(Pt 8) the interview

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after you and 2d got changed, you went up and saw murdoc waiting for you both. you yawned to make it seem that you were still half asleep. "heyyy murdoc" you say rubbing your eyes. "mornin' sunshine," you cringed at the name. "we have an interview in an hour or so, we can introduce you. be prepared for alota' questions, like alota questions! don't screw up." he then walked away a beer in hand. "i guess that means no talking about the kidnapping stuff?" you say turning to 2d "nah i-i've tried dat already.. murdoc just plays it off as a joke." you look down puffing out your cheeks. "dang it" you say kicking the non existent dust "well dis 'ole thing is a lot betta 'cuz yur here!" he said hugging you and pulling a silly kissy face (ᴗ 3ᴗ) "hehe awwee" you say hugging him back.

"mushy stuff asideee we still have an hour soo do you want some breakfast?" you ask looking up at him slightly. "can yeuw make egg 'n' soldiers?" (thats a boiled egg with a runny yolk and toast cut into srips. then you dip them into the yolk. in case you didn't know :3) "yup you wanna put on some music?" you reply. 2d nods and trots over to the cassette player before putting in a demon days tape. as dirty harry started to play, you swade your hips to the tune. 2d came up behind you and grabbed your swaying body and started to sway with you. you giggled and began to sing along to the song. it didn't take long for 2d to join you.

♪ I need a gun to keep myself from harm ♪

♪ The poor people are burning in the sun ♪

♪ No, they ain't got a chance ♪

♪ They ain't got a chance ♪

♪ I need a gun ♪

♪ 'Cause all I do is dance ♪

♪ 'Cause all I do is dance ♪

you turned around and began to dance around the kitchen. you locked fingers and and laughed together. *BANG!* you both jumped at the sudden sound. were the pirates here? "don't worry! it was one of the eggs." you reassured

"de egg?"

"yea it exploded"

"oh" you both laughed but 2d quickly stopped when murdoc walked in. it took you a minute to realise he had walked in. "what the bloody hell was that!" he shrieked. his gaze switched between you and 2d. "i-i-i-i-i-it was de egg!" 2d blurted out "an egg? what do you mean an egg!?"

"w-well i was making some breakfast but i got distracted and one of the eggs exploded.." you say trying not to make eye contact. "who said you could make breakfast then!" he said putting his hands on his hips. "sorry i didn't think i'd need permission fill our human needs" you said rolling your eyes. "your on thin ice sunshine. nothing is stopping me from ending you right here." he warned. "then why don't you!" you say raising your arms as if to say 'go on do it'. he growled and walks to the door "come on interview starts soon." he sighs. 2d grabs your arm and hurriedly pulls you to the interview room.

"and i think it's time we introduce our newest member Y/N.." murdoc groaned. "u-um hello my names Y/N L/N and i'm going to be the background singer!"

"and sometimes a duo with 2d might i add" murdoc said giving you a look. "hey i never agreed to that!" you whispered covering the mic. he just narrowed his eyes at you. "and of course we have our singer 2d who is being surprisingly quiet!" he sai slapping the back of his head "oww, ugh yea 'ello i'm 2d" he said sounding a bit sad. "yea lovely little fellow. anyway!" murdoc kept talking about the band while you tried to ask if 2d was ok. "what's wrong?" you whispered. "nofin' we'll talk abou' et latter.."

"so Y/N how did you meet the band?"

"o-oh well i actually just saw 2d around where i live and as stupid as it sounds, i didn't recognise him at first. either way, we started talking and then this green pickle showed up and it just sorta happened.. it's uhh, sort of a bluhh what happened next heh heh.." that was a bit of a reference to the drugs that you were given. "and if you don't mind me asking, do you have anyone at home that didn't want you to go?"

"no i live alone in a completely different part of the country to my family."

"no i mean maybe a girl or boyfriend?"

"o-oh we-" you were about to answer when murdoc interrupted you. he's very good at that.

"well i have cameras everywhere and they don't know but i saw what happened in the kitchen!" he wiggled his eyebrows at you and 2d. both of your faces turned red. "if 2d and Y/N aren't dating yet, the definitely will!"

"mind sharing?" the interviewer asked.

you looked at 2d both blushing and looked back at murdoc shaking your head. "gladly!"

as murdoc told the whole world how you and 2d were dancing in the kitchen, 2d buried his blushing face into your back. "awww that's adorable! sooo are you 2 dating?" she asked. "nah 2d can't keep a secret for the life of him. so he woulda told me already." 'that's what yeuw think ya bastard!' 2d thought as you both let out a sigh of relief. there were some more personal questions such as favourite colour and animal. before murdoc kicked you both out so he could get more attention. "well it was nice talking to you both and i hope i get to see you Y/N in the new music videos!"

"lovely talking to you to byeee!"

"yeh yeuw to c'ya" he still sounds sad..

you both walked back to the kitchen in silence. "2d? what's wrong?" you asked. he was looking down at the floor. "2d-" he cut you off by grabbing you shoulders and shaking you "whoa!" "you were just gonna let murdoc hurt yeuw like dat! yeuwcantjustdodathesevilandisntscared!" he said so quickly you didn't even know.

"2d! stop shaking mee!!" you said holding on to his arms.

"i told yeuw that bein ere wiv yeuw made it all betta! don't yeuw fink the same abou' me?"

"what? of course i do!" you reassured.

"den why would yeuw just let murdoc kill yeuw!" oh he was talking about earlier..

"i knew he didn't have the guts to actually do it! i just wanted to prove a point.." you started to feel really bad.. "what if he actually did doe! i-i-i cant.. i can't lose yeuw.."

"and you won't.. i'm not going anywhere. at least not without you." you pulled him into a hug and kissed him on the cheek. "on the cheek?" he said squooshing yours. when he let go, you jumped and pecked him on the lips. he picked you up to make the kiss last longer. however the song of angry steps caused you to scramble away from each other. "right!" uh oh.. angry tone to match the steps. yup one of you did something wrong. "why were you so quiet!?" he yelled pointing one of his green sausage fingers at him. "and you! green pickle!? come on!! people are gonna be calling me that for years!" you giggled "come on that's a little funny though" you whispered to 2d. he nodded in response fighting the urge to laugh.

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