The past

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I woke up in a dark place "hello" my voice echoed "hello my dear Y/n" a lioness said she looked a lot like nala kions mom.

"First of all, who is you?" I asked kinda creeped out she chuckled "I'm your grandmother sarafina" she told me with a sweet smile.

"You do not understand your powers" my ears went down "I believe you because I don't use them at all only when it's an emergency" she rolled her eyes.

"Or when your racing your future king kion" my eyes widened "how do you know both of those things?" I asked she smiled.

"I still keep in contact with your father, nala, and shade your brother and believe it or not I've spoken to kion a couple times" I gave her my best 'what did you tell him!' Face.

"Nothing really but I'm also here to make sure you remembered your survival skills" I raised a brow "why would I need to remember?" I asked.

Sarafina's POV
I really wanna just slap her right here and now but no I won't "because I want you to live like you did the past year alone hunting and not dieing of hunger" I told you her.

"How do you know these things?" She asked I winked "i have my ways of course anyways I need you to remember the pain of what happened all those years of fighting for your life" her eyes widened.

"You mean how everyday I would get hurt nor hunting nor just going on a simple walk can I just forget I have a better life now!" She yelled at me.

"I don't have to worry about dieing in my sleep from some hungry tiger hunting for some easy pray okay not anymore atleast!" She yelled at me.
"Let me forget everything let me forget that I'm lucky to be alive!" I sighed "I was hurt everyday even when I went to look for help when I found someone they'd hurt me" she looked down with tears in her eyes .

"And it wasn't just a slap it would be a marry the future king here or die!" She had more tears in her eyes "I'm sorry y/n I just dont want you to get hurt" I told her.

"And if you could reach out to me why didn't you!?, I was so lonely over those years I needed someone a friend but at that state it pushed all my hope down!"
She told me

"I just felt like giving up just letting one of those tigers just take my life I didn't want to be alone" she started to break down I felt bad for making her talk about her past.

"I'm sorry for making you talk about your past Y/n and I'm sure you didn't want to go" I hugged her she hugged back "I'll forgive you as long as you don't meantion any of this to kion" she told me I nodded.

"Okay go now I bet your friends are worried sick for you" she looked at me confused "umm how do I" she asked I forgot about that so I made a joke.

"I was just kidding you can't who ever gets in a dream with me means there dead" her eyes widened "finally" I gave her a dumbfounded look.

"I was just kidding" she was confused "I thought kion and them was just a dream" I chuckled "nope but seriously you should go back" she nodded as I sent her back.

'That was weird' I thought to myself and I opened my eyes I pretended my head hurt "ahh my head, what happened" kion came over and nuzzled me.

"How long was I out for?" I asked it felt like 10 minutes but I'll listen to kion "you've been out for a whole day you passed out yesterday" my eyes widened and my jaw dropped.

"It felt like 10 minutes, I'm so sorry Kion" he smiled as I nuzzled him "don't be but you did have me worried" he told me.

"It's a habit and my job to scare you" I said sarcastically "well it's not your job to scare the royals or the guard young lady" I heard zazu.

Love you till the end. kionxreader slow updates read desc whyWhere stories live. Discover now