(pt 2) not de bafroom

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They're was an awkward silence that you decided to break. "So do you want to watch a movie or something?" There was a slight blush painted on your cheeks as you were now realising how it sounded like you were asking him out. "Shor do yeuw have any zombie movies? I luv dose." You turned on the TV and put on Netflix. You typed 'zombie' in the search bar and saw many movies pop up. 2-d's face lit up at all the zombie movies on the screen "wow! Look at all of em!" You giggled at his statement and watched as his jaw dropped "can we watch that one!" He pointed at a movie called 'waking up alive' you looked at the discretion 'Zach and Leah find each other looking for supplies during a zombie apocalypse. Together they can face anything. Betrayal, death, loneliness and the hoard of green cannibals! in modern days it's a miracle to wake up alive.' "it's meh favourite movie!" He said excitedly clapping his hands. "Sure I've never watched it before it sounds cool though!" About half way into the movie, there's a jumpscare and a really gory scene comes on where one of the people are eaten alive and you can't take looking at it. You yelp "oh my God!" And you bury your face into what you thought was your pillow but was really 2-d's shoulder and you were holding on to his arm. After the sounds of flesh being ripped apart passes you notice that not your pillow. "O-oh I'm sorry!" You said letting go of his arm and blushing. He gasped causing you to jump "I don even know yeur name!" Now that you think about it you never got to tell him because the goblin man appeared "gosh and you've basically walked into a stranger's house and they've held your hand!" You exclaimed "and seen you half naked.." he added "y-yes and that... U-um well anyway I'm Y/N." He looked at you for a minute "wow yeuw have a nice name it'd make a good band name that would.. which is a good thing I promise!" He complimented. You chuckled again "thank you hehe"

You must have fell asleep on the sofa because you woke up to a smiling face "gud morning luv!" He said laughing a little. His hands were behind his head and yours were wrapped around him and you were on top of him. "Eep! I'm sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep on you like that.. how was the movie?" Yo tried to change the subject. "I dunno I din't finish et, I fink I fell asleep not too long after yeuw did." He removed his hands from behind his head to your cheeks. "Squoosh!" He said squashing your cheeks together. "Ahhhh.." you groggily groned. You both began laughing before you heard banging on you living room window the curtains were wide open and you turned to see the green goblin look in angrily. "YOU BITCH I KNEW YOU WERE LYIN!" you both scrambled of the sofa and hid behind it. There was banging on the door "LET ME IN! LET ME INNNN!"

(I did not draw the fan art of murdoc wish I could give credit but Idk who drew it😖)

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(I did not draw the fan art of murdoc wish I could give credit but Idk who drew it😖)

"Oh crap it's murder or whatever his name is!" You whispered to 2-d. There was a crash and a bang. You looked up over the couch to see that your door had been broken down "he broke my bloody door down!" But there was no sign of murdoc. Then you felt someone grab ahold of you. You turned around to see 2-d clinging on to you for dear life as Murdoc tried to pry him away. You grabbed him back and you 2 were basically hugging as Murdoc tried to pull you apart. "I take eye off you for one minute and you have already gotten into some random person's pants!" Murdoc yelled. 2-d grabbed onto you tighter than before"I did not! They was just tryin' tu save meh from yeuw!" He yelled in response. Murdoc ended up dragging you away first "you little shit!" He grabbed you by your arm and threw you to the ground. "Y/N!" 2-d screened as he crawled over to you, he didn't get very far because Murdoc kicked him in the stomach "and you! What are you trying to do here! We all know that u just want to have a quick fuk and then ditch em!" He put one foot on 2-ds back "n-no I don't!" He protested. While the 2 were arguing you maneged to stand up and grab a vase that sat on the coffee table. You held it high above murdoc's head and as you were swinging it he swatted it right out of your hand as if he knew it was coming. You took a step back as he approached you. He smirked an evil grin and said "hmm I tell you what if you give me a kiss maybe I won't 'urt you as bad.." you were disgusted to say the least "are you crazy I'd never kiss a gross old toad like you!" He backhanded you and you once again we're flung on to the floor. You hugged you cheek wincing in pain. You saw 2-ds face drop to a fuming expression as he stood up over murdoc. "Yeuw don touch dem! Day din't do anyfing wrong and day don deserve to be in dis mess! If I see yeuw lay one mor finger on them den yeuw'll regret it!" He calmly walked over to you and helped you up. Murdoc looked surprised but it didn't take long for that smirk to creep back on his face. You saw murdoc creeping up behind 2-d but before you got to say anything a rag was put over your mouth and Murdoc out one over 2-ds. The world turned to black as you watched 2-d slump to the floor.

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