CHP. 28 • Rule-Breaking Monday •

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The two girls woke up with excitement the next morning in anticipation for what they were going to to do that day. The delinquents had discussed the plan in detail and they were more than prepared to carry it out.

As Y/N stretched, she glanced outside the window, only to see that the sky was clear, practically void of all cloud. She smiled slightly. Even the weather seemed to be on their side today.

"You ready to go eat?" Osoro called from the doorway, leaning casually on her hand as she spoke. Y/N turned to her with a bright smile.

"Yep, just let me get ready first."

After Y/N was done putting on her uniform and whatnot, she left the bedroom with her school bag in hand. The H/C-haired girl quickly walked downstairs and sat down at the kitchen table to begin eating her breakfast. The two girls were done in no time and before they knew it, they were already heading towards the school. As they approached the entrance, they could already spot some of the members hanging out near the incinerator.

"Heya guys! You ready to defy authority?" asked Y/N jokingly, earning a round of chuckles and mischievous looks from the delinquents.

"Hell yeah!" hollered Gaku, causing Dairoku to cuff him. Y/N merely rolled her eyes at their behaviour, before standing in front of the group with her hands over her hips.

"Right, who has the fireworks again?" she asked, turning her head to glance at each individual member. Hayanari raised his hand and came forth with two large packets in his hands.

"Here you go. We have self starting, heat requiring and a hell of a lot of confetti" he said, grinning in accomplishment. Y/N smirked at him and gave him a high-five .

"Brilliant work Hayanari! Now all we have to do is arrange them in such a way that no one would be able to spot them" she spoke, as she opened the bags and began handing out fireworks to everyone.

After they were finished planning the finishing touches, the group set to work. It took them a while to complete this task, but eventually they were finished and ready for action. School had already begun a few minutes ago and the delinquents sat in their respective places, waiting for the signal to fire. Suddenly, they saw a bright light flashing on the roof top of the school, causing Osoro to begin the countdown through their group call.

"Five, four, three, two, one, FIRE!"

Loud whizzing sounds could be heard from every corner of the school, eliciting almost every head inside the building to turn and look out of the window. Students and teachers alike gasped as they saw bright multicolored streaks zooming into the air, only to explode into a multitude of colours.

"Who did this!?" yelled a teacher from somewhere along the school grounds, searching for the misbehavers. The group snickered as Osoro stood up from her hiding place, only to yell 'MERRY CHRISTMAS' and run away. That had not been part of the plan, but as the delinquents clutched their stomachs from laughter, they found that it was so worth it. The teacher exclaimed a string of angry curse words and promptly sprinted to catch the blonde.

"Shudesu, get back here this instant! You shall be suspend for this!"

"Osoro" Y/N spoke through her laughter in the group chat, "Should we back you up here? You are literally going to be chased down and suspended."

Osoro merely barked a laugh, while aiming her camera to show the fuming teacher behind her. "Nope, I'm good. I hate school anyways so I'll take this one for you guys."

"But Osoro, this is already the second time! You don't want to be expelled, do you? It's a lot more fun with you here you know!" Y/N exclaimed incredulously, causing Osoro to sigh.

"Sure, whatever. I know what I'm doing so just go to class before you're linked to this situation."

Y/N shook her head at her friends behaviour, but decided to comply. "Okay guys, in we go."

The group quickly scrambled inside before any of them got caught outside, and met up in the hallways.

"Guys, that was awesome" commented Umeji, grinning from ear to ear. He was met with the appreciative voices of his friends, who congratulated him on the success of planning such an amazing scheme.

Meanwhile Osoro was still running from the teacher. She supposed that she will probably not be allowed into school for another week, but in fact, she didn't mind at all.

Who needed school anyways?

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