Growing up

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Y/n's POV
Me and kion are now three years old  just one more year till me and kiara get our roles as queen kovu gave up on trying to get with me when I was 1 1/2 years old.

Me and kion have been talking about something to me pretty exciting he had been asking me if I wanted to have a well a cub with him.

(Omg what the heck am I writing right now!😂🤣😂)

I told him I would think about it and my first intension was to say yes so I had decided he was laying right next to me he thought I didn't now he was fake sleeping.

He was waiting for me to quote on quote wake him "hey kion I know your awake you can't fool me that easily" he sat up and smiled.

"How'd you know" he smirked "it's obvious really, you have a certain way of sleeping" I smirked back "so made up your mind or do you need more time to think" he asked.

"No I made up my mind already" I told him his eyes big with curiosity "about what" we heard simba coming in to the room.

"Dad I'll tell you if you could step outside for a second this will be quick" he nodded and left "as I was saying let's do it let's have a cub" I whispered to him.

The second I backed up from his ear I could tell my the dreamy smile of his muzzle he was happy "earth to kion you there" he nodded "your dad's waiting outside" I told him he nodded and left.

Kions POV
She said yes I'm so happy but right now I have to put that aside hopefully dad won't be mad at me "so what's going on kion you seem a bit unfocused" he asked.

"Dad, please don't be mad" He chuckled "why would I be mad at you" he asked "so I asked y/n a really important question in the morning" I told him.

"And what would that be" he asked "are you two getting married" he asked with excitement "I wish but it's a little bigger then that" I told him.

"Then tell me already" he told me impatiently "I asked her to have a cub with me okay" his eyes widened "mad, why would I be mad" he told me rapidly.

"What did she say, am I gonna be a grandfather" he asked me "well she accepted, but I don't know how to, mate" he put on this uncomfortableness on his face.

(it was the only fitting word to put there except for that other one which I'm not gonna use)

"Well dad are you gonna teach me or what" I asked awkwardly "oh uh sure" he told me.

After being thought
"This is weird and I didn't like being teached" I thought to myself "that was the most uncomfortable talk I've ever experienced" I told dad.

"Yeah anyways you can go now" he told me I nodded and walked off to meet up with y/n she told me to meet up with her near a watering hole.

I found her she was just there laying down on the ground she looked pretty peaceful and beautiful "so you wanted to meet up" I asked her.

"Hey kion, I'm incredibly bored right now have anything to do" she asked me "nope" I told her she sighed "looks like I have to die of boredom" she joked.

"You can sleep in the lair with me~" I dragged outa "honestly sleeping isn't the worst thing to do right now" she told me I smiled.

"Right lets go" I told her and she got up I didn't realize how close we were to the lair "why are we so close to the lair" i asked.

"I was too lazy to walk" she told me "that sounds so relatable" I told her y/n told me "let's do something?" I asked she nodded "like what" she asked.

3 hours later

"Hey y/n wake up" I told her "what is it?" She asked me "I went hunting so it's time to eat" she yawned and got up as she followed me.

Love you till the end. kionxreader slow updates read desc whyWhere stories live. Discover now