meeting kion's parents

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Simba's POV:
"hey Nala have you seen Kion anywhere?, I haven't seen him since this morning" Simba asked with a little concern.

"I'm sure he's fine he's probably out on patrol" Nala told me calming me a bit "ok I trust you Nala" I said calmly "why you calling me a liar" Nala asked with a playful smile.

"What I didn't say that" I chuckled.

"MOM,DAD" Simba jumped he was startled by kion's screeming Simba just gave kion a irataded look.

"Yes kion what is it?" Nala asks kion, kion was out of breath "ok so I met freind at the watering hole and I was wondering if you could meet her?" Kion asked nervously

"A freind?, And it's a girl" Kiara teased kion "yea it's a girl!" kion yelled at Kiara "does someone have a crush" Kiara teased him again this time kion blushed.

"ahhhhhhh" Kiara yelled in excitement "someone does have a crush" I smiled and thought about all the opertunites of being able of tease kion about it.

"Is this true kion" I asked not wanting to feel like a bad parent by just teasing for no reason.

Kion's POV
once he asked that I felt super nervous I told myself ok I can do this ok "it's true I have a crush on her" I said super nervous not wanting to be unapproved.

"Hey kion I approve of her if you ask her and she says yes" my mom said "so do I" dad said "I do too kion" Kiara said.

My eyes started to tear up and just hugged them "thank you for your approval" Nala then saw a bruise on my paw.

"Hey kion who did that to you?" She asked me "do what?" "The bruise on you paw" "oh Y/N bit me" "excuse me what why did you deserve it or did she do on purpose?" Nala questions me "Both" Nala chuckled "what happened" mom asked me "I woke her up" I said she raised a brow at me "knowing you kion there's more to the story" Kiara claimed Simba and Nala just noded there heads in agreement "okay okay I might have pounced on her while she was asleep." Kion explained "oh well I knew it it's getting dark anyways." Kiara noticed.

"Yea it's time to get some sleep" kion laid down fell asleep.....

Kion woke up to Simba shaking him "I'm up I'm up" kion tried to lay back down but Simba grabbed kion by his nape or neck and draged him outside.

"Dad I just wanna sleep" I said rubbing my eyes "well your already running late to meet up with Y/N" he teased my eyes widened "oh crap gotta go" I took of running.

Where is he I got up so early so I could come and wait for him to be late no I'm sleeping while I wait.

Kion's POV
God I have to run or else she's gonna leave.

2 minutes later

"Ok Y/N I'm here" did she leave then I heard rusleing in the bushes there she is "hey Y/N I'm here let's go meet my parents" something hit me was it dejavu no it was just a sleeping lion "ok I have to be careful this Time".

Again I was asleep in the bush when I felt once again someone tackling me also pinning me down but this time I felt the them holding down my head.

I opened my eyes to see who it was the sun was blinding because I just woke up.

"Hey kion mind getting of me?" I asked not wanting anyone to see us and in general just wanted him of.

"How bout 5 more minutes?" He joked is he being serious he's kinda heavy "yes kion your heavy get of!" I yelled at him.

Than I noticed that Simba,Nala,and Kiara were all watching us from a distance that surprised me.

I pushed kion of he was surprised that I was even able to I then made my way to the royal family.

"Hello your majesty king Simba, queen Nala, and princess Kiara" I said bowing my head.

"Now I understand why kion likes her" she wispered to low for me to hear "you should come back to pride rock with us" Nala suggested "sure why not?" Kion got super excited when I agreed.

While we were walking to pride rock kion stoped me "hey um,m can I ask you something Y/N" kion asked nervously "of course Kion" I was confused and curious to know what he was so nervous about.

"So i-i umm I like you" he wispered I didn't hear him cause he wispered too low for me to hear.

"I'm sorry what?, I could hear you" I asked again "nevermind let's just walk" he said "okay?" I was curious to know what he said.

5 minutes later

We finally got to pride rock so we just chatted for a while I was gonna talk to Kiara when she said "hey Y/n?" I turned to her and asked "yea what's up Kiara?" "Follow me I need to talk to you in private" she walked over to Simba and wispered something into his ear and after she led the way.

Kiara's POV
Should I tell her kion has a crush on her she needs to know "hey y/n?" She turned and gave me her full attention "you know kion has a crush on you right?" She just looked confused.

"No I didn't know I guess that's what kion tried to ask me" y/n said "what do you mean?" She asked "When we were walking back to pride rock he stopped me, but I couldn't hear him so he just said nevermind" I explained.

y/n POV
It all made so much sense now why he always acted weird around me " hey Kiara I have to go" I said getting ready to leave too say bye we walked back in pride rock and said "okay I have to go it's getting late" untill Simba said "hey y/n do you have a home?" "No I just sleep in high grass so I'm safe why" Simba got an idea I could tell by his face "I'm sure kion would like it if you slept here" he said with a evil smirk while looking over at kion "guess I could stay the night" kion just smiled in response while we were sleeping I got cold and cuddled with kion he was sleeping next to me I got the warmth I wanted but at a cost....

Anyways I'm doing these on my phone so it's going to take me a while like 3 hours to get a chapter in I'll try to make one a day so yea have a great day

Love you till the end. kionxreader slow updates read desc whyWhere stories live. Discover now