12. A Wait

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Dhaarya knocked on the large doors of Duryodhan's chambers. They had a forbidding aura to themselves. She knocked again but no response.

She shifted the neatly folded blue angavastra from one hand to the other. She knocked again more sharply. This time they opened to reveal an ageing lady.

"'Um... I came here to give the Rajkumar his garment" Dhaarya said.

"You don't knock child. You simply enter" the lady replied, letting her in "the public living room is open to all. From there you ask for permission from the head servants of the prince."

"Oh I see..." Dhaarya nodded. She saw Duryodhan sitting with three more men behind a thin curtain separating the two areas.

'Well these people have rooms which would be bigger than luxury duplex penthouses in our times' she mused walking towards him when she was intercepted by a daas( male servant).

"Say your purpose so that we may get you permission to enter" he said almost mechanically.

"Well I came to return the prince his garment" she repeated, drawing her dupatta closer around her head.

"You can hand it over to me. I will give it to the prince" he said kindly although she did not miss the curiosity in his eyes.

Dhaarya was about to give it to him when she stopped. She couldn't give that arrogant pprince a single way to get back at her.

"No" she said abruptly "No. I have to return it myself."


"Go ask him if I have permission to enter."

"He is busy now."

"I too am busy. Go and ask him."

"Please come some other time if you have to give it to him in person. He is—"

"I don't have all day. Please go—"

"What's all the commotion about?"

Duryodhan's loud voice boomed through the chamber.

"Um... I came to retu—" Dhaarya began unsteadily, somehow the anger and irritation on his face was rather unnerving.

Duryodhan raised his hand cutting her speech mid-way. He eyed Dhaarya standing with the folded garment, an exasperated annoyance styling her facial features.

"Come inside and stand there" he ordered, smirking in her direction "I will listen to you after I am done with my meeting."

Dhaarya obeyed, walking towards the large window he was pointing at.

"Now, I don't want any more disturbance from any of you" Duryodhan announced focussing his attention back on the papers before him.

"Says the one who creates all the disturbance" she muttered.

She was standing not very far away from his armchair and immediately his glare rested on her. She shot him a tight smile before he went back to his discussion.

Dhaarya lost track of time waiting for the men to finish. They were discussing about accountancy and some records or bills. She had been listening keenly during the initial parts but as they began speaking of figures and values she lost interest as it was impossible to keep up with without seeing them in written form.

She shifted her weight from one leg to another, fingering the elaborate and heavy embroidery on the expensive garment she held in her hand. She was feeling sleepy. She spotted a simple chair nearby.

Disregarding the strange looks the other servants were casting at her, she sat down comfortably shutting her eyes as much- needed slumber enveloped her.

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