(pt 1) nice tew meet yeuw

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Warning- profanity (cussing)

It was a normal night, you were just doing the regular. Cleaning as u were the last one at work and someone had to lock up. you grabbed your stuff and headed to the door. you went to lock the door when someone ran into you and you landed right on your ass.
"Ack! Sorreh!" The tall man said. He had spiky blue hair and his eyes were completely black or maybe they were missing? It was hard to tell in the small amount of light.
"Sorreh luv ar yeuw ok?" He said offering you his hand "yea sorry I didn't mean to bump into you like that." You said taking his hand and rubbing you left ass cheek. As you stood up u noticed how tall he truly was, he towered over you and his hand was so big his fingers could probably wrap around your twice!
"No I should be the one apologizin' I was running and didn't see yeuw and CRASH near enough sent yeuw flyin'!" He sounded a bit like a child, but you thought it was cute. You laughed at his words and he smiled. It was then you noticed he was missing his front 2 teeth. "Oh an my name's 2-d what's yer-" he was cut off "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU FACE ACHE!" A bellowing voice screeched from down the road "EEP! i-i-i-i better um g-get goin' now!" And just like that he sped off down the road. You saw a green Man appear from the shadows "urr I'm gonna kill that little twat." He mumbled then he noticed you and how all your stuff was scattered across the pavement "ah so I'm guessing he ran into you while running away! So which way did he go!" He stop running and turned to you. He had a strange green skin tone that you have never seen before and some gross looking teeth that he was gritting. You didn't know what to say he was yelling and that kinda scared you a little "sweetheart listen, I don't have all night!" You jumped and yelped a little bit "n-no nobody ran into me, I'm j-just clumsy and fell over on the way out.." you lie through you teeth "DONT LIE TO ME YOU LITTLE BRAT!" you cowered and put your hands Infront of your face incase he hit you or something "IM- I'm telling the truth!" Your eyes were squinting shit as you said so. You thought he was going to hit you or maybe worse! "I can TELL Your Lying!" He raised his voice once more. you both jolted when there was a metal clash. He looked and started to run towards the sound only to discover it was a cat. It hissed at him "BLODDY CAT!" he yelled at it. You didn't waste the opportunity and ran. He of course followed you.

You had been running for probably an hour with some walking intervals. You would usually get the buss but the buss stop was right outside the shop. You didn't want to wait at the buss stop with the off brand Grinch. You were out of breath and started to walk you had probably lost him by now anyway. "Heyy! It's yeuw agan!" A familiar voice said. It was that boy from earlier. "Oh.. heyy..2-d" you breathed. You bent over grabbing you knees. "Why was yeuw runnin'?" You looked up at him "there was a weird green dude. I think he was looking for you." A look of fear crawled on his face "that ed be murdoc!" You had heard that name somewhere before but u didn't know where. "That man s evul! A right ol' git! He was chasin' me and tryin ta hit me!" His face went from angry to concern "he dint' hurt yeuw did he?" He slightly bent down to talk to you "oh no he just yelled at me a bit. I didn't cry thought! >:3" You said with a smile. He laughed a little bit you were both interrupted by faint tip tap of shoes. You both looked at each other before continuing to walk with speed away. "So where are you going to go?" You asked the lanky boy "oh uh I dint' think of dat. Well I ave to go back at som point. Heh dat ain't gonna go well." You thought for a moment. You would offer to stay at your place but he might think that's wired. But oh well you went for it "you could stay at my place for the night. Or until you feel comfortable going back to him." You were kind of scared of what his response would be. As much as you did not want him to be caught, you also wanted to get to know him you thought he was kind of cute. "Ar- ar yeuw shor I wount' be a inconvenence?" You smiled shaking your head no "of course not! That guy seemed like a real jerk and id rather he didn't hit you." You looked behind you every now and again. "Fank yeuw darlin' da-dats really kind of yeuw!"

You opened the front door and walked in. "Wow dis is really nice in here!" You took of your shoes "awe thanks! So what do you want to do? If your tired you can sleep in my bed it's just up the stairs and on the right." You smiled "oh but actually do you mind if I get changed first?" You took of your work jacket and hung it up "shor but um wheres yeuwr bathroom? I haven't taken a leak all day!" Tmi you thought "oh right sure it's up stares and on the left. I'll be back in a minute." You said as you walked into your room to find some other clothes. You stripped out of your uniform and (if you wear one, your bra), you chose some shorts and a big t-shirt. You slipped on your shorts and as you picked up the shirt you heard your door click. You made direct eye contact with the blue haired boy. "Not de bafroom, NOT DE BAFROOM!" He squarked with a blush on his face before slamming the door shut again.

you finished getting changed and headed back downstairs where 2-d was already back on the sofa. "H-heya.. umm sorreh I ave som trouble wiv my left an rights.." he said rubbing the back of his neck. "Um it's ok. It's not like you did it on purpose.." you replied

2-d pov~
Holy fuk! That was an accident! I didn't mean tew! Ugh I bet they fink I'm a right creep now.. but i can't help but think about them they look really pretty all the time anyway but now, now they ar extra beautiful.. maybe they ar right to fink of me as a creep...

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