meeting y/n

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Kion's POV: I was just about to leave pride rock to go to the watering hole when my dad said "kion where are you going?" I turned around and said "I'm going to the watering whole is there something wrong dad?" He just. Smiled "just wondering" he said with a unreadable smirk on his face "ok dad what's really going on?" I asked with confusion clearly on my face "your not going to go secretly see any girls are you?" He chuckled "no why would I do that?" I asked in response he just said "I was just joking around" when I finally left I instently thought to myselfthat was weird (10 minutes later) I finally got too the watering whole "yes finally I'm here" I said to myself and started to drink I was right about done when I heard something moving in the bushes near me "hello anyone there?" Who am I kidding there's someone there If it moved if it moved on it's own I wasn't sure if I wanted to peek into the bushes so I just hit the bush with my paw and waited for a response nothing Soo I took a peek and saw a lioness "hello you awake" I asked wanting a response or I would pin her to the ground I mean she is kinda cute no what am I thinking I just found her laying asleep I can't possibly thinking about that I haven't even met her I was gonna pin her down but I just stared she looked so peaceful until I finally built up the courage to tackle her down so I jumped and made sure she had no where to go and no way to get up

Y/n POV I was peacefully asleep when I woke up imedetly to some one tackling me holding me down I then yelled "HEY I WAS SLEEPING!" I bit the Cubs paw hard enough to hurt him but not a serious injury just so he would let me go he grunted in pain and let go "didn't your mother tell not you not to mess with a lioness while there asleep?!" I calmed down and said "hey is your paw ok?" I asked with simpathy "no thanks to you, you bi..." I cut him of before he could finish "hey you can't be talking you woke me up!" Kion finally looked at her once he saw at her he shyly looked away I noticed "hey what's wrong?" I asked with confusion clear in my voice once I said that I also noticed a bit of blush "what are you blushing about?" I laughed at him his face went tomato red once I said that I burst out laughing he managed to shake it of he then looked at me and asked "what's your name I'm kion leader of the lion guard and yes my paw is fine thanks for asking" he clarified I thought could he possibly have a crush on me? I was paying attention too but when he finished talking I said "I'm Y/N nice to meet ya and I'm glad your paws ok" I said with a smile "well I gotta go" I told kion getting up once I said that he frowned then he asked something that made me smile "hey Y/N wanna be freinds?" He asked nervously I decided to play around with him I said "no" that broke him for a second I then said "I know I wanna be freinds" he with joy smiled "meet you here tomorrow around the same time just don't wake me up if im asleep atleast if you don't wanna get hurt" I joked he chuckled and said "not unless you can catch me" I laughed and said "you never answered my question why we're you blushin..."ok bye" he cut me of and also said " you should meet my dad king of the pridelands" he said "fine" I yelled while I was running away

Love you till the end. kionxreader slow updates read desc whyWhere stories live. Discover now