(pt 3) plastic beach

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Warning: sexual mention, mature, profanity, rude

you opened your eyes only to shut them again from the bright light. "ughh my head..." you said as you opened yours eyes again but slower so they can adjust to the light. you sat up and were met face to face with a gun! "noodle put that blasted thing away!" she put her arm down with a blank stair. "nice to see you again sunshine!" he said in a sarcastic tone gritting his disgusting teeth. "why-why did you bring me here?" you said rubbing the sore part of your head. "i'm sure stuart told you everything didn't he! and i can't let that information spread..." at this point you were visibly confused. "don't give me that look! there's no point in lying is there!" you put your hands up while he yelled at you. "i don't know what you're talking about.." you had your eyes squinted shut. "sure you don't! i know that stuart told you!" you backed away and fell off the table you didn't know you were on. "oww... who-whos stuart? told me what?" he looked at you raising an eyebrow "so he never told you his real name... well that's interesting... maybe he didn't tell you..." a robot helped you up. you guessed that was noodle. "stuart is the tall bloke with blue hair and black eyes!." he stretched his eyes open. "he told you his name was 2D right? well that's just a nickname i gave him. his real name is stuart pot." your eyes widened. and you gasped. "2D! WHERE IS HE?IS HE OK? WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!?" you stood up. you weren't very intimidating and you were smaller than murdoc. "calm your tits babe. hes fine. wow you care about him so much? you know that as soon as morning came around he would have been gone. he was only there to get you in bed!" he laughed before slamming his hands on the table on both sides of you pinning you against the table. "if that's all it takes to get you to care.. maybe we should 'ave some fun ourselves harhar!" you pushed him away but noodle raised her gun at you again so you let go of him. "HE-he never did anything to me.. we just watched a movie.. heak, i barely know him i'm not THAT easy!" he motioned at noodle to lower the gun. "and that's why i saw you cuddling on the sofa! after a night of doing nothing!" he said sarcastically. "i'm serious! i don't know how to prove it to you but then again why would i care what a rude, incompetent, low life, off brand grinch thought about me!" he slapped you right across the face. "you little bitch! you gonna want to watch that tongue of yours sunshine, cuz say the wrong thing and i might just remove it!" you cupped your cheek and you felt tears run down your cheek even though you were trying not to cry. "and before you think of going anywhere let me show you outside" he smirked.

murdoc grabbed you by the arm and dragged you to the door. when he opened it your jaw dropped. you were on an artificial island made out entirely out of plastic a crow flew in. "ello cortez, nice of you to join the party.." he snarled at the bird. but cortez simply flew around and landed on your shoulder. you looked at the bird and went to stroke it. it nuzzled into your hand "*sniff*...awe.." you smiled through cries. "funny he's never this nice.. ah who cares.. noodle why don't you show Y/N to their room.." noodle grabbed your arm and started to drag you away. "hey how do you know my name!" you called but he just gave you an evil smile.

you reached a room that had a japanese style to it. if not for the circumstances you might have liked it. noodle pushed you in and closed the door with a loud slam. you weren't sure what to do. it's not like you could go anywhere on this giant piece of litter floating in the water. you looked down only to realise you were still in your pj's "ugh could have at least brought some clothes for me.." you muttered. you lied down in the bed and procrastinated. you must have fell asleep because you were awoke by someone rubbing their hands on your sides. you sat up with a gasp. "'ey, 'ey, 'ey, dont worreh its me 2D," he whispered

"2D!" you said bringing him into a hug "omg i- i thought.. well i don't know what i thought! but i'm so happy to see you!" you whispered into his shoulder. "awe dats sweet luv, i'm 'appy to see yeuw as well. i'm sorreh i got yeuw into dis mess.." you let go and turned on a conveniently placed lamp. you saw his face was all bust and beaten. you gasped covering your mouth. "o my god, what happened?" you asked feeling one of his bruises. you saw his eyes were puffy as well "murdoc caught up wiv me i guess.. it was gonna happen anyway.. but don't worreh i'm fine but how 'bout yeuw? did he do anything?" he looked at your cheek that was still red but waited for your answer. "no no i'm fine..we need to get you some plasters.." (that's english for band aids if you didn't know) "yur not very gud at lyin'.." he said rubbing your cheek. "why did he slap yeuw?" he had a seriously concerned face as he cupped both your cheeks.

"i um refused his advantages.."

"dat purverted git!"

"oh, and called him an off brand grinch." you smiled to lighten the mood and you both laughed. "how did you get to me?" you asked with sudden realisation.

"murdoc lets me out an about the island sometimes.. so i just had to come look for yeuw."

"oh oki... wait i'm not good at lying?"

"yur terrible haha"

"damn it haha" you both chuckled a little bit. you finally let go of each other since you forgot you were still hugging. "i.. i should get back before he figure out i've come to see you... he think we've just been shaggin'.." you both blushed a little.

"heh oh" you handed him some plasters and put some on his cuts. he stared at you with confusion "where did day com from?!" you didn't really want to tell him and hoped he wouldn't ask..

If you wear a bra: "umm i uhh i had them hidden... in.. in my bra.."

If you don't: "umm i just always carry them with me."

"o-oh... well fanks.." he was blushing and gave you a soft smile. "well i better get going... fanks for the plasters i'll come see yeuw again soon.." he left the room and you fell back asleep.

the boy on plasticbeach(2d x reader)Where stories live. Discover now