(pt 5) a new member

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you walked back into the floating home and murdoc showed you to the recording studio. you didn't even know there was a studio but hey you learn something new everyday. "go on then. sing something." murdoc said impatiently. "umm what do i sing?" you asked.

"oh for gods sake! anything!" you walked to the mic and but on the headphones. you decided to sing el manana as it was  one of your favourites. 

"i saw that dayyyyy

lost my miiind

lord im fiineee

maybe in time,

you'll waaannt to be mine"

you sang the entire song which you didn't expect but murdoc's face was kind of hard to read. actually all of them were. "i don't think you should do the backing vocals. you should do lead vocal with 2D damn! you really are good!" murdoc said smiling. you've never seen him smile or heard him say anything nicer to you. "really? thank you!" you still didn't want to do lead vocals though. you ran out of the studio and into the recording room where they were listening. you ran to 2D and hugged him. he unexpectedly picked you up and spun you around. you were both laughing. "alright alright that's enough. no getting mushy!" murdoc had his arms crossed trying to hide a smile. 2D put you down blushing. "thank you." you said sincerely hugging murdoc. he hugged back a little. you could tell he wasn't used to affection. "whatever."

murdoc left probably to drink with noodle while you and 2d walked back slowly so you could talk. "wow yeuw ar really gud at singin' luv!"

"t-thanks. i've only ever sang alone. a-and never infront of anyone so tha was the first time anyone heard me sing heh"



"oh right murdoc and noodle were there too. i guess we all took yur singin' virginity."

"umm. do you have to word it like that?" you chuckled

"why does it make yeuw uncomfortable? hmmmmm!" he teased poking your cheek. your face cheek you purv!

"s-shut up! w-why would i be uncomfortable? hehe.." you were looking away from him

you were still a virgin but he didn't know that. 


you get back to the kitchen and sat on the table because fuk chairs. "hey Y/N? do you have a boyfriend?" 2d asked. "umm n-no." you replied. then you started to drown in questions he asked you.

"how old are you?"


"oh cool. i'm 32. anyway. what's yur favourite colour?"


"what's yur favourite animal?"


this went on for around half an hour and probably would have gone on for longer if you didn't say anything. "is there a reason you're asking me all these questions?" you giggled a little at his expression "u-um right sorreh i dint mean to stick my nose in yur buissness." 

"it's ok i just want to know why all of a sudden you're interested in how many family members i know haha" 

"heh heh. i guess it's because yur such an incredible person i wan to know more about yeuw..."

you were speechless and you felt your face flare up. he began to lean in. "like.. how yur lips taste.." he brought you into a sweet and loving kiss. he wasn't expecting you to kiss back but you did so he put his hands on your hips and you wrapped your arms around his neck. you broke the kiss and looked at him. "yur face is really red haha" 

"o-oh yea? well you look like a tomato!" you laughed together.

"oh! i have one morequestion to ask you. what's your body count?"

"staaappp you can't just ask me thaaattt!!" you covered your face.

"hahaha! i'm only kidin' luv" youe were still hiding your face when he hugged you.

you decided to watch a movie together. he only had zombie movies but that's better than nothing. every time someone died or there was a jumpscare you would hide in 2D's back and he would hug you till the scene was over. wat's up luv? yeuw don like horror movies?" he asked you "no it's not that.. i love them buuuut i still get scared.."

"yeuw can sleep here if yeuw want. if yeuw'll be too scared to sleep alone?"

"yes pwease. thank youuu!"

"no fank yeuw"

"noo thank you"

you spent around 5 minutes thanking each other trying to have the last word until noodle came in. "murdoc wants to record a song with you both as a celebration for Y/N joining the band." you both jumped out of each other's arms. "r-right. fanks noo- fanks.. we'll be there in a sec." he seemed sad now? it must be because he remembered the real noodle. you knew about her since you A. saw it on the news and B. watched the videos of what happened. "are you ok 2D?"

"y-yea lets um lets go." 

"actually, 2d you go ahead. i wish to speak to Y/N." noodle said in her normal mundane toned voice. "oh un oki. i'll see yeuw up dere Y/N" he gave a weak smile and waved. you waved back. "so noodle whats up?"

"i need your advise, 2d hates me. i don't blame him i'm a recreation of one of his dear friends. but the thing is, murdoc gave me some of the real noodle's memories so i remember what happened and how close we were. and to see that he doesn't treat me like he would treat her.. makes me feel things.. things i've never felt before.. what's happening to me?"

"that's heartbreak.. even though you know you're not the real noodle, you know how it was to hang out with him.. and remember hanging out with him even though you weren't actually there. i know how you feel and i promise it will get better. you always have me to talk to."

"thank you.. we should go to murdoc now" there were tears running down her face. you didn't know she could do that. murdoc must have built in tear ducts i guess. she must have felt them because when she touched her cheek she gasped and started to back away from herself. you saw her eyes for the first time that day. "whoa! whoa! hey it's ok noodle you're ok!" she was rubbing the tears away roughly "i-i cant cry! i don't have emotions! im a fake!" she cried. this must be a new experience for her. until you got there she didn't have anyone to talk to. you hugged her "shh everything's ok just calm down ok look at me.. everything's ok.." she calmed down and you whipped away her tears. her 'skin' had gone all red from all the aggressive rubbing. "we are gonna go to the recording studio now and we'll take your mind of this, you're gonna feel better." she nodded. 

by the time you got to the recording studio she had stopped crying. "took you 2 long enough!" murdoc said crossing his arm "sorry i was getting changed when noodle came to get me." you said rubbing your hand on noodles back. "should've just came here without the clothes harhar" murdoc said wiggling his eyebrows. 2D gave him a weird look "eww gross!" you said sticking your tongue out at him. 

you recorded the song 'melancholy hill' and had a few drinks after as a celebration. you weren't much of a drinker so you were more or less sober. couldn't say the same for murdoc and 2D though. "ayy Y/N? yeuw have really pretty eyes.. but how 'av i never noticed de fird(3rd) eye? why do you 'av free(3) eyes? " 2D said draping over you. "uncross your eyes 2D!" you laughed. "you dipshit!" murdoc yelled. then he fell asleep. you decided to escourt 2D back to his room so he could sleep. "noodle, can you look after murdoc while i go take care of 2D?" she nodded "thanks, you're a gem!" 

you lied 2D down in his bed. as you started to walk away 2D grabbed your waste and dragged you into his bed. "2D you need to sleep." you giggled. he started to spoon you. "yeuw said you would sleep 'ere tonigh' so you hav to stay."

"ok but you still need to sleep."

"i don' need SLeEp! i need yeuwww"

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