(Pt 4) a cute stalker

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there was a streak of light entering the room and foot steps. "Y/N? its time to get  up." you hadn't heard that voice before. you opened your eyes to see cyborg noodle. "murdoc wants to talk to you." she rubbed you head gently  as you yawned.

"hello noodle, i didn't know you could talk. you didn't speak at all yesterday." you yawned and sat up. "yes i don't talk much around murdoc." she replied standing up and getting ready to leave. "murdoc is waiting for you in the kitchen... and Y/N? i really am sorry you ended up being apart of this.." and she left. You were surprised because you thought she couldn't feel like that. You got up and headed to the kitchen. it's not like you could get changed. 

"morning sweetheart! did you enjoy your first night in your new home?" murdoc smiled at you. "why would you care?" you responded crossing your arms. hes growled his smile fading "i'd lose the sass. remember the covo we had about your tongue?" he pointed at you lazily. you rolled your eyes. "what do you want then?" you wanted to hurry this along so you could go find 2d. "i want to know what you can do around here because at the moment there's nothing stopping me from killing you. maybe you could clean up around the place." you didn't want to do anything for him and your face must have shown it. "ugh.. you can't just stay here rent free! you have to do something even if it's just tuning and cleaning the instruments." you very well knew he didn't pay any money to stay here. you rolled your eyes once more. "or you could just take me back? if i'm no use to you, then i should just go home." you said "what and risk everything getting out? come on i run a  band here i can't let one slip up ruin gorillaz reputation." oh thats right thats where you had heard his name before! he's the bass player for the band Gorillaz! and 2d, he's the lead singer! how did you not notice! "w-well i'm not staying here just so you can save your rightfully popular band!" damn it i didn't mean to say that last part.. he smiled "oh yea? and how do you plan on leaving?" he crossed his arms. you forgot you were on a floating piece of plastic. "l-like i'd tell you!" you turned away. you didn't actually have a plan "what so you would just leave 2d alone? here. with me!" he pointed at himself. you had almost forgot that murdoc hurts him. you lowered your arms and sighed. "well i don't know how i would help you." you felt defeated. you didn't want to leave 2d alone here but you also wanted to go home. not to mention change clothes, you had been wearing the same thing for 2 days straight!. "well you go and figure that out while i get your room ready." room ready? but you thought you already had a room. "can i go outside?" 

"sure but noodle has to go with you so you don't try anything. and incase the pirates come back.." he mumbled that last part. "the what?" you muttered.

"nothing nothing. go have fun outside."

You opened the door and walked out noodle following behind. "do you like it here?" you asked noodle. "i don't really have an opinion. it's all i know really. other than your house." you tilted your head. "my house?" she looked at you through her hair.

"yea. i'm sorry i had to drag you here.." oh now you get it. she's the one who drugged you.

"oh. i guess its ok. i mean this is the most exciting thing that's happened to me since another author used me in a hazbin hotel x reader book" great now you've broke the 4th wall! "oh ok then." she quickly turned her head and starred at who knows what. you couldn't see anything. "2d what are you doing out here unsupervised?" he came out from behind the fake trees. "'ow yeuw know it was me?" he rubbed the back of his neck "murdoc wouldn't sneak." she said bluntly. his face dropped to ._. in a matter of seconds. noodle was about to say something but you butted in. "well why don't we all take a walk together then?" you looked at noodle "hmm i guess that's fine. as long as you're both supervised." 2d let out a breath he had been holding before jogging towards you and standing next to you. "so Y/N 'ow do yeuw like it here so far?" 2d asked trying to break the silence. "well if this was a resort or if i came here by choice it would be quite nice. i guess the whole kidnapping thing ruined it a little but its not the worst place to be taken to." you shrugged and smiled "2d, you were spying weren't you." noodle said out of the blue. he put his hands up in defence. "spying? no no why would i be doin' dat?" a bead of sweat ran down the side of his face. "your lying." she said. she hadn't once made eye contact during this chat with either of you. he didn't look like he was lying. although you were quite oblivious to that sort of stuff. "n-" he tried to protest again but she cut him off "you know i can tell when your lying. so why bother. your heart rate picks up and i can sense it." so noodle is also a lie detector. that's good to know. "you were spying on Y/N. am i correct?" now she was looking at him. but he couldn't see her eyes. "no no.. yes.." he said his voice turning more guilty with each word. "i-i-i just wanted to make shor they ar gud and dat. I-I weren't bein' creepy or- or anyfin!"

"you are lying again." she responded. he let out a loud squeal before before turning he head away from you covering his mouth. noodle was smiling. she looked satisfied. you giggled quietly. 2d must have heard because he looked at you but before you could make eye contact he looked away. noodle let out a little giggle as well. "oh come on it weren't dat funny!" he pouted. you and noodle both burst into laughter "it kind of was!" you said between laughs. he started to laugh a little too. 

"WHAT'S ALL THAT NOISE!" of course just when you were having fun, murdoc had to come and kill the mood. "I DIDN'T BRING YOU HERE TO HAVE FUN I BROUGHT YOU HERE TO MAKE MUSIC!" he pointed at 2d "AND YOU I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY I BROUGHT YOU HERE-" you mumbled "neither do i.." and rolled your eyes and crossed your arms. 

"what was that?" he said in an angered tone

you said nothing

"that's what i thought.." he calmed himself taking a breath in and out. "have you decided what you are going to do around here?" he asked you still gritting his teeth slightly. 2d must have noticed your concerned look and said "they want to do vocals wiv me!" he said. he obviously must have thought of that on the spot. "backup vocals.." you butted in. you didnt think you were that good at singing and none of them had even heard you sing. you definitely didn't want to be at the front. "all right then.. let's hear you sing then." murdoc clearly didn't believe you could sing. "h-here? why don't we go inside? we can hear much better i mean listen to how loud it is! with the sea.. and.. and the birds..anddddd" 

"alright alright we can go inside. we can put you in the recording studio and be all professional." murdoc said rolling his eyes. 

the boy on plasticbeach(2d x reader)Where stories live. Discover now