Chapter ninety-four : A poisoned offer

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"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Taeyong cursed endlessly as he ran his shaky hands through his messy hair. "You fucking idiot, why'd you leave her!"

He violently punched the wall on his right, the sharp pain spreading to his arm. His knuckles were bloody, and he was pretty sure he broke a bone or two, but he couldn't care any less. He deserved it.

He looked around for any clues, but of course, there weren't any, and he had no idea where that bastard had taken Iseul.

On the road back home, he almost got into two accidents, as his mind kept drifting to Iseul, to what could have happened if he had stayed by her side instead of chasing after Park. He blamed himself. He was distracted and almost ran over a rabbit that was crossing the road, and it's a miracle that he got back to NCT's headquarters alive, without killing anybody. He threw the helmet on the ground and ran inside the house, where his members were waiting for him in the common area. Well, waiting for him and Iseul.

"Hyung?" Mark called when Taeyong almost passed by them without stopping.

He stopped in his tracks and looked at his members.

"Are you alright?" Jaehyun asked when he noticed his face.

"Where's Iseul-noona?" Jisung asked when he realized Taeyong was alone.

"Yeah," Jeno got up from the couch. His wounds had been treated and he looked a bit better, "Where's Iseul?"

"Oh, my god, did you two fight again?" Kun sighed, "I swear Taeyong, you should leave her alone."

"I did," the leader's voice was hoarse. "I did leave her alone."

Everyone stopped talking to look at him. He seemed exhausted.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I fucked up!" he exploded. "I fucked up really bad!"

He took a seat on the couch, his legs too tired to stand anymore. "She wasn't supposed to come in, I told her not to," he began as they all listened to him. "But of course, she didn't listen. She never does, I should have known."

"Hyung, what happened?"

"Kang was here, just like he said he'd be, but what we didn't know was that Park would be here too. And I... I couldn't control myself anymore and I ran after him, leaving Iseul alone with her father. When I came back, they were gone."

The room fell silent. No one said a word, until Jeno suddenly got up and got out of the common area. Jaemin quickly followed after him, and Taeyong sighed. Of course they'd be mad at him. Their best friend had been kidnapped, and instead of bringing her back home, Taeyong had let her get kidnapped again. But they didn't blame Taeyong as much as he blamed himself.

"Jeno?" Jaemin called. When his brother had ran out of the room, Jaemin had followed him. He knew how he was feeling, and he didn't want him to be alone.

They were outside, and Jeno was seated on the grass, in their backyard. His brother took a seat next to him.

"We'll bring her back," he said as he put a hand on his shoulder.

"How? We don't even know where she is."

Jaemin took a deep breath. He knew Jeno was right. He had no idea where to start looking, and they were both praying she was somehow safe. That Kang didn't do anything to her. Now that he knew she was no longer on his side, who knew what he was capable of, and what he'd do to her?

"Can I ask you something?" Jaemin spoke after a while.

Jeno hummed in response.

"Do you love her?"

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