Scorpion stings y/n

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Kion's POV
"Hey kion can I go with your dad?" She asked "is he anywhere close because I don't want you getting lost" I told her.

"No he left towards the mountains ten minutes ago, why?" I sighed "no you can't go your gonna get lost" she rolled her eyes at me.

"Pleeeeeaaaassseeeeeeee" she asked again "I told you no c'mon it's time for bed anyways" she scofed "ugh fine" she sounded irataded.

"It's for your own safety c'mon" I said sympatheticly she just followed me "I know" she mumbled.

We got to the lair I laid down "goodnight" once she laid down I kissed her goodnight "goodnight kion see you tomorrow" she said evilly I was to tired to notice it tho.

"Goodnight kion see you tomorrow" I smirked evilly I laid awake waiting for kion to fall sound asleep.

1 minute later

"Now I can go hopefully kion isn't going to be that depressed" I heard footsteps "your not going anywhere" I looked up.

"Kiara?" She got a smug look on her face "y/n y/n y/n your very prodictivle" I looked confused.

"What ever you do don't wake kion" I pleaded she looked at me with a smile like she was about to yell.

"Why so you can run away again?" She argued my face went to tears "I just want to see my parents again I miss them so much please Kiara I haven't seen them in years" I cried silently.

She looked at me sympatheticly "go I'll make sure kion doesn't wake up" I went up to hug her.

"Thank you Kiara I'll miss you and kion and all my friends here" I said while hugging her.

"I'll miss you too" I ran out hopping to catch up with simba so we won't be lonely

5 minutes later

simba's POV
I was walking peacefully "I kinda miss everyone I wish I could atleast bring one person" I sighed.

"Boo!" I almost fell to the ground that startled me "y/n?, Why are you here?" I told her sternly.

"Well I just wanted to see my parents so I snuck out" she told me nervously I sighed.

"Go back before kion gets you introuble once we get back" I told her "but but I also wanted to get out of pridelands" she told me.

"Why?" I asked "well you know kion he doesn't let me have fun anymore" she explained.

"What do you mean?" I asked her slightly confused she yawned in response "huh" she asked.

"C'mon lay on my back I'll carry you" she shook her head "we'll get there faster if I also walk" I knew she was right.

"When did you last get sleep it's the middle of the night" I asked "about yesterday" she said and collapsed I caught her though.

"Woah woah woah there come lay on my back" she was about to argue "and that's final you need rest" she sighed.

I lowered my back so the white lioness could hop on my back "are you su.." I cut her of.

"What I did I just say" she frowned and got on "no wonder why kion gives you such a hard time" I mumbled.

"I heard that" she spoke I chuckled "go on to sleep" she yawned and put her head down closing her eyes.

Next morning

I was thinking maybe I should take her back but then she'll call me a betraying monster I heard a yawn.

"Morning sleepy head we're almost home" she looked at me confused "your not taking me back are you?" She asked "no to your real home"  she sighed.

Love you till the end. kionxreader slow updates read desc whyWhere stories live. Discover now