Chapter eighty-three : Bad news

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Taeyong was leaning on his desk, elbows resting on the wooden material while his face was hidden by his hands. He looked terrible, and let's say he wasn't feeling better than that either. In fact, he felt awful.

The mess on his desk was nothing compared to the chaos of the rest of the room. Broken glass on the ground, papers scattered on the floor. But he couldn't care any less. Whenever his mind was becoming a mess, he had to let it out by creating that same mess around him. That way his environment reflected his inner self.

He felt pathetic. To think he had told her things that had taken years to admit to his own members just so she could stab them in the back. And the worst part was, his members didn't even see it. He knew getting her here was a bad idea. But a part of him had wanted to give her a chance.

The thing he didn't realize was that he was ruining his with her.

He had to put an end to it. All of it, everything. But he had to think about how, first. He would not let his instinct take over and go kill Park and Kang right now, he needed to make them suffer first. He grabbed the bottle of scotch that was next to him and poured himself a glass, hoping the alcohol would give him ideas.

"Hyung?" a voice called from the other side of the door.

When he didn't answer, the person knocked again before getting in, only to see the leader knocking back his drink.

"It's not even noon," Doyoung sighed as he tried to take away the bottle of alcohol, the strong scent reaching his nose, making the man frown.

"Who cares," Taeyong mumbled. "Give me my bottle back."

Doyoung didn't listen and put it away before turning back to his leader.

"You shouldn't put yourself through this."

"Why not? I'm a stupid fool. I should know better than to suddenly invite a complete stranger into our home, let alone the daughter of a fucking bastard."

"You're not thinking straight."

"Oh, I wasn't, that's for sure. But things are about to change."

"No, I mean, you're wrong." Doyoung knew Taeyong hated to hear those words, but he needed to say it. "Taeil-hyung told me something happened earlier this morning. The security camera stopped working for a few minutes, and was replaced by an old footage so he didn't notice it right away."

Taeyong's hand stood still as it was about to reach the bottle Doyoung had put on a small table, and he frowned.

"What cameras?"

"The ones outside and inside this room."

"That means..."

"That means Iseul was telling the truth and that someone creeped into our house, yes," Doyoung said, taking away the bottle once more as Taeyong was about to pour himself another glass.

Upstairs, Iseul was still sitting with Dream.

"So where do we start?" Renjun asked, looking at Mark.

He seemed to think, "Well I guess we should start where the phone was seen last."

"Yeah but it's not exactly like hyung is gonna let us in his office any time soon..."

"Guys," Lucas suddenly barged in the room. "Taeil-hyung said someone disabled our security cameras this morning!"

Iseul and the others got up fast, "Wait, what?"

"Now that's the proof we needed to prove Iseul's innocent, but we need to find out who that was," Mark spoke.

They followed him downstairs, and almost bumped into Doyoung and Taeyong who were getting out of his office.

The oldest didn't even look at Iseul, ignoring them all as he walked to the common area where the other members were all already gathered.

Iseul wasn't expecting an apology, but his attitude towards her made her believe he was still mad at her for some reason, and Jeno smiled at her when he noticed her sad look.

Truth was, Taeyong wasn't mad at Iseul. He was mad at himself. He was ashamed and didn't dare to look at Iseul in the eye, but he'd rather die than admit it.

"As you all probably already know," he began and everyone listened carefully, "someone came into our house this morning to steal Iseul's phone. We obviously cannot let that happen again and need to find out who did it and why," he instructed.

"As of right now, I want to organize rounds where at least two of us are awake to make sure no one's getting in without authorization. I also want Taeil-hyung to find out what he can on the person who tampered with our system, and reinforce it."

Everyone nodded in agreement before going back to their previous activities. As Taeyong passed by Iseul, he discreetly and swiftly leaned down, "I guess I shouldn't have assumed it was you right away," he said in a dry tone, his voice almost emotionless.

"Is this an apology?"

"Take it as you wish," he grunted and almost pushed her out of his way.

"What did it want?" Jeno asked with a frown once the leader was out of the room. "He didn't bother you again, did he?"

He had seen the man get close to Iseul, and a part of him had wanted to push him away from the girl for some reason.

"It's fine," she smiled.

But as they were about to go back to their room again, YangYang who was sitting on the couch suddenly called for them.

"Uh.... Guys?"

The members who were still in the room turned to look at the boy, who had his eyes on the TV.

"I think we got another problem..."

The TV was muted, but they didn't need the sound to understand what was going on, the headlines were giving them enough information, and it wasn't good.

"Kang Iseul allegedly kidnapped by famous mafia group NCT, reported the police."

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