Chapter Seven

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In the moments following Claire's ship setting sail, Jamie becomes distressed and orders the sailors to follow

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In the moments following Claire's ship setting sail, Jamie becomes distressed and orders the sailors to follow.  However, the captain, belays the command, saying to Jamie that he and the other Captain have discussed the matter, and Claire will meet them in Jamaica.  Not wanting this to happen, Jamie starts to run towards the captain but, is restrained and taken below decks.  

Simultaneously, Fergus and Maggie keep back and away from the crowd, so they don't draw attention to themselves.  Once the crowd dispersed, Fergus took Maggie down below deck to keep her hidden, and out of the minds of the other men.  


That night, Jamie in the cells and Fergus and Maggie below decks as well.  With no remedy to the seasickness, Jamie has been feeling like death.  Despite this, Jamie had been planning with Fergus, who he had been allowed to see by the guards,  to set him free and to then incite a mutiny, wanting to catch up to the other ship, a day ahead.  Fergus, however, not being stupid and refuses, which causes Jamie to lash out that he was right to withhold his blessing. 

"Until you risk all, you cannot speak of love, Fergus, Because if you did, you would move heaven and earth, you would risk arrest and death, even hell," he says. "Get me those keys." 

"No, Milord!" Fergus replies, whispering.

"If you do then I will give my blessing for you and Maggie to be married, in front of a priest," Jamie says.  

Fergus leaves, thinking about what Jamie had said.  


Fergus goes to Maggie to discuss what Jamie had said.  

"He said that if I do this, he will give us his blessing," Fergus said, looking into her eyes.  

Going off-topic for a moment, Fergus whispers,

"You are so beautiful.  I am so lucky to have you as my wife."  

Softening at his word, Maggie gives Fergus a sweet kiss, that turns into more heavy kissing, and before long, Maggie wants to be with Fergus.

"No one is here to stop us." She says.  

"We cannot.  We gave our word to Milord, and if he finds out he will never give his blessing." Fergus replies.  

Sighing, Maggie says, "You are just like him.  Stubborn." 

After another quick moment of kissing, Fergus leaves their cabin to skulk over to the captain's cabin to steal the key to free Jamie.  However, he overhears the captain and a couple the of men talking about Jamie and how they want to take advantage of Maggie now that Jamie can no longer protect her and she is alone.  Fergus quickly changes his mind and tells Jamie he will not let him out because he has to be protecting Maggie, and couldn't risk being caught.    


Maggie, not knowing of the captain's conversation with the men, goes to convince him to release Jamie.  

"He is a strong, able man.  He would be of great help to the ship, especially with all of the islands around."  She says, pleading.

"You make a good point, madam," The captain agrees.  "I mean, it is not like he can go far." He adds laughing.

Maggie, having to keep up the act to get Jamie out of his cell, laughs at the captain's comment.  

"He may be let free, if only he gives his word that he won't rebel against us."  He says.

"I will make him promise, Jamie never betrays his word," Maggie promises.  

After Maggie had persuaded the captain to set Jamie free,  if he gives his word he won't rebel, she goes below deck to see him let out.  

"Jamie, you should be grateful for what Fergus has done for you.  He just wants to make you and me both happy," Maggie says.

"I know that now," Jamie says reluctantly, "I give you my blessing, to be front of a priest when we dock in Jamaica.  

"Thank you, Jamie.  It means a lot to both of us.  We never meant to cause you anguish, it was just a rushed decision we made, without thinking about any consequences." Maggie says, hugging him.


After telling Fergus the new that Jamie has been let free, she tells him the even better news.

"He's given us his blessing to be married when we dock in Jamaica."

As soon as the words leave her mouth, Fergus is hugging her, spinning her around before kissing her with a huge smile on his face.  

"I cannot wait to make you my wife, properly this time." He says.  "Then we can have those 20 children." He adds smiling cheekily.

"Not that again, Fergus," Maggie replies, her smile matching Fergus.


Not that long of a chapter! 


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