CHP. 9 • New Recruits •

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It was the next day of school and Osoro was currently looking for Y/N. She hadn't seen her all morning and was growing increasingly worried as the day passed. She knew Y/N never missed school, even if she was sick, so the blonde naturally assumed the worst possible scenario.

"Uhm... Shidesu-chan?" called a soft voice from behind her. Osoro turned to glare at the person, but relaxed her gaze once she realized it was Umeji. However, he wasn't the only one there, as behind him stood four other boys. Osoro frowned at them and turned to the salmon-haired boy expectantly.

"Yes Kizuguchi, what do you need?" she asked, causing Umeji to turn a shade of red from embarrassment.

"I-I was just wondering... since you said that you would teach me how to stand up for myself, could you perhaps teach my friends too?" he asked with hopeful eyes. Osoro glared at him and scoffed.

"So what, just because I showed you some kindness, you have now decided to use it to your advantage?"

Umeji gained a panicked expression on his face. "W-What!? No! Not at all! I-It's just they have the same problem as me when it comes to... well, bullying, and I thought that if you could teach me, why not them too?"

Osoro gave him a hard stare, causing one of Umeji's friends to place a hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Umeji-san, I don't think she wants to help us" muttered a boy with short blue hair, who only came up to Umeji's shoulder. The salmon-haired boy sighed and nodded his head.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right" he muttered beginning to walk away. However, he was quickly stopped by a tight grip on his elbow. Umeji turned around with evident fear, only to have Osoro smirk at him with a strange light glowing in her brown eyes.

"Rule number one: don't look like you're about to shit yourself" spoke Osoro with a scolding voice, "Even if you find yourself in a situation where you're outnumbered, don't allow yourself to look scared. People feed on fear, is that understood?"

Umeji nodded in awe, but quickly caught himself, establishing a neutral expression instead. Osoro gave him a praising look and quickly turned to the others.

"Well? Are you losers in or what?"

The group exchanged glances excitedly. Learning to defend themselves was a great prospect in itself, but learning self-defense from Osoro? That just made the deal ten times better.

"Yes!" they chorused, causing Osoro to grin.

"Okay then, follow me."

The group made it outside and Osoro led them towards the incinerator where her and Y/N usually ate. She stopped at the wall and turned around to stare them down.

"Okay, so we'll meet here every day from now on, understood?"

The group nodded, causing Osoro to continue.

"Firstly, you will need to learn how to fight, that much is obvious. Secondly," she spoke turning towards the group, "you will need to learn how to carry yourself in public. Do you think you can do that?"

Once again the group nodded. Osoro continued to look at them with a blank expression, but suddenly she lunged at Umeji, earning a small yelp of surprise from him. Osoro frowned and let go of him.

"Idiot! I didn't even hit you and you're already acting like I'm about to torture you. What did I say about appearance!?"

Umeji's face turned red, "S-Sor-"

"Don't apologise!"

"Sor-, I-I mean...."

Osoro almost facepalmed at the boy's incessant stuttering. Why did she decided to do this again?

To Fear or Be Feared || Umeji Kizuguchi x Reader || COMPLETED ✓Where stories live. Discover now