles.

'As you wish Prakriti."


The King of Anga was sat peacefully in his little corner in the palace gardens. It was his favourite hiding nook, hidden away by bushes and trees and blossoms. He had a nice bench installed there after he found it. The nook hid him away from the world but did not hide the world from him.

He could observe the activity around him with ease. The sun was setting painting the sky in a bright orange with a tinge of pink and purple. There was gradual ebb of energy and activity everywhere. The birds were returning to their nests. Even the insects were dwindling in number. The servants scurried about a little lazily. Soon it would be time for the nocturnal birds and animals to come out.

He was enjoying the tranquillity that was pervading the ambience when he was startled by the sound of some people running. It was a group of daasis (female servants) trying to keep up pace with someone. He chuckled to himself. They were in Shakthiselvi's attendance.

The girl never ceased to amaze him. She was so different from other girls. After she had pulled his ears he had been so wary and even scared to go near her. But after that incident she had been more comfortable with his presence near her.

She never hesitated in speaking out her minds, laughing and giggling but at the same time drawing awe and wonder for her unique suggestions and opinions on trade and economics and social policies of the kingdom.

He had not yet allowed her to come to court in front of all, as much as she asked for it, nor could he give her proper reasons for it. Forging the most absurd of excuses he had always escaped. But her bewildered, gaping face would not leave his mind for a very long time after that. How could he explain the strange protectiveness he felt for her when he himself could not explain it to himself.

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