(Pt 9) rough love (wink wonk)

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warning!: smut and spanks ahead! if your not into it then idk just don't read the spanky part XD k thanks hope you enjoyyy!

hearing your giggles caused murdoc to softly chuckle to himself, "well.. i guess it's gettin' a bit late.. why don't i make us some food. ehh, don't get used to et.. just uhh just a well done gift i guess.." what's this? murdoc being nice? is Y/N L/N thawing his icy heart?! go you now we get to eat! "wait really? thanks!" you cheered. "yeehh shut et! just go grab us some wine or some fancy shet i don know.." he said waving you off. "where does the 'fancy shet' live?" you mocked. "i'll show yeuw where et is." 2d chimed. you smiled and nodded. "oh no you won't!don't want that room smellin'!" ok thats gross. 

"murdoc!" you said blushing and hiding your face. 2d chuckled "et's upstairs next ta murdoc's room. de one closest to de wall." 

"of course it's next to murdoc's room. why did i even ask! thanks 2d be back in a mo!" 


"so 2d... nice piece of arse right?"

"i beg yur pardn'?"

"Y/N, quite the eye candy ah? harharhar!"

"oi oi oi, don' talk about Y/N like dat!"

"what your clearly not gonna make a move are ya!"

"t-that don'  give yeuw an excuse to talk about dem like vat!!"

"oh yeh? and why should i stop!?"




'what the hell.. where is this damn room!' 


'holy jesus! what was that!' Y/N also heard mumbling. well it probably wasn't mumbling, but it sounded like it because of the distance. 



'holy crap what's happening down there!'


followed by a few more loud crashes. 'ok i need to see what's happening!'

You rushed down the stairs and the voices became more clear. "im not gonna let yeuw touch em!"

"an' what's gonna stop me!"


you barge into the room "WHAT ARE YOU 2 DOING!" you walk in to murdoc pulling on the other mans blue locks and 2D pulling on murdocs shirt raising a fist. they both stop in their tacks and stare at you. murdoc releases 2D causing him to tumble. he grumbles and stomps off leaving you and 2D alone. "2D, w-what happened.. are you ok?"

"nofing.. i'm fine."

"well it clearly wasn't nothing and y-"

"i said it was nofing!" you jump back 

"sorreh luv.. l-let's jus' sleep.."

"don't worry lets  go." you smile and kiss him on the cheek. 

he gives you a soft smile before his expression changes completely. "actually no. wait a minute." he pulled you into his chest. " i hope dat bastard bass player sees this." he whispers in your ear as he roughly pushed and gets on top of you on the table. he looked you dead in the eye before kissing you and forcing his tongue into your mouth. you yelped into the kiss as he roughly thrusted into you before turning it into a soft grind. your muffled moans were quite loud in the almost completely silent room. you broke the kiss to breath "2-2D, what are you doing! w-what about murdoc!" you ask between breaths. 

"i hope he sees.. i wan' him ti know yur mine..." he growls biting down on your neck. you gasped as one of his hands ruthlessly squeezes one of your breasts/nipples, the other pinning your delicate hands above your head. he left hickeys and bite marks all over your neck. "how am i supposed to hide these.. ah~" 

"yeuw won't i wan' everyone to see em.."

he then pinched your left nipple making you moan. "ohh.. does dat make my baby feel good?" he smirked into the crook of your neck. he didn't wait for a reply however as he began to undress himself one handed. you thought it was impressive. completely stripped to his boxers he bit your ear and growled "yur turn~" 2D undid you jenes and slipped them off. you couldn't do much, he refused to let you go. "h-how are you going to take off my- umm your top, if my hands are up here?" you almost forgot you were wearing 2d's t-shirt. "ahh fuck et.." he said before taring it from your torso. he wasted no time bringing his lips to your sensitive body. you moaned his name. he continued to grind up on you as he traveled all around your body. "get up~" he said finally letting you go. you stood up. "turn 'round~" he grabbed your hand and twirled your around so you weren't facing him. he slowly bent you over the table. "now den.. beg me~" his request set you up in flames. 



"please wat."

"f-f-fuck mee~"


"yeuw can do better than dat~"

"p-please.. f-fuck me~" you wined. usually you weren't into this.. but .. somehow with him.. it turned you on.

"dats what i like to hear~" he slid down your boxers/panties. "wow.. you really 'ave it bad for me ay~" he said seductively rubbing your entrance "ah~" you moaned as he teased you. although he wasn't that close, you could still feel his hard clothed member in your thigh.

"yeuw ready?" you nodded. "ar yeuw shor? i- i don' fink i'll be able to stop myself.." you nodded again. without another word he plunged himself deep in you "AH~" you moaned loudly. he grunted. he did it again and again and again speeding up and going deeper each time. he grabbed your hips and moved you into him in time with his thrusts. he spanked you again. "uh!~ yeuw like dat huh!" he groaned spanking you again "y-yes~" you managed to say or moan. 

"a-ahh~ stu!" you moaned as you came. he stopped you took this as an opportunity to breath. you pushed yourself up off the table with your hands. "who told yeuw my real name?" he asked. you turned around. you didn't even realise you called him by his real name. "oh.. i-" he thrusted into you again deeper and harder than you thought possible "AH!~"

"who told yeuw?"


he thrusted again.

"why dint -yeuw tell me?!" he said thrusting again

"AH~ i-i-i don't k-know~" truthfully, you had no idea why. guess you just forgot?

2D continued to thrust in and out but a little gentler. "dat damn swine ah~ always trying to ruin my relationships uh~ i-i'll show 'im ah~ not to mess wiv.. u-ahh~"

2D pulled out and released on your chest. he rested his head on your shoulder panting heavily. "s-sorreh luv.. i- i don know wat came over me..." you put your arms around him also panting he lifted his head up and you locked eyes. you couldn't say anything so you just planted a soft but long kiss on his lips letting him know you were ok. he picked you  and the clothes that were around the room up and took you to your room. you fell asleep in his arms to the sound of his heart beat. he dropped the clothes on the floor and lied down you still in his arms. although that was a bit rough, it let you know that he cared for you, that he wasn't afraid to share your relationship to the world and especially murdoc. letting them know that you were his and he was yours. you may not have known each other for that long, but it felt right. you fit perfectly in his arms and you had never been so sure of something in your life, you loved this strange man and he loved the strange you.

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