the outlander

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Kion's POV
I woke up to Y/n missing? "Hey y/n where are you at?" I started to get up I was about to walk out when.

I saw the entrance I was nearly out when all of a sudden y/n face popped up from the entrance.

I jumped, I almost swiped my claws at her face I was super close to claw her face thankfully she backed up.

"Woah woah woah" she looked mad "you trying to slice my face off?" She asked with a serious face.

"W-w-what no I would never, you just scared me is all" I tried to sound brave in the last part.

"I'm just messing with you were just scared, can you believe it leader of the lion guard scared" she said playfuly I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways what do you want to do today?" I asked her "I thought since its my free day I thought we could have a" I stoped on the last part.

She looked at me confused "did you say something or did you mumble it?" She asked.

I sighed hoped for the best "maybe we can go on a date?" I asked nervously she looked shooked.

"Sorry I don't think I can" I frowned "I get it I know a rejection when I hear one" I said sadly "kion I know I can Im free all day" she told me I went from sad to happy.

"I knew you wouldn't disappoint me" she looked at me confused "you think I'ma disappointment?" She looked at me angryly.

"Nononono that's not what I meant" I repeated "mhmm" she sounded so sure that's what I meant.

"If you want we can cancel the date?" She asked still mad that I called her a disappointment.

"Please no I don't wanna lose this chance I'll do anything" I pleaded she smirked evilly "anything huh I'll hold you to that" that got me worried.

What was she gonna do to me hopefully nothing to bad "hey Y/n I have to go get a drink" I told her.

2 minutes later

"Ok time to get some water" I'm drinking water when I hear someone in the bushes.

"Hey who's there?" I asked "don't worry kion it's just me" as Tiffu?! Came out of the bushes.

"Tiffu are you stalking me?!" I yelled at her "well I thought maybe I could go on a date with you" she asked nervously.

She pinned me down and kissed me "kion what's taking you so lo..." I heard y/n she looked at me shooked she stepped back.

"Tiffu get of, of me" I told her "well now that your not with her wanna be with me?" She asked with some blush.

"I told you to get of, of me!, I will never I mean never be with you!" I yelled and slapped her but didn't scar her.

Kiara's POV
I saw Tiffu come running back to me bursting in tears in my head I told myself that's what you deserve.

I put on a fake frown "Tiffu what's wrong?" She sniffled a bit and said "kion rejected me and slapped me" she burst out in tears again.

In my head I burst out laughing "oh Tiffu I'm so sad for you but he does have a girlfriend" Tiffu then said something that made me shook.

"But I broke kion and y/n up because I pinned him to the ground and kissed him" she told me I was furios that she would do that.

"You what!?!" I yelled at her she backed up feeling intimated "I thought you would be happy?" She asked confused

She looked scared from my glair "cmon your gonna explain to Simba what you did" I said angryly.

Love you till the end. kionxreader slow updates read desc whyWhere stories live. Discover now