26. Outings -1

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"What is he doing Karna?" Shakthiselvi asked alarmed at the sight of their charioteer unhooking one of the horses from their chariot "Karna, tell him to stop! He is stealing our horse."

The charioteer and his King shared amused glances with the latter taking the added liberty of laughing aloud at the bewildered expression on the pretty young lady's face.

"Ujjwalashni, the way ahead is not traversable by a chariot. We need to either rely on horses or our feet" Karna answered her, gently shaking his head at her childishness.

"Oh, then we have to hike up, you know I am scared of horses" she replied awkwardly.

"Yes I am fully aware of that" he replied, smiling knowingly, recalling their prior almost horrifying horse ride together "Either we both hike up or you sit on it and I lead it by the reins, but we take a horse regardless."

She gave a rather unpleasant look to the majestic white stallion. Karna noticed this.

"Don't worry, it won't eat you" he said chuckling at her- her eyes narrowed, her lips curved into a delicate frown, "It is pertinent that we take it in case an emergency should arise."

"Keep it away from me" she replied moving to his other side, as he took charge if the horse.

Karna nodded at her, trying hard to stop the abnormally wide grin from appearing on his lips, he certainly had other plans for the horse apart from an emergency transportation.

They marched on over the lush green carpets of grass spread over the undulating topography, scattered with pebbles and rocks and wild flowers and bushes and tall trees.

Karna was delighting in the fresh air, the long green grass tickling against his feet wherever they were uncovered by his shoes, the salubrious exercise of the hike and of course his companion clumsily walking on over the rough terrain, struggling to keep up face with him.

He couldn't help but walk slightly faster than what was required with a wicked deliberation watching Shakthiselvi stride up as best as she could with her elaborately layered outfit. She was panting out of breathe but smiling merrily, her face aglow from the exercise.

"You certainly need some physical training to enhance your stamina" Karna concluded watching the breathless girl before him "You are not even being able to stand properly and we have hardly walked a considerable distance—"

"Karna" Shakthiselvi gasped exasperatedly "I do not need and want a sports teacher even in Dwapar Yuga!"

"But you will have one nevertheless" he answered chuckling lightly, "You are my friend. It will be a shame if you are so weak physically."

She rolled her eyes as they resumed their journey, occasionally jumping away each time the horse neighed while Karna could only laugh and shake his head when a stranger arrived towards them effortlessly carrying a bunch of firewood covered in a red cloth, over his shoulder.

She observed he too was dressed in rich garments and masculine jewels much like Karna but his face was possessed by a serene almost other worldly look with kind, dreamy eyes, and his countenance mild almost saintly...could it be...?

"Yuvraj Yudhistir" Karna said, making Shakthiselvi's eyes widen, "What brings you here?"

"Pranipat Angraj Karna" Yudhistir replied folding his hands in courtesy, "I came here for day outing. You must have come on a inspection tour like you usually–"



Hello everyone

I accidentally published this chapter in my other work 'Elements of Fire'.

I am sorry for the confusion caused:(

So this is the first chapter for this story after a long time:). Do tell me what you liked the most in this part? And what do you expect next?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter:) Please vote and comment generously:)❤❤

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