the truth

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I woke up too wispers I yawned "she'd make really good mate for kion don't you think?" Kiara wispered to Nala "yes she really would" Nala answered.

"Good Morning Kiara, queen Nala" I said while I tryed to get up I looked back and saw kion's arms wrapped around me "umm kion?" Nala and Kiara chuckled.

"Can someone help me get out of kion's arms" I asked while looking at the two in front of me.

"Sure" Kiara said and she wispered to her mom "we'll get you out, when my husband See's this" Nala said playfuly.

5 minutes later

"Hey I'm back" Simba said while walking in "hey you should see this Simba" Nala said with a smirk "see what?" I heard king Simba talking with Nala.

"You'll see follow me" Kiara said with a evil smirk mean while Simba was confused I could tell by the look on his face.

By this time kion had woken up but he kept me held down he didn't admit it but he wanted to stay like that.

"Kion please unwrap your arms" I asked politely he wanted for his father too see but what anoyed me most was that he kept pulling me closer to him and that kinda made me uncomfterble.

Then Simba walked in and I was embarrassed he started laughing "s-s-stop laughing" but he laughed harder.

"How long has had you like this" he asked me "since the morning" he burst out laughing so did kion.

While kion was laughing he was losing a little grip little by little so when he lost too much grip on me I burst out of his arms.

"Finally see ya kion I'm never sleeping here again" I was almost out when I fell to the ground.

I looked to see what happened and saw that Kion had tackled me he was on top of me.

He blushed but wrapped his arms around me and laid back down and asked "Y/n?" "Yes Kion?" I asked he blushed and said "I like you" he said and licked my cheek.

"Kion?" Y/n said he raised his ears and was nervous "yea?" He asked "I don't think I like you like that" I said he imedetly frowned he was broken.

I winked at his parents when kion wasn't looking "kion you didn't let me finish you just stared crying" I said "ok finish" he said still crying but this time silently.

"I know I like you like that" I licked his cheek his ears went up imedeitly he started crying in my shoulder.

Kion's POV
When she said that my heart stopped I was so happy "so Y/n would you like to be my girlfriend" I mumbled "would you stop mumbling, and ask your question?" She asked.

"S-sorry I'm nervous" I explained "nervous of what" she asked me "that you might say no," she looked confused until I said "Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked she looked shooken but then she said "kion we just met like three days ago I don't think I can" I frowned but this time she was being serious.

"Please Y/n" she looked hesitant but gave in "fine Kion" I smiled and nuzzled her and tackled her to the ground and licked her cheek she returned it.

Nala's POV
We were just watching this whole ordeal we were definitely proud of kion "I'm surprised she said yes but atleast she didn't leave him heart broken and I'm proud" she told me "yea I'm proud as well" I said proudly.

He then jumped on her which surprised me he licked her cheek she returned it "woah woah woah kion do you two need some privacy" Kiara joked kion and Y/n blushed.

"Reminds me of when I found Simba"
I said playfuly "yes those were the good days" he looked at me with a smirk.

"so Y/n would you like to sleep here again" I asked "noo" she looked at kion irataded kion just laughed nervously.

"Please Y/n" he begged as she was getting ready to leave "fine, as long as you don't wrap your arms around me" she said "okay" he walked over to Kiara and Simba and wispered something to them then he came to me.

"No promises" he wispered too Me I chuckled lightly so Y/n wouldn't hear.

"Come on I'll introduce you to the lion guard aka my freinds tomorrow (literally)

Ok hope you enjoyed this chapter I've been working on it since 4:36 am so yea I'll introduce the lion guard to y/n tomorrow and have a great day

Love you till the end. kionxreader slow updates read desc whyWhere stories live. Discover now